Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Back to the Grind


For most of you, it is/was back to the old grind today.  Jeff really enjoyed having that extra day off.  During the week he gets up so early and the morning commute isn't too bad, but the afternoon commute is a completely different story.  

I have already flipped my calendar over to June - a bit premature I know - but it's just what I do. Seems like there are lots of things on the calendar for June - doctor's visits, head shrinking.  Stuff like that.  

For dinner last night, I made a quick jambalaya.  That is, I used a box mix that had spices and rice and added chilies and sausage.  It wasn't as good as the real from scratch jambalaya that I make, but it was edible.

Today is chicken.  What can you say about chicken?  Not much, other than it tastes like chicken!!  You can put it in the oven, on the stove or on the barbecue.  But at the end of the day, it's still just chicken.  Bet you can't figure out how I feel about chicken!

I'm rounding up some old clothes and books to give to Purple Heart.  Benjamin has a Little Tykes desk and chair that he used to play with when he was younger.  But, he says he is a big boy now and that I can give away the desk and chair.  I know there is a child out there that would love to own these things.  I've looked on Craigslist and the desk doesn't sell for much, and it's much easier to give it away.  Selling on Craigslist isn't always the easiest way to go.  Jeff and I have bought a number of pieces of furniture from Craigslist, but our selling efforts haven't gone as smoothly.

Today is mop the kitchen floor day.  If, and it's a big if, the dog hair would just blow away to somewhere else, then there would be less need to mop.  Of course, I could always just run a mop over Maggie and pick up her hair before it falls!

I also need to go up to the office and do some filing.  Ugh.  A necessary evil but one that I avoid as long as I can.

Warm today.  Mister Sam is sleeping on the vent, which is one way to keep cool.

Have a good day.


Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Memorial Day


Happy Memorial Day everyone!  Besides remembering our veterans, it's also the start of summer for most of us.  We watched the Memorial Day concert on television last night and it was, as always, beautiful and heart-warming.  The Beach Boys played a few of their classic songs and the audience, most of them anyway, couldn't help but sway or dance to the music.  As I sat in my chair, happy that I wasn't outside in the rain watching the concert, I noticed that my own feet began to move back and forth.  I know the young'ens don't remember the 60's, but the gray haired among us, believe that the music of our teen years was the best.

Jeff enjoyed an extra day of sleeping in.  He gets up so early during the week, he's out of the house by 5:30 am, that by the time he gets home in the afternoon, he's worn out.  If we were independently wealthy, it would be wonderful if he didn't have to work.  The work that he does isn't hard, but the commute twice a day, particularly in the afternoons, is exhausting.

We had Costco pizza for dinner last night and I haven't had to cook dinner since Thursday!  Today, I will cook because Jeff has to have something for his lunch tomorrow.  I try to think of new things to make with the basic meat groups: hamburger, chicken and fish.  But, truthfully it seems that I make the same things over and over again!

Ladies, here is a recipe for brownies I found on Facebook.  Haven't made these yet, but they sound yummy:

1 1/4 cup Nutella
2 eggs
1/2 cup flour

Mix and back at 350 for 15 minutes

Have a wonderful extra day off from work.


Sunday, May 29, 2016

Happy Sunday


If you're wondering where I was yesterday, I was having a blog holiday, which means taking the day off.  I don't do it often, but sometimes my brain just isn't in blog mode, and that's what happened yesterday.

Today, is another day and because tomorrow is a holiday, I don't have to worry until tomorrow night what to fix for dinner so that he'll have "tovers" for his lunch the next day.  I never cook on Friday night, he was at Andy's house last night and on Sunday we normally have pizza.  It's like a mini holiday.

There was an interesting article in the paper today about a man who went to clean out his sister's house after she passed away.  What was so interesting was that her house was filled with books, hundreds upon hundreds.  What the author didn't know, but I do, is that there isn't really a good place to get rid of unwanted books.  The libraries don't want them and if you plan to try and sell to a used book store, you have to box everything up.  Once you're at the store, the clerk comes out and fingers through the titles and generally pulls out only a few books that they want.  You are left with the remainder, which is almost everything that you brought in.  I have watched this happen at a local book store.  I'm not sure what the buying criteria is, but one day I was there with Stacey and watched one after another person trying to sell their books.  Interestingly, you only get one or two bucks for a book, if you're lucky.

I have in the past owned a lot of books.  Sadly when my eyesight began to deteriorate, I couldn't read (or reread) those books.  Luckily, Purple Heart will take used books.  I am beginning to collect things to donate and I will definitely have a box of books to give away.

