Sunday, April 19, 2015

Little, Little League


Yesterday, Jeff and I went to see Benjamin play baseball or t-ball, whatever it's called when little children play.  

Because yesterday was the start of the season, there was a parade where each team were driven by in "floats" of sorts with their team colors and names proudly on display.  Each team tossed candy from their floats, which caused a mad dash by children who were standing by the road.

After the parade, we went to the ball field and each team was announced.  Benjamin's game wasn't until noon, so we went back to their house to have lunch.  It had rained very hard the day or two before the game, so the ground was soggy and muddy.  I was, of course, wearing my white tennies, which needed a thorough scrubbing when I got home.

Benjamin played catcher once, but didn't understand that after the batter leaves home plate, he should stand up and wait to see if someone in the field would be throwing a ball home.  These are such little guys, and the coaches have a world of patience for the players.  At times getting them all to sit on the bench, reminded me very much of trying to herd cats!  The boys were so excited that it was hard for them to sit.

Once when Benjamin was at bat, he hit the ball and managed to get to first base.  There was much cheering from Benjamin's fan club, who clapped and cheered for him throughout the game.  They didn't win, but that didn't matter - they were outside with their friends - having a good time.

After the game, we went back to Andrew's house, and Jeff took over his "Farmer John" duties by sitting on the tractor and mowing the yard - it's a big yard - and takes a lot of time.  Jeff really enjoys this and mowing acreage is not the same as using a regular lawn mower in our small (by comparison) yard!

After dinner, Andrew started a fire in the fire pit, which I generally really enjoy.  But, at the end of the day, I was worn out and my hip gently reminded me that "Arthur" was alive and well!

On our way home, Jeff took us through McDonald's for ice cream cones.  For $1.00, it's a steal and the ice cream is very, very good.

Once home, I got to see just how hot it had been that day.  While I wore capris and a short-sleeve shirt, I definitely have a "farmer's tan" and in the vee opening of the shirt, I was red.  The good thing about my skin is that while it gets red, it generally turns quickly into a tan.  I did wear a large brimmed hat during the game.  I'm willing to accept my arms and legs getting old lady spots, but I don't want them on my face.

I watched just about one hour of television and while it was still early, went to bed and slept soundly until 8:00 this morning!


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