Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Jeffrey's Birthday


Today Jeff turns 66 and as I sit here and type I wonder where the time went.  He was 25 when we met and decided to get married.  When you're 25, much of anything beyond the age of 30 is out of realm of your thinking.

Through the years, Jeff has been a wonderful husband and my best friend.  Particularly after the events of 2013, Jeff has done the heavy lifting - he takes the calls from insurance companies, handles my medicine, relieves me from worry (although I fight this), and as bad as 2013 was, he's still here.  And I'm grateful.  

Jeff, as well as I, have aged over the years.  We've had some ridiculously great times as well as some really bad times.  But like the tide rolling in on the ocean, when we get knocked around, we stand up and keep going.

When I met Jeff he had a beard - and I didn't like it.  He shaved it!  Today, 40 years later, he has a beard - I don't like it very much, but he's not shaving it off.  Perhaps I had more sway with him when we were dating!

For a perfect birthday, Jeff and I would fly somewhere, to have the pilot's "$100 hamburger"!  You have to add fuel costs to the price of the burger. 

Jeff has been a good father and husband.  And though the boys are adults now, they still need his expertise and guidance on home improvement jobs.  This works well for all of them.

So Happy Birthday to the man I married.  To the man who has never faltered in providing or taking care of me.  I couldn't ask for anything more - unless it would be bigger diamonds!!

Love you P

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