Thursday, May 14, 2015

Getting Older and Television


When I was a teenager, my mother liked to watch two television shows religiously: Mitch Miller (if you're young you won't know him) and Lawrence Welk.  Back in the day there wasn't a way to record television, you watched it live, commercials and all.  I, of course, hated both of those shows and have to confess would try and interrupt her while she was watching.  I know it wasn't nice, but forgive me I was a teenager - at least that's a reasonable excuse for my actions.

Flash forward to adulthood, and the things have changed.  Jeff's mother would call us about once a month or so.  She never talked long because she and Forrest were getting ready to watch 60 Minutes.  Both of us would just roll our eyes at her devotion to that show.  At that point, we had never watched 60 Minutes, so we had no idea what we were missing.

Now we're old(er).  60 Minutes has a season pass on the Tivo and depending on watch they're talking about, we watch or fast forward.  Gotta love the Tivo.  Last week a son of a friend of Jeff's was on Jeopardy and did quite well on the show.  Okay, we've got a season pass to Jeopardy now.  We both try and come up with the answers for each question, but sad to admit we apparently don't know very much about a lot of things.  But since we don't seem to have a lot of knowledge about trivia, we cheer ourselves on when we get a question right!

Because David Letterman's last show is on the 20th, we have started recording his show.  We remember when we used to watch and he would toss watermelons off the roof of the building and other fun stuff. 

I guess we could start recording Wheel of Fortune and try our luck on figuring out the answer, but I think that might be stretching our capabilities!!!  Still, it might be fun to try.


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