Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hot Weather


Today, the temperature is to be 90+.  I don't think you need to count temperatures once the thermometer goes to 90.  Hot is hot and sticky is icky!  We have enough fans to make our living room and den mildly tolerable in hot weather, though sticking to the leather sofa isn't much fun!

Years ago our local electricity company installed a time and use meter on our house.  If you use an excess of 400 kwh, the price per kwh during winter is 0.01878.  In the summer that price jumps to 0.02732.  

With the smart meter, we have what I consider free time.  It's actually not free, but it's cheaper than prime time usage.  So the "good guy" rates are from 8:00 pm until noon Monday through Friday, all day on Saturday, Sunday and holidays.

In the winter I don't pay much attention to when I do laundry or run the dishwasher, but I sure do in the summer.  Just using the air conditioner during the prime hours of the day can and does add hundreds of dollars to our bill.

Unlike most of our neighbors, we only have a minimum number of lights on in the evening.  It doesn't make much sense to put a light on in a room that isn't being used.  We obviously don't live like moles and have to run our hands on the walls to find a light, but saving bucks, even little ones, is important.

I did my laundry yesterday before noon and ran my dishwasher as well.  All I have to do today is fold said laundry - a chore that I hate for no particular reason and go outside and water all my new baby plants.

It's too hot to even think about cooking something in the oven, so it's probably microwave dinners for tonight.

Stay cool.


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