Monday, April 13, 2015

Time to Tan!


It's a beautiful spring day here in the East.  A bit cool this morning, but will warm up probably by noon.  Since I just bought myself one of those plastic Adirondack chairs, it's lightweight enough that I can drag it all around the yard looking for the best "rays"!

In high school, my friends and I wanted tans, and we wanted them NOW!  So we slathered a combination of baby oil and iodine on our legs and arms (which are the most important parts to tan, at least we thought so at the time), and parked our hinnies (sp) on lawn chairs and sat there for hours.  Result?  We were tanned.  Worried about skin cancer?  In the 60's are you kidding?  

Fast forward to present day, and while I'm not a screaming maniac about having skin cancer, I also know that too much sun on the face can really age someone - and I don't want that someone to be me.  During the winter, my legs - and probably yours, take on a glorious white pasty look.  This look is not attractive and manufacturers know this.  Hence, the spray stuff you can use on your body every day building your skin up to a tolerable tan color.  Just remember to always wash your hands REALLY WELL after using, otherwise your hands will look orange.  That is not the look you're going for.

Also, back in the 'ol days, we women wore stockings/hose/tights, etc., every day to work.  There were no casual day Fridays, and women didn't go bare legged to work.  Now, of course, the dress code in most offices allows you to wear sandals (pedicures being a must), split skirts and sometimes long shorts - below the knee.  Jeans is seems is almost a universal Friday dress code!

So with any luck today, I can grab a book or my Kindle and sit outside and start the process of turning white legs into tan ones!

Wish me luck.


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