Friday, May 1, 2015

Happy Birthday Scott


Today, is Scott's birthday.  He is 37 and grew up to be a great man.  Scott is also my middle child and there have been pages and pages written about being the middle child.  I should know, I was also the middle child.

When I was pregnant with Scott, I had some health issues, high blood pressure I believe, so the doctor told me that I could pick my delivery date.  I thought that the first of May just sounded right, besides I loved the birthstone which is Emerald!

As a young boy, Scott loved lights - still does as a matter of fact.  I found him one day in his bedroom banging ten penny nails (these are huge) into the walls.  When asked why he was using nails, he replied it's for Christmas lights!  When we moved to Maryland and had a two story house, Scott was in his element.  He put lights on the roof, along the porch and into bushes.  When Scott noticed that a neighbor didn't put up lights, he offered to put them up and take them down for them.  He got the job.  The joke was always that from space you could tell where we lived - it was that bright.  And it was beautiful.

Scott also loves trains.  When he was younger, we had a small train track that ran around the Christmas tree.  As a grown up, he still has trains around his Christmas tree, the only difference being the size of the track and the size of the trains!

Jeff learned everything there was to know about carpentry, plumbing, electricity, etc. from his grandfather.  Jeff, in turn, passed along this knowledge to Scott, who today is able to repair not only his home but his friends' houses as well.  When Scott is repairing or rebuilding something, it has to be just right, or it's not good enough.  He never has and probably never will settle for second best - it's just not in his DNA.

As I write this, Scott is preparing to start a new job on Monday.  Even though there is a learning curve with all new jobs, I'm confident that Scott will rise to the challenges brought to him.

Happy birthday Scott.

Love Mom

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