I even advertised in our neighborhood's bulletin board last year that I had over a dozen hardbacks just sitting on my front porch.  Basically, come and take some or all.  If you guessed that nobody did, you'd be right.  Really?  

We live in a digital book reading age now and a lot of people just don't want the burden of owning books, because nobody wants them after you've read them.  This is really sad.  I am a huge book reader but now read pretty much only on my Kindle with the largest font possible.  I can't do this with real books and I wish I could.  There is nothing like holding a book in your hand.  If it's a used book, so much the better.  You can then imagine where the book has been, who read it, etc.  Or perhaps only I wonder about these things.  I fear that the young(er) generations may never really appreciate the beauty of a beautiful book.

 Image result for picture of books

Friday, May 27, 2016

Health and Welfare Week


This week, I went to see my psychiatrist to have my head checked.  It's a solid hour of me talking about anything.  It's a good place to vent.  I have made some progress since 2013, I no longer see my psychiatrist weekly.  Nope, I go once a month or sometimes 6 weeks between visits.  I'll always be "crazy", but at least the "crazy" is under control!

Today, I'm finishing the week with a visit to my pain doctor.  I am having my right calf checked because it aches all the time.  I'll follow this visit with a nerve study test next month (can hardly wait).  It's not easy getting old.  If you're not there yet, you'll know what I mean eventually.

The start of a three day weekend.  I think Jeff will be spending time out at Andrew's house helping with some electrical work that's needed for the new deck, patio, etc addition on the back of his house.

I called Jeff yesterday and told him it was hot in the house.  His reply: use fans!  I did use fans, and they work well if you are sitting directly in front of them, but if you move away, not so much.  After dinner last night, Jeff closed up the house and turned the a/c on.  Hooray.  The a/c is running today and based on the weather forecasts, will stay on the remainder of the weekend.

If you're driving somewhere this weekend, be safe.  And, enjoy that extra day of sleeping in!


Image result for picture of ocean city maryland

Thursday, May 26, 2016

It Might Be Summer!


It might be summer because:

  • your body is sticky
  • the seats in your car are hot - uber hot
  • the dog's water bowl is constantly empty
  • sitting in front of a fan feels good
  • it's too hot to use the oven
  • you stick to leather chairs (ugh)
  • you shave your legs every day and wish they were tan!
  • you find yourself reaching in the closet for the lightest pieces of clothing (going nude is so not an option)
  • you want to turn the hose on and spray the sky and let the water flow down on you
  • even the dogs don't want to go outside
  • and it's time to start up the old air conditioner
  • hang up for the season your thick chenille bathrobe 
Our temperature here in Maryland seems to turn on a dime.  Last week, a sweater felt good in the evening.  This week the temperatures are rising and a cool shower feels really good.  So does eating ice cream, but the cool shower has fewer calories!


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Really Bad Television


I have started watching during my "coffee" break, the Maury show.  I know it's a new low even for me.  But somehow the show is addicting.  Kind of like watching a dog fight, which is a pretty good description for how the guests act on the show.

The scenario is almost always the same.  Woman believes her man has been cheating on her.  Woman is pregnant and wants to know if her man is the baby's father.  It is the stuff of dime store novels, but entertaining as can be.

The guests are predictably very loud and there is sometimes enough of a physical confrontation, that the "bouncers" have to step in.  The men this week all had taken lie detector tests and only one or two of them passed their test.  If the men didn't pass the lie detector test, then the woman would, for lack of a better word, go crazy.  

Perhaps, and most likely, the show is scripted in someway.  But, it's entertaining nonetheless.  While watching the show, I don't worry about anything, which is a positive thing for me.  The men involved with these women will never be confused with a person having a high IQ.  Some of the men don't work and seem happy to sit around during the day doing not much of anything.  This situation may be part of the problem with these couples.

I used to like to watch Roller Derby, which was also very physical as the women pushed and shoved their way forward around the ring.  I don't like to watch realistic shows or movies where real (or seems to be real) pain and/or torture makes up the majority of the show.

For instance, I don't watch horror films and the show Blacklist gives me nightmares, because the show is very realistic and there is a lot of bad things happening.  Nope, I prefer the "g-rated" television shows where I know that all the yelling and pushing is for show and nothing else.

On the personal side, Maury has been married to Connie Chung since 1984 and they one adopted son.  When I watch the Maury show, it's hard to believe he has an actual normal life and one that likely doesn't involve any screaming or pushing!



Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Undercover Boss


Some of you may watch the show Undercover Boss.  I'm pretty sure that the employees who "train" the apprentice (i.e., the boss) are selected somehow.  I feel this way because each of these employees has a sad tale to tell.  They're supporting their entire family on minimal wages.  They're recovering from addiction; they have no car; can't afford college, etc.

