Thursday, April 30, 2015

Flies, Ants, and so On


Now that spring seems to be officially here, as opposed to some days that are nice and others that are not, the bugs are also here.

Yesterday, in the kitchen was a fly.  This sucker was huge.  You could have put a saddle on him and rode him around.  I got out my fly swatter, but the moment I did, the fly disappeared.  I'm wondering if they have some kind of fly training about fly swatters!  Flies aren't much trouble, just annoying when they buzz around your head.

In the past, spring has also meant the march of the ants in my kitchen.  I don't know where they go the rest of the year, but when the weather warms up, here they are.  Makes me think of that song - The ants go marching one by one, etc.  I personally find the ants reeeeeeeeeeeeeally annoying.  Keep your tiny little bodies outside, where you belong.  I don't want you in my kitchen - ever.

We have a bumble bee or maybe two that buzz around the mailbox.  They must have a home in the wood (can't think of the word) thing that the mailbox sits on.  When I go out to get the mail, there is always one out there flying around.  I know that if I don't bother them, they won't bother me.  This, however, has never reassured me.  What if a bee is having a really bad day, and you're just an innocent bystander but he decides to sting you anyway?

Then, of course, there are the bugs you cannot see.  Last year with my weak gardening attempts, I was bitten by something more than once on the legs.  This year, when the gardening bug bites me, and it will, I will be prepared.  I have bought some bug spray as well as some kind of "bracelet" that has bug repellant on it.   My attempts at gardening are at best a joke.  And I don't consider weeding as part of gardening.  My theory is if it's green, then leave it alone.

I do want to buy an azalea bush for the backyard.  They grow quite big and I have an ideal space in the backyard for one.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015



Craigslist, a electronic bulletin board, if you will, where you can buy, swap and sell just about anything.  I've tried selling a few things on Craigslist, with what I consider very little success.  

I sold last year all of Benjamin's wooden play food and appliances, for what I believed a very good price.  Still the woman who eventually bought the food, nit-picked about what she was willing to buy.  Seriously?  We're just talking about play food.  She didn't want to take everything that I believe I was selling for $10.00.  The things I was selling were made by Melissa and Todd and there toys are very well made and worth the money.

For the past month or so, I've been trying to sell a Britax car seat.  The car seat was only used occasionally by Benjamin when he stayed overnight.  Yes, it was past it's "expiration" date, but the car seat was in excellent condition - no stains - no tears.  I started to try and sell the car seat for $75.00, which was a bargain, considering the original price I paid of $300.00.  The lady was a bit worried about the 2008 manufacturing date, and I assured her that the car seat had never been in an accident, and truthfully I could think of nobody who would toss out a $300.00 car seat because it was no longer under warranty.  She agreed.

Then I moved down to $70.00 - nothing.  The car seat is big, bulky and heavy and I just wanted it gone.  I've nowhere to store it, and since it was beyond it's expiration date, there were very few interested in it.

At $65.00, someone finally called me yesterday.  And, if wonders never cease, actually came to the house last night!  She loved the car seat, which she was buying for her grandchild.  She asked if I would take $55.00 and I agreed.  

I suppose I could have held out for a higher price, but who knows how long I might have to wait for someone who would buy it.  As they say, a bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush!

My next Craigslist challenge is to sell my Britax Frontier booster seat.  That car seat is still within it's warranty date, and like the car seat I sold yesterday, is clean, no stains and no tears.  I'm sure that whatever price I start with when I list it, won't be the price that I actually get for it!  Such is business I guess.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Birthday Shin-Dig


This Saturday, Jeff and I are going to Scott's house for dinner and to help him celebrate his 37th birthday!  I know, I know, I look way too young to have a son that old - but when you've got great genes what can I say.

I've booked myself to bring deviled eggs - lots. It is amazing how fast those little buggers can get consumed.  If you try to be delicate and eat only half, you may end up with the other half on your lap.  So, it's probably to just pop the whole thing in your mouth and for a few seconds be unable to speak, unless you want to spit out egg along with your words!  Not a pretty sight I assure you.

I've also opted to bring a bean dish.  Don't groan this casserole of sorts is very good and was always a hit when I served it.  And no if you're wondering, it's not just a can of beans heated up.  Here's the recipe.  If you make it - they will eat it - I promise!

Fourth of July Bean Casserole

Background:  this recipe came from a Taste of Cooking magazine in 1994.  The beans are delicious and is one  of the boys’ favorite dishes.

