Thursday, April 30, 2015

Flies, Ants, and so On


Now that spring seems to be officially here, as opposed to some days that are nice and others that are not, the bugs are also here.

Yesterday, in the kitchen was a fly.  This sucker was huge.  You could have put a saddle on him and rode him around.  I got out my fly swatter, but the moment I did, the fly disappeared.  I'm wondering if they have some kind of fly training about fly swatters!  Flies aren't much trouble, just annoying when they buzz around your head.

In the past, spring has also meant the march of the ants in my kitchen.  I don't know where they go the rest of the year, but when the weather warms up, here they are.  Makes me think of that song - The ants go marching one by one, etc.  I personally find the ants reeeeeeeeeeeeeally annoying.  Keep your tiny little bodies outside, where you belong.  I don't want you in my kitchen - ever.

We have a bumble bee or maybe two that buzz around the mailbox.  They must have a home in the wood (can't think of the word) thing that the mailbox sits on.  When I go out to get the mail, there is always one out there flying around.  I know that if I don't bother them, they won't bother me.  This, however, has never reassured me.  What if a bee is having a really bad day, and you're just an innocent bystander but he decides to sting you anyway?

Then, of course, there are the bugs you cannot see.  Last year with my weak gardening attempts, I was bitten by something more than once on the legs.  This year, when the gardening bug bites me, and it will, I will be prepared.  I have bought some bug spray as well as some kind of "bracelet" that has bug repellant on it.   My attempts at gardening are at best a joke.  And I don't consider weeding as part of gardening.  My theory is if it's green, then leave it alone.

I do want to buy an azalea bush for the backyard.  They grow quite big and I have an ideal space in the backyard for one.


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