Some of the bosses, when the employees come back to tell him how "x" had done at his/her assigned task, are very generous.  College money is given.  A new car, a vacation, a big raise.  Other bosses do reward their employees but appear to be a little stingy with the money.

Last night I watched Undercover Boss for Der Wienerschnitzel.  This show was important to me, because in my first life, when I had almost no extra money for luxuries (daycare was expensive), I allowed myself a hot dog each payday.

I didn't drive or have a car.  I worked in a one woman/man office.  On payday, I closed the office and walked to the bank to deposit my check (you remember doing this at one time don't you?) and get a bit of cash.  I then walked over to Der Wienerschnitzel and bought myself a mustard hot dog.  The price for that dog is about $1.50 today, so it must have been much cheaper in 1974.  I always took my lunch back to work and would open the office back up, and generally sat on the stairs and had lunch with the office worker from downstairs.  Memories.

The CEO of Der Wienerschnitzel gave money to her employees, gave a new car to one young man, promoted another to Executive Chef at headquarters and gave an employee her own franchise store.  Pretty good.

Even knowing, or at least being pretty sure I know, that the show is scripted, I still like watching as people who are struggling with money and/or life issues, are given a reprieve to their problems.


Monday, May 23, 2016

Sunny Day - Finally!


The sun is out today and it doesn't matter to me if the temperature climbs higher, it's enough that it's not raining outside.  

I had several things on my "to do" list this morning and have already taken care of those things.  I need to try my hand at some housecleaning, but that's so boring.  And, not only is it boring, but the cleanliness goes away in record time.  It's a vicious cycle.

I haven't been out of the house in days and since my knee is feeling a lot better now, I think I will take myself out for a while today.  Destination?  Who knows.  Just someplace that isn't here.  

I want to have a new oven/microwave unit.  Our current unit came with the house and that was a long time ago.  The new ovens have the coils underneath something which would make it easier to clean up a mess.  Depending on how I feel, I may go to Home Depot and do the touch and feel of appliances.  Everything looks good on paper or on the computer screen, but nothing can compare to physically having your eyes on something.

I think I'm a patient person, most of the time.  Jeff may disagree with this statement, but in the big picture I do wait.  There does come a time, of course, when my patience flies out the window.  I rather insisted on buying the two power recliners for the den.  Happy with them?  You bet.  You can easily fall asleep sitting in the recliner.  I also wanted and got a very large television and was thrilled when Jeff and Scott installed it.

Happy Monday.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Rainy Sunday


We've had rain for so many days now that it's hard to keep your/my spirits up.  So today, I'm typing with my "happy" (SAD) light on, which allows me to have some fake sunshine.  I guess it's better than nothing.

Normally on Sunday, I grab the TV Guide and start recording shows for the next week.  Since most of our Sunday favorite shows have now ended their seasons, it won't be as difficult to maneuver the evening line-up.  Of course, the downside of this is that our favorite shows are over for the moment, which means I have to spend a bit more time finding shows to watch.  I know, I know, you're probably wondering how somebody could actually think that recording a week's worth of television is either: (a) productive; or (b) good!  

Jeff is a minimal television watcher.  Since he gets up so early each day to go to work, he generally takes a snooze after dinner.  And, I understand that.  I, on the other hand, can generally sleep in, stay up later than I probably should.

Good Wife, a show we really enjoyed had it's series finale last week.  A lot of our shows are having their season finales, which means that I will need to put a lot of time/energy into finding something to watch.

I have two vices, actually I have more than two, but for the moment I'm concentrating on the two biggies.  One is television watching and the other is reading.  Each day I tidy up the kitchen and I keep up with laundry (although at the moment said laundry is sitting in the dryer)!  I try but am not successful in keeping dog hair from blowing around on the floors.  Maggie (lab) is one large hairball!  When Scott kept Suzie, our old lab, he shaved her in the summer.  While it's not a look you see often, it kept Suzie cooler as well as minimizing dog hair.

When I find a book on Amazon that I want to read, I always try and see if it's one of the Kindle Unlimited books.  Unlimited means you can have ten new free books on your Kindle at one time.  I try to delete books I've read so that I can add more new books.  But, sometimes the book I want to read is part of a series and one or more books are not free.  I can either pay to download the book onto my Kindle, or sometimes it's cheaper to just buy a real book.  The problem with the real book is that I need large print in order to read easily and it's harder to find large print books.  I tried audio books once, but the drone of the speaker quickly put me to sleep!