½ pound sliced bacon, diced
½ pound ground beef
1 c chopped onion
1 can (28 oz) pork and beans
1 can (17 oz) lima beans, rinsed and drained
1 can (15 oz) kidney beans, rinsed and drained
½ c barbecue sauce
½ c ketchup
½ c sugar
½ c packed brown sugar
2 T prepared mustard
2 T molasses
1 teas. salt
½ teas. chili powder

In a large skillet, cook bacon, beef and onion until meat is  browned and onion is tender.  Drain and transfer to a greased baking dish (I use a crock pot instead).  Add all of the beans and mix well.  In a small bowl, combine the remaining ingredients and stir into the beef and bean mixture.  Cover and bake at 350 for 45 minutes. Uncover and bake 15 minutes.  Or put in the crock pot for several hours.

So while the recipe does call for pork and beans, by the time you add in all the other stuff, it becomes so much more.  For your next "BYOD" (bring your own dish) event, you might try this.


Monday, April 27, 2015

To Dig or Not to Dig


As the weather warms up, my inner gardener begins to speak to me.  Of course, my inner gardener also knows that the body (mine) isn't exactly attuned to doing laborious work.  And, unfortunately, my ship of gold hasn't arrived yet, so there is no "outer" gardener to do the work for me.  

Last spring I bought myself some "real" gardening tools.  No lightweight, bright pink, flimsy shears for me - nope I bought manly shears and also manly long shears, for the really big jobs!  Also last spring I bought myself a series of plants, which since I don't have a green thumb, had to baby along most of the spring and into the summer.  I'm happy to report that said plants have begun to rise from the ground - will miracles never cease?

Since I insisted last year that Jeff "trim" the Leyland Cypress trees in the backyard, our yard is somewhat exposed.  I thought and still do that the trimming was a good idea, because these trees are shallow rooted and over the course of 29 years have become quite tall.  Okay, once the trimming was finished, more of our backyard was exposed (horrors) and that's where new plants came into play last year.

While we lived in California, we grew roses.  The temperature was right and the winters were mild.  We haven't tried roses here, because they do need some work and our winters can be downright nasty at times.

I don't want to plant annuals, because if I am going to go to the trouble of messing around in the dirt, I for sure don't want to have to plant something new in that place again next year, etc.  Nope only perennials for me.  Plop them in the ground, give 'em some water when they're new and then I pretty much forget about them.

I'm a bit interested in something called a Hummingbird Vine, which looks pretty and who doesn't love those little birds.  I can also buy plants that attract butterflies - or - always an option - buy a plant that doesn't attract anything!

If I could (a) afford it and (b) more importantly physically able, I would love to have the ground around our fence line covered in all manner of plants, both flowering or not.  I do have a little shovel (it's for kids actually) that I used last year to dig up the ground for my new plants.  I'm thinking about an Azalea plant because they are very colorful and become quite large over time.  

Since my time spent in the garden is dictated by how good I feel, there is no danger of my ever being able to fill out the fence line with back-to-back plants.  I can, however, get one or two plants and get them into the ground and watch with great satisfaction as they grow.


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Weather and Whether


Weather.  It should really be spelled whether.  Why?  Because the weather determines whether I (a) can be outside without getting wet and/or cold; and (b) most importantly, do I need to shave my legs and have a pedicure so that I can wear sandals.  I know there might be, and surely are, more important issues out there in the world, but for women taking care of (b) is right up there on the top ten list of things we need to do.

During the winter, our toes are covered, so pedicures aren't so important.  But, once it's sandal season, pretty toes are downright mandatory.  Nobody, at least not women, want to go out without getting their feet to look their best.  

Also, in the dead of winter, while you wear long pants, nobody actually knows whether you are shaving your legs.  But ladies, it's spring time now and our "winter coat" on our legs has to be shaved off.  Again, nobody wants to see hairy legs on a woman, not even on oneself!

Then, of course, is the tanning issue.  I have long been a proponent that fat looks better when it's tanned!  Trust me, it's true.  So when the weather warms up a bit, I'll take my ghostly white legs outside to soak up some rays.  There are other ways to avoid that pasty look with all manner of fake tanning products.  I've tried a few and they work, but always seem to leave my hands looking just a bit orange - not a good look!

Men, in my humble opinion, have it easy.  They are meant to have hair on their legs and for the most part, untouched feet.  Such lucky guys.

