Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Places I Go


The places I go sounds like it should be in a Winnie The Pooh book.  But in truth, it's my somewhat pathetic attempts to get out of the house.  It appears that nobody wants me to be a recluse (or more of a recluse than I already am).  My marching orders from my doctor was that I had to leave the house every day - the library - the grocery store - McDonald's.  The destination didn't matter, the going out was what was/is important.

Yesterday, I started my day with a new therapist, let's call her my "talk" therapist.  My talk therapist will see me weekly and I'll start stretching the time I actually see my psychiatrist.  So once my head was shrunk, I drove over to a local shopping area that used to house the store Big Lots.  Big Lots was a place you could go and find junk - real junk.  Ah, but sometimes if you were lucky, you could also find great stuff.  In any event it was a neat place to browse.  Shocker for me, Big Lots is gone and has been replaced by a furniture store.  You know the kind I'm talking about, where you can get an entire set of living room furniture for $999, or perhaps even less.

I then went to the library in search of my large type books and found several that look interesting. The good part about getting books from the library is that if after I've turned a few pages, and I'm not hooked, I can simply return the book and get another.  There was a time when I bought books, lots of books, books I can't read anymore, because most of them are paperbacks.

My going out didn't end with the library.  Nope, I went to the Dollar Store, which should be renamed.  I found next to nothing in the store that actually cost a dollar!  There were five dollar, six dollars, eight dollar items, etc.  I actually wasn't there to shop because most of what they sell is of poor quality, which in and of itself, I don't mind - I just didn't see anything that I couldn't live without.

By the end of my shopping adventure, it was nearly dinner time.  I knew that Jeff was going to go to Scott's house after work, so I didn't have to cook.  Yeah.  A quick trip through Burger King for their chicken sandwich, went home, plopped down in the recliner and watched Judge Judy.

I'd say that I should get at least a B for effort in getting out of the house!


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