Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Shopping with Benjamin


Yesterday afternoon, Benjamin and I set out to buy "stuff".  I had already bought him a small wooden box which I assumed we could paint and decorate and then he could use it for his treasures!  Benjamin was convinced that our afternoon wouldn't be complete without a trip to Five Below.  Five Below is a store that is filled with an enormous array of things, nothing over $5.00 and nothing of high quality.  But - it is - a child's paradise.

We took a cart and went aisle by aisle looking for just the right things.  We didn't always agree on what we (I) were going to buy.  Some serious negotiations went on when he spied several must have items.  We ended up with a flying helicopter which is a lot of fun as it goes spinning through the air - outside only!  I also bought a glass stone painting kit, which he and I may get to enjoy together today.  

Benjamin sees better than I do - duh - and found a tiny Beanie Baby Wolf, plus a stretchy rabbit toy (which, if he's not careful, will end up in Sam's mouth)!  I also bought him some more baseball cards, possibly to put inside his treasure box.

Before Benjamin's visit, I stopped by Michaels and bought an easy to assemble Easter Bunny house.  For once (and this really doesn't happen very often), I actually understood how to put the house together and Benjamin had a great time adding all the foam pieces to make windows, a door and flowers.  

In just the short time that Benjamin has been here, the condition of my house puts a new definition to "lived in".  There is a racetrack, blocks, bits and pieces of leftover foam on the dining room, shoes, socks and a jacket tossed on the sofa.  The real beauty of a sleepover is that after Benjamin goes home, it takes me mere minutes to put things back to normal, whatever normal is.

At the moment, Benjamin has taken an old piece of rope and is trying to throw it onto a branch in a maple tree.  So far, no luck, but the day is young.


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