Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Post Office (ugh)


Today's "must do" chore was to go to the Post Office and mail tax returns for our two companies.  Piece of cake I said as I pulled out of the driveway.  WRONG!

At 9:00, the line at the Post Office was nearly out the door.  Good grief.  What slows a line down? People.  Practically everybody in front of me was mail challenged.  They wanted to send their tax returns by certified mail (unnecessary in my opinion), but couldn't figure out how to fill out the form.  One lady sealed, opened and resealed (barely) her envelope several times.

My transaction was straight forward.  Three pieces of mail requiring more postage than just one stamp.  To any of the folks who were waiting behind me, I hope they appreciated my speediness!

Of course, if I thought this morning's line was long - just wait for tomorrow!  I can't begin to imagine.  

So until next year, same time, same place, Jeff and I can put tax filings out of our mind. Yeah.

Everybody knows that I like to have something to worry about.  As soon as one worry is finished, then I immediately begin to fret about something new!


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