Friday, March 27, 2015

Where's My Stuff?


Have you ever wondered what happened to things you used to own?  No?  Well take a few minutes to ponder where an old, but loved, winter coat got off to, for example.

Thinking about writing about this subject had me thinking of my own stuff.  Where is the old transistor radio (remember those?) that we used to take each summer to Newport Beach?  Once we moved to the East, and eventually spent a week or two at the beach, we no longer carried any "tunes" with us.  Perhaps because we can't find the radio - or we tossed/donated, etc.

When I was in high school earning my pittance of a salary working for my Mother at her office, I bought myself a very high end winter coat with a mink collar that you could hook to make it into a circle around your neck, or unhooked so that it was just laid out flat.  Where's the coat?  I'm guessing that when we left Illinois in '68 headed for California, that coat was again tossed (doubtful) or donated (more likely).

I had an old desk when I was a teenager that my Dad and I painted a dingy shade of white and then put a dark stain on top and used cloths to make a very crummy piece of furniture into something really pretty, by my standards.  On the back of the desk, were mine and my Dad's fingerprints in paint!  The desk is long gone and was worth nothing, so perhaps it was sold at a garage sale before we left for California.

I don't remember what exactly I did with the boys' baby clothes.  I probably donated them after having Andrew and knowing that there would be no more babies.  I do still have baby blankets that were crocheted or knitted by friends.

We had an old cement mixer that Jeff and his Grandfather used to make cement to stucco our house in California.  When we had our garage sale to move to Maryland, I doubted that anybody would want a stupid old cement mixer.  Turns out multiple people wanted it!  Who knew?

I wish I knew where our old Pong game system was.  I enjoyed it back then and am pretty sure I would still like playing.  It was a simple game and one that I could actually understand.  

I wonder why we keep some stuff from our past and other things seem to just drift away.  I have a merry-go-round that my Dad bought for me when he was stationed in England and I was oh two years perhaps.  That means I've owned it for over 60 years.  Likewise, I have a large bride doll that was a Christmas gift when I was a young girl, and she is still with me and sits in my curio cabinet.

After pondering where some of your things are, we likely can't remember all of the things that were once a part of our live and now merely a memory.


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