So ladies, go out and get some sparkle today!


Image result for sparkle toes

Saturday, April 25, 2015



Some of my friends tell me that I'm too sentimental, and I'm okay with that label.  As a mother of three children who worked full-time, I had little time to ponder keeping the boys' artwork, etc.  It seems that when you're in the moment, you believe you'll remember always what the kids are doing and when they did it.  I hope your memory is better than mine, because I can't recall with any clarity who did what and when.  Sad, but true.  I know I'm not alone when it comes to try and keep your children's childhoods.  

Then Benjamin came along.  I was working full-time that was true, but I was filled with the urgent desire to save most of the things he has made over the past seven years.  And yes, my cedar chest is overflowing and threatening not to close soon!

When I receive something from Benjamin, I turn the item over, date it and add his age.  Now when I rummage through the memories in my cedar chest, I can see the progression of not only Benjamin's artwork, animals made from clay and all the cards he has ever made for me.

Why do I keep so many things?  Why do I date them?  I keep these things because a child is only "x" years old only for one year.  I have learned that it's difficult to go back and capture memories.  You need to memorialize them right now, while you know how old the child is and what year the artwork, etc. was made.

I didn't do a very good job of keeping a lot of what the boys made when they were young, and I regret that.  But hindsight doesn't do me any good.  What I can do and am doing, is to catalog (if you will) the things Benjamin has made for me.  

Most of the things in my cedar chest are good memories.  Others are not, but they are still worth remembering.  


Friday, April 24, 2015

What to Wear


I'm in a closet dilemma.  And it's not only about sizes, but seasons.  If I buy pants the inseam for petite women is 28", which is about 2" longer than I need - hence the tailor has made a small fortune off of me!

But now it's spring, or at least the calendar thinks so and I have put away pants and am now opting to wear what I call "shorty pants" - capris to the rest of the world.  Capris on me are just about the right length, almost to my ankle - perfect.  I also have several pair of long shorts, because nobody and I mean nobody wants to see me in shorty shorts!  That ship sailed a long time ago my friends.

I have a box in my closet filled with pants, which I now need to pull out from the closet and set them in the spare bedroom.  Then, I need to fill a new box with my shortie pants and shorts until winter comes back around.  The trouble is that some days it's almost balmy outside, and you can open up the windows and freshen up the air in the house.  Then the next day, it's cloudy and cool and even cold, depending on how thick your skin is!

I love spring because it's a beautiful season and the temperature is generally mild.  I hate summers because of the heat and humidity - I abhor getting into my car and burning my hinny on a hot leather seat!  And with the advent of summer, then we get into the when to turn on the air conditioner.  It costs an arm and a leg to cool the house, so I have invested in several fans to move around the house depending on where I'm sitting.  Smart - I know.

If given the choice, I would rather be cold, because you can always put more clothes on.  If you're too hot, well there's only so many clothes you can take off before you're indecent!  And, truthfully, the more of my body that's covered, the better it is for everyone!

Today is gorgeous outside, so I've decided to be 50/50 in my clothes.  Shorty pants with a long-sleeved shirt.  

I hope the sun is shining where you are.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dame Edna in Review


When Jeff got home yesterday, he reminded me that I had promised to write about the show on Wednesday - and surprise, surprise - I forgot!  That hardly ever happens :)

Stacey and I were front row balcony and had the first two seats.  We liked these seats because it would mean not having to leave your seat and go through "excuse me, excuse me" and knocking into everyone's knees on your way out!  You can be the bumpee or the bumpor.  I'm not sure which one we were, but we had to stand up several times to let folks in or out.

Dame Edna's costumes, one in pink the other blue were, in a word, bedazzled.  There were so many "diamonds" on her dresses and she wore a lot of glittery diamond jewelry, that even if you were in the "cheap" seats, you would still be able to see her.  Of course, her lavender hair, the heavily decorated cat eyeglasses and her delightful way with the audience was fabulous.  She managed to find in the front row a Paula, a Paulette as well as a Paul!  All three of these people played along when she asked them were they lived and did they live in a house, etc.

At the end of the show, she and her dancers threw gladiolas into the audience.  It was hard to see from where we were seating, whether they were real or not, but I suspect they were artificial.  There was a standing ovation, of course, and nobody in the audience wanted the show to end.

After the audience had become quiet, then Barry Humphries came out to tell us that perhaps the Dame Edna Farewell Tour might actually not be her farewell tour.  Barry was born in 1934, which makes him 81 and he's still kicking up his heels.  Barry's Edna has been around for 50 years.

