Monday, May 25, 2015



While today is Monday, it feels more like a Sunday.  Sleeping in a bit and feeling not up to doing much today.  I still have to do my Sunday chores - laundry for Jeff, macaroni salad and watering my plants.  After that, my day is pretty much open to whatever I choose or choose not to do!  

Our nighttime "critter" did not return yesterday.  Of course, we also removed everything possible from the kitchen counters, so it's possible I suppose, that he came to whatever opening he is using and sensing no food, decided to leave.  I'm okay with that.  I'd be happier if this yet to be known animal would just go away - permanently.  We have lived in this house for 29 years and there has been a doggy door in the basement all those years.  There has never been an animal, other than our dogs use that door.  But, I suppose that a savvy outdoor animal could easily figure out how to come inside the house.

I think Jeff is going to put up a camera in the kitchen, so we can see what we're dealing with.  Please don't let it be a rat.  I don't like having a strange animal in the house, but I suppose I could better deal emotionally if our "guest" is a squirrel, racoon or chipmunk.  

I do have to admire our "guests" taste in trail mix.  He wants the nuts and tosses the raisins onto the counter.  I feel much like he does.  I see no reasons for raisins either!

Well friends, it's time for me to get my heart started.  I just can't sit around the house all day, though that does sound appealing!


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