Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Case of the Returning "Critter"!


After having been lulled into a false sense of relief that whatever animal had been destroying our kitchen, for he didn't appear for two nights is now gone.  He returned last night with VENGEANCE!!

When we came down this morning for breakfast, it was very, very clear that this animal (fox, raccoon, chipmunk, squirrel) had a fine time in the kitchen last night.  His muddy prints were everywhere.  I had a zippy bag of trail mix, which he opened.  He, like me, apparently doesn't like raisins because they were tossed everywhere.

We had inadvertently left a piece of chicken on the counter - well we don't have to worry about it anymore - it's gone.  So whatever animal is coming into our house, uninvited I might add, is big enough and strong enough to carry around a large piece of meat.  

Jeff had set two mousetraps and he managed to spring them without being caught.  We have a baby cam and might set that up tonight, along with something tasty to eat, to see who we're dealing with.  It's obvious that a regular old mousetrap isn't going to work on this guy.  

While he doesn't do a lot of harm other than to my trail mix and any leftovers he can find, it's unsettling to me that this guy is bold enough to apparently wander around on the kitchen counter during the night.  

I am not a phobic kind of person, and I can deal with the occasional mouse caught in a trap, but the kind of damage this guy did last night leaves me feeling a bit paranoid.  So while it wasn't on my list of things to do today, my kitchen will need a good scrubbing before I'll want to cook or bake anything again.


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