Here is a picture of the man behind the woman who we all love and hope that there might be another farewell, farewell tour!  If Edna ever returns to D.C. - I'm in!

Barry Humphries July 2001.jpg 


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Phone Solicitors


Those of you who know me well, and that would be oh maybe all of you, also know that my getting and up and down is not a fast process.  Actually, sometimes I think turtles move faster than I can and that's no compliment!

So once my chores are done - or at least the chores I've decided to do, I tend to find my recliner, cup of coffee and a book.  Since there is no money in retirement you might as well make the most of your free time and enjoy yourself.  

I can't tell you how many days I'm all comfy in my chair and the phone rings.  Okay, I'm like Pavlov's dog and feel that I must answer the phone.  I'm always afraid that I'm going to miss an important call, but can't actually think of why I'd even have an important call.  

Nine times out of ten, people are calling me to ask if I want to:

  • replace the roof, gutters, windows and/or doors on my house (answer: no)
  • make a pledge to (name your favorite charity) (answer again no) I'm not against donating money to charities, but right now charity begins at home
  • offer to help me with the wireless in my house (answer - I don't have wireless in my home so go away)
  • lawn service
  • magazine offers
  • credit card offers (answer: no)
  • take a brief survey (answer:no)
About the only thing I haven't been offered is a cemetery plot!  And since I'm intending to be cremated the answer to that question would also be no.

I know that the person on the other end of the line is merely trying to earn a living, and I get that.  So I don't want to be rude and just hang up, but lately there have been so many calls, that I have learned, or am learning, to just hang up the phone.

When we lived in California, we received our town's local paper.  One time someone called from the LA Times (big paper) and asked if I wanted to subscribe.  My answer was that I was too weak, to pick the paper up from the driveway!  They never called again.

The day is young, so who knows how many times I'll get up to either hear a recording or an actual person trying to make a sale.  Who knows maybe if I say no to enough people, I'll go into some kind of "no" database and be removed from all cold callers.  Not likely to happen, but a gal can dream.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Dame Edna


Tonight I am getting my Mother's Day present. A present I bought for myself.  Stacey and I are going to DC to see Dame Edna.  For those of you who don't know who that is, he's a female impersonator and is very funny.  Stacey and I lucked out and are sitting front row of the balcony and I'm sure we're going to have a very good evening.  I'm really looking forward to a girls night out!

Since I had appointments at Hopkins yesterday, Jeff took me out to dinner.  We went to Bob Evans.  The restaurant is nothing exceptional but I enjoy the comfort food and the portions ensure that I have "tovers" for my lunch the next day!

Tomorrow, I will give you my critique on tonight's performance.  I know you'll all be waiting!!
Here's a picture of Dame Edna to give you an idea of what he/she looks like.

Image result for dame edna

Monday, April 20, 2015

Cooking Dinner


Dinner.  It occurs every evening and for all the years that I've been married we ate at 6:00, with few exceptions.  

As a teenager, I cooked dinner for the family during the week.  Mother would leave some meat out to thaw, and I was to cook it.  Oh, and potatoes, which if my memory serves me correct, we had most nights.  So over the years, I've cooked hundreds of meals and frankly it's getting to be rather boring.

You can cook hamburger meat, pork, chicken, fish or my famous "one pot wonders". If it's winter, then a stew or soup makes a good meal.  I've used the slow cooker, the frying pan and the oven to cook dinner.  While I like all of the meat I mentioned, could somebody come up with a new recipe.  I don't want a seventeen ingredient recipe, just something relatively easy and tasty would be good as well!  I don't think that's too much to ask.

I watched first my grandmother and then my mother lose their zest in the kitchen as they aged.  Both of them were good cooks, but as they grew older, they cooked less.   Neither of them put much store in presentation (frankly, neither do I), they were about food tasting good and making sure there was plenty.  Maybe I'm losing my "mojo" when it comes to cooking!

Since Jeff and I will be in Baltimore this afternoon, we'll probably eat our dinner out, which will give me an additional night off from cooking.  I cook pizzas on Sunday - end of discussion.

I actually like breakfast for dinner and Jeff makes the absolute best scrambled eggs I've ever eaten.  I remember when we were first married, there was a breakfast at the YMCA, and Jeff volunteered to cook.  When the eggs were served, both my son and I knew that those were Jeff's eggs!