I hope it's nice and sunny where you are.  Just remember next weekend is a three dayer!!!


Friday, May 20, 2016

Knee Brace - Wonderful


Though one shouldn't get so excited about a knee brace, but I'm definitely excited.  Instead of that cumbersome knee down sleeve that was supposed to support my knee, but ended up at my ankle, I now have a small knee brace - perfect.

I still don't like going up and down stairs, because I have to remember to keep my right leg stiff when I use stairs.  It's just too easy for me to forget and put my right foot down and then when the lightening bolt of pain hits me, I remember that my right leg is hurt.  Bum knee!

I'm getting around pretty well, all things considered.  I haven't made it down to the basement yet, and that's where the freezer full of food sits.  The thought of having to go up and down the stairs just isn't something I want to do, at least not for now.  I generally don't cook on Fridays.  My theory is that Jeff doesn't work on Saturday, so I don't have to worry about having leftovers for his lunch.  And, of course there is the possibility that I'm just lazy!

It's lovely outside today, but apparently tomorrow will be a whole different story.  It's supposed to rain for most of the day.  Good for the grass, but not so good for the soul.

Signing off for today.  Have a great weekend.


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Day Two of Walking Like Chester (from Gunsmoke).....


Yesterday, I sat in my recliner most of the day.  I was armed with my remote, water and coffee and some food.  I kept the leg brace on but noticed as the day worn on, the bottom of the sleeve was down around my ankles.  This was clearly not doing my knee any good at all.  Jeff would tell you, and he'd be right that I'm not a very good patient.  

When Jeff came home, I had him remove the sleeve and decided that I would be better off just dragging my right leg around me like Chester (Gunsmoke tv show)!  If I kept my right leg stiff while I "walked", I could get around the house.  Obviously, no power walking or going up and down the stairs all day, but still maneuvering under my own power.

Because it was painful and too much trouble, I didn't bother with my "toilette" yesterday.  Today, my appearance can not be overlooked.  I will be limping up the stairs to make my bed and take a shower - carefully.  I don't know how it is for men, but I, like all the women I know, feel better after washing their hair.  Yes, it's definitely a girl thing.

I did make (i.e., microwave) a frozen meal in a bag for dinner last night.  Perhaps tonight I can actually do some cooking and serve something that's not meant for the microwave!

Stay well.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Bum Knee


For the last few days I have heard a popping sound when I walk.  No biggie as far as I was concerned and continued going about my business.  Yesterday afternoon, on my way downstairs to the basement, that knee gave out on me and luckily I only fell/slipped down one step.  But, I had the devil of a time getting myself back onto my feet.

My mother was a frequent flyer (visitor) at her local hospital.  Everyone in the ER department knew her by name.  I don't wish to make myself known that well in any hospital.  However, after my knee went out, my pain level shot up way past 20!  I was in tears I had so much pain.  My friends know that I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but when Jeff came home and suggested a trip to the hospital, I agreed.

All things considered, we were treated very well at the hospital, but with some long periods of waiting on a nurse or physician attendant.  The xray showed that nothing was broken and the suggestion was that perhaps I had torn my meniscus around the knee.  Given a script for pain pills, which I'm reluctant to take, but likely will have to give in this morning.

I am spending my day in the recliner, which is good for the leg, but oh boy when I put the recliner in a sitting position and attempt to get up, the pain is pretty extreme.  I cannot imagine how I, as a couch potato, could have injured anything in my leg!  My biggest form of exercise is putting the recliner up and down.

So there you have it.  It's too much trouble to go back and forth on the stairs.  I'm spending my day in the den, watching useless television, reading and/or sleeping.  I am making no attempt to change my clothes or comb my hair.  I actually look a bit like an old hag.  But, I'm not expecting company, so no worries.

Hope you have a great day.  Enjoy walking.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

So Many Books ...... So Little Time


I know I've told you before, but I have had a life long love of books.  Jeff would tell you that I get through my books so quickly because I don't read every word or sometimes a whole line!  And, he's correct.  I have found that there are parts to a story that make little or no difference to the end result, whether I read them or not.

I have a three ring notebook (you're thinking of course you do) and inside are pages and pages of book reviews and lists that I have taken out of magazines or the newspaper.  I simply punch holes in my new pages and add them to the binder.  

Unlike writing my blog, which sometimes can be a challenge, I am never caught short with nothing to read.  Right now on my Kindle there are 113 books to read.  Unfortunately, just as when I was a teenager, I could read for hours on end.  Of course, that means that I don't always get as much done as I could, if I didn't have my nose in a book!  