The other problem I have in the kitchen is making too much food.  After cooking for my family for many years, I have yet to fine tune how to make less of something.  How many pork chops do I really need to cook?  I generally cook 4 or 5, but 3 would probably be the right number.  Baked potatoes - I always cook at least one extra because Jeff likes to eat them cold.  If you haven't tried that, they're actually quite good - particularly if you slather butter (for me) or mayo (for Jeff) on top!


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Little, Little League


Yesterday, Jeff and I went to see Benjamin play baseball or t-ball, whatever it's called when little children play.  

Because yesterday was the start of the season, there was a parade where each team were driven by in "floats" of sorts with their team colors and names proudly on display.  Each team tossed candy from their floats, which caused a mad dash by children who were standing by the road.

After the parade, we went to the ball field and each team was announced.  Benjamin's game wasn't until noon, so we went back to their house to have lunch.  It had rained very hard the day or two before the game, so the ground was soggy and muddy.  I was, of course, wearing my white tennies, which needed a thorough scrubbing when I got home.

Benjamin played catcher once, but didn't understand that after the batter leaves home plate, he should stand up and wait to see if someone in the field would be throwing a ball home.  These are such little guys, and the coaches have a world of patience for the players.  At times getting them all to sit on the bench, reminded me very much of trying to herd cats!  The boys were so excited that it was hard for them to sit.

Once when Benjamin was at bat, he hit the ball and managed to get to first base.  There was much cheering from Benjamin's fan club, who clapped and cheered for him throughout the game.  They didn't win, but that didn't matter - they were outside with their friends - having a good time.

After the game, we went back to Andrew's house, and Jeff took over his "Farmer John" duties by sitting on the tractor and mowing the yard - it's a big yard - and takes a lot of time.  Jeff really enjoys this and mowing acreage is not the same as using a regular lawn mower in our small (by comparison) yard!

After dinner, Andrew started a fire in the fire pit, which I generally really enjoy.  But, at the end of the day, I was worn out and my hip gently reminded me that "Arthur" was alive and well!

On our way home, Jeff took us through McDonald's for ice cream cones.  For $1.00, it's a steal and the ice cream is very, very good.

Once home, I got to see just how hot it had been that day.  While I wore capris and a short-sleeve shirt, I definitely have a "farmer's tan" and in the vee opening of the shirt, I was red.  The good thing about my skin is that while it gets red, it generally turns quickly into a tan.  I did wear a large brimmed hat during the game.  I'm willing to accept my arms and legs getting old lady spots, but I don't want them on my face.

I watched just about one hour of television and while it was still early, went to bed and slept soundly until 8:00 this morning!


Friday, April 17, 2015

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!


There isn't, in my humble opinion, a season better than spring.  It's not cold, nor is it too hot.  The weather is somewhere in the middle.  In winter, getting into your car and sitting down can be a teeth chattering experience.  Likewise, in the summer, you can burn your rear end when you get into a car and there's not enough words to express how hot a steering wheel can be.

Even for people like me, who don't go outside much, there is definitely a pull at the moment.  Thanks to all the rain, the lawns are bright green, the Bradford Pear trees are in full bloom with their beautiful white flowers.  Still waiting for the mighty oak in the front yard to wake up, it's always the last one to bud out - but when it does - it's glorious.

If I get my chores done, then I might drag out my new lightweight chair to the front yard and catch some rays on legs that haven't seen the sun in oh about a year!  I am a firm believer that skin looks better when tanned, you don't have to go as far as to burn, just toasty looking!

I've started my laundry (yawn) and cleaned up the kitchen (double yawn).  The whole day is before me and I can do as much or as little as I want.  I no longer feel bad if I don't vacuum every few days, it's not like the dogs care if I pick up their hair!!

Last year I bought some plants for the backyard and babied them until I was sure they were going to grow up.  I might do the same thing this year, but getting up and down is very difficult for me.  Mind you, the end result is lovely.  I can't say the same thing for the backache.  

While my yard guys were here this week, I convinced them in some kind of broken English, to cut down my decorative grass plants and the hostas as well.  There is nothing lovelier than watching new life come out of a brown, dried up stump (for lack of a better word).  

I hope you can get out and enjoy this beautiful day.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Let's Play Ball!


When the boys were young, Saturdays were spent watching either soccer or baseball games.  Kenny was a natural at either sport.  When Kenny played softball, my Dad was always in the bleachers cheering on the team.  Oh, and he ate nachos covered in that gooey cheese, which he loved.

Fast forward 30 years or so and now Benjamin is beginning to play softball.  His first game is on Saturday after a parade down Main Street in town.  The game starts at noon and Mom-Mom is going prepared.  Stacey will bring a lawn chair because my days of sitting on bleachers is over and has been for a very long time!

I'm bringing my bag filled with necessary stuff: water, snacks and sunscreen if needed.  I'm really looking forward to cheering on a team.  Jeff won't make the first game because he and Andrew are going to an auction in the morning - Jeff is bringing the truck - just in case they end up buying something big!

I'm getting down my baseball cap today, which has a larger bill than normal and will help prevent my skin from wrinkling (I wish).  The cap is bright red so Benjamin will be able to see me from the field when he's not watching for balls.

A new generation for Jeff and I, and we will have years of watching sports ahead of us.  I can hardly wait.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Things We Don't Need Now That The Kids Are Grown!


Jeff and I, like most of our friends our age, are empty-nesters.  The kids having lived under our roof for have flown the coop.  So what now?  Good question.

Here's what I do know: with few exceptions we eat on paper plates now.  Why?  Because we can.  We also eat watching television.  Why?  Because we can.

I've given away my china and silverware, because I haven't used them in over 20+ years, and it's not likely that I'm going to start giving extravagant parties anytime soon.

I've gone through my cupboards and have cleared out all the "advertising" coffee mugs that have cluttered up space for far too long.  Not to fret - I did keep one or two in the back of a cupboard, just in case every other coffee cup in the house gets broken, all at the same time!  Jeff uses his large In-N-Out mug every day, with no exceptions.  For me, I like clear coffee cups, but unlike Jeff, I have several of them I've used throughout the day.  Each morning, I wander through the house, picking up my mugs and getting them to the kitchen.  And, if it's a good day, I might even throw them in the dishwasher, but maybe not.

We still shop at Costco and WalMart almost every week.  In reality, if we couldn't get out of our house for a week - we wouldn't starve. Far from it.  My pantry is full and not well organized.  I pile packages of cookies on top of cans of soup.  Yes, I know that sounds messy, but since I'm the person who is generally looking for food in the pantry, I make no excuses.

I learned a long time ago, that sometimes when you need something specific, like say Neutrogena soap, you can't always find it in the store.  The solution to that is simple: I order a supply from Amazon and I never run out.  Amazon is a virtual goldmine of treasures.  They now offer a pantry box, where anything that fits in the box will ship for I believe $5.99.  I used the pantry box recently and actually had trouble filling the box!

I own bath towels, washrags and bedding used only for guests.  Since the only guest that comes to stay is Benjamin, my "good" things are likely to never wear out!  I no longer hold onto shelves of towels that will never be used, because Jeff and I use the super big towels for ourselves.  I do still have all the beach towels which I hang onto optimistically in case we ever return to the beach.  Who knows, it could happen.

Now that I'm retired, I have given away most of my old work clothes.  I kept one or two things just in case we go out to dinner with someone.  Otherwise, I have boxes in the bottom of my closet: (a) short sleeve tops; (b) long pants; and (c) capris.  I obviously trade out item "a" to long sleeves in the winter.  I find that since I'm home most of the time, I tend to wear some of the same clothes each week.  

Of course, I could put cleaning out the pantry on my list, but I find that if you have a lot of time on your hands, you can always put off a chore until another day!


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Post Office (ugh)


Today's "must do" chore was to go to the Post Office and mail tax returns for our two companies.  Piece of cake I said as I pulled out of the driveway.  WRONG!

At 9:00, the line at the Post Office was nearly out the door.  Good grief.  What slows a line down? People.  Practically everybody in front of me was mail challenged.  They wanted to send their tax returns by certified mail (unnecessary in my opinion), but couldn't figure out how to fill out the form.  One lady sealed, opened and resealed (barely) her envelope several times.

My transaction was straight forward.  Three pieces of mail requiring more postage than just one stamp.  To any of the folks who were waiting behind me, I hope they appreciated my speediness!

Of course, if I thought this morning's line was long - just wait for tomorrow!  I can't begin to imagine.  

So until next year, same time, same place, Jeff and I can put tax filings out of our mind. Yeah.

Everybody knows that I like to have something to worry about.  As soon as one worry is finished, then I immediately begin to fret about something new!


Monday, April 13, 2015

Time to Tan!


It's a beautiful spring day here in the East.  A bit cool this morning, but will warm up probably by noon.  Since I just bought myself one of those plastic Adirondack chairs, it's lightweight enough that I can drag it all around the yard looking for the best "rays"!

In high school, my friends and I wanted tans, and we wanted them NOW!  So we slathered a combination of baby oil and iodine on our legs and arms (which are the most important parts to tan, at least we thought so at the time), and parked our hinnies (sp) on lawn chairs and sat there for hours.  Result?  We were tanned.  Worried about skin cancer?  In the 60's are you kidding?  

Fast forward to present day, and while I'm not a screaming maniac about having skin cancer, I also know that too much sun on the face can really age someone - and I don't want that someone to be me.  During the winter, my legs - and probably yours, take on a glorious white pasty look.  This look is not attractive and manufacturers know this.  Hence, the spray stuff you can use on your body every day building your skin up to a tolerable tan color.  Just remember to always wash your hands REALLY WELL after using, otherwise your hands will look orange.  That is not the look you're going for.

Also, back in the 'ol days, we women wore stockings/hose/tights, etc., every day to work.  There were no casual day Fridays, and women didn't go bare legged to work.  Now, of course, the dress code in most offices allows you to wear sandals (pedicures being a must), split skirts and sometimes long shorts - below the knee.  Jeans is seems is almost a universal Friday dress code!

So with any luck today, I can grab a book or my Kindle and sit outside and start the process of turning white legs into tan ones!

Wish me luck.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Tax Man Cometh!


If you're looking at your calendar, you know that the 15th is coming up fast.  Years ago, before the days of Turbo Tax, Jeff and I had our taxes done by an accountant.  I don't remember what we paid, but we always felt that if we were audited, we had the accountant to help us back up our deductions.  Also, a long time ago, you could claim as much sales tax as you could prove, so we saved every receipt and added them up at the end of the year!

Ah, then Turbo Tax came out, and people could and did do their own taxes.  We've been using the program for years, and feel very confident when we file our returns.  For many years, it seemed like all we did was pay on the 15th, until both Jeff and I stopped working in the last part of 2013 and all of 2014.  For sure, we still had to pay taxes on his pension and my disability, but in comparison to years when we were both working, the amount of money on the table was peanuts.

Now, Jeff is working full-time, which is a good thing.  I know he takes the maximum amount of with holdings he can, but over time, it seems like the interest on the house, is just about all you can write off.

So while I keep an eye on the boiling eggs for Jeff's macaroni salad, he's upstairs working away on the taxes and being able to "check the box" (so to speak) that the taxes are done!

Luckily, you can file your state and federal taxes on line, which eliminates the hassle of going to the post office to beat the clock on the night of the 14th!


Friday, April 10, 2015

Ode to Suzie


Today, with a heavy heart, I learned that Suzie, our yellow lab, passed away.  When Suzie was about a year old, she ran away during a heavy snowstorm and she went missing for quite a long time.  She survived by living under people's decks or porches and during the day ransacked garbage cans for food.

With the help of the Humane Society, Suzie was returned to us.  Trouble was it wasn't the same Suzie that we had before.  While on her own, we believe her "wild dog" instincts kicked in and once she was home, it was apparent that in some ways, she was not like the dog we had known.  

Suzie was still a lovable lab but over the years, her behavior over food became a problem.  She was able to pull on the buffet knobs because she could smell candy inside!  Tin cans?  No problem.  One Christmas she detected food in one of the packages, and ripped it up.  New cell phones in their blister pack were found outside where she had tried to chew through the plastic.

We knew what her behavior was all about, but it didn't always make it easy to make sure that ALL food, for she wasn't particular, was put away out of her reach.  When Scott got married, he and his wife, took Suzie to live with them and they took good care of her.  

Scott lives in a house on acreage and has three Mastiffs who also live with him.  On Facebook, Scott posted a very nice video of Suzie swimming in a pool when we were vacationing in the Outer Banks.  It was a wonderful tribute to her and I thank Scott for giving us such a beautiful memory.

This fall, Suzie would have been 15.  While she hasn't lived with us for a long time, her passing has left me sad and full of tears, but I know she's in a better place where there is no pain.  

Scott and Jackie, I'm sorry for your loss.  You both took very good care of her, and I know you'll miss her. 

This picture isn't of Suzie, but it could be.  

PImage result for yellow lab


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...