Right now I'm reading a fiction book about WWII and the struggles with rationing and bombing that European countries, including England, had to put up with on a daily basis.  Maybe people were stronger back in the 40's than we are now.  At this point, if someone's cellphone battery dies, it's nearly an earth-shattering disaster.

Some of you may remember the gas rationing in California in the 70's.  You could only get gas on even or odd days, depending on your license plate.  Employers allowed their employees to leave work on "their" day to get in line to fill up their cars.  It was horribly inconvenient for a time, but nobody I knew ended up having to walk to work.

Older people who lived through the Depression knew how to save and/or reuse things.  Growing up, we found some of their habits interesting or even sometimes funny, as we watched them keep a stash of rubber bands or jars and bottles to be reused.

Since the newspaper now doesn't come with a rubber band anymore, I think I would be hard pressed to even find one in the house.  

So each time I open (electronically) a new book, I know that I will become one with the characters and their story.  


Monday, May 16, 2016

Game Shows


Now that I'm retired, I have a lot of free time on my hands.  Now it would make sense for me to tackle a chore, like cleaning out cupboards and drawers, but that ain't happening, at least for now.

I do try and avoid watching television during the day.  I particularly like the show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire".  The contestant has three different kinds of help: the audience; 50/50 and ask a friend.

Maybe over the years I have loaded my brain with useless information, because I find myself mentally screaming at the television, when a contestant has to use the audience for one of the first few questions.  Really?  I appreciate as the answers get harder, that younger contestants might not have a clue about things that occurred before their time.  

I have yet to watch a show where the contestant makes it above $50,000.  The contestant can walk away at $5,000 and again at $50,000.  But, if you lose the $50,000 question, you're going to walk away with only $5,000.  Now I'm not on the show, but I know from watching, that people would be smarter to take the lesser prize of $30,000 rather than blow it all away for a chance to win the $50,000.

When Jeff and I watch Jeopardy, we aren't frankly too good at coming up with answers.  The questions posed on Jeopardy are much tougher, and with the exception of a few categories, Jeff and I are unable to come up with the right answer/question.  

I am sure that if you are a contestant in front of a live question, you could and probably do get a certain amount of brain freeze.  

There have been 12 contestants on the Millionaire show that made it to the $1M prize!  First winner was in 1999 and the last one in 2009.  As you can see, there aren't too many big winners in this game.  But bravo to those who try.

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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Going Vinyl


Some of you will remember records.  You know those round black things that you played on a turntable.  Younger people will likely only know that playing records was a thing of the past by the time they were in their teens.

Jeff and I have a stash of LP's (long playing) records in the basement.  And, yes we do have a turntable that will play those records.  Let's just say it's been years, over 30 to be exact since we put on a record.  

I found in the local paper, six rules of record collecting, and I'm going to share those with you.

  • Never throw out your semi-embarrassing teen-aged records.  I actually don't think we own any of those, but the music produced in the 60's is my all time favorite period.  Occasionally, a throw back to the 50's and some 70's music.  After that, in my humble opinion, everything just sounds like noise, and not in a good way. 
  • When buying a turntable, don't buy cute record players that look old.  These turntables are cute and cheap, but apparently the tonearms on these players is so heavy they'll wear down your vinyl.
  • Be a collector, not a hoarder.  Only keep records that hold some nostalgia for you.  Some times you just have to let go and I know it's hard.  
  • Store your records upright on a book shelf and not on the floor.
  • Record covers are works of art.
  • Keep your records clean.  You can do this by washing them with soap and water, but doing so doesn't get into the grooves.  Or you could buy a record cleaning machine for about $750.  This option would be for people who are really into their records and enjoy playing them.
One our favorite albums was Herb Alpert's Whipped Cream and Other Delights.  This is a wonderful  example of record art.  Another favorite is Dean Martin (and some of you are going who?), but he had a lovely voice and was easy on the eyes too boot!

What kind of music do you have stored in your basement or attic?


Image result for album covers for dean martin

Friday, May 13, 2016

Beautiful Friday


My blog is late and I apologize.  But I'm late for a good reason - at least I think it's a good one!  Today was get "beautiful" Friday.  I now have pretty nails and toes and my "beard" has been waxed off.  It was a morning of pampering and every now and then that's just what a girl needs.

There was a man in the salon having his nails and toes done.  I know some men do this, but when you see one in the shop, it's a bit freaky.  So now that my beauty requirements are done for the month, I will turn my attention to the house.  The "bunnies" of dust are beginning to pile up and if I don't pick them up soon, I fear they'll take over the house.  Maybe instead of vacuuming the floor, I should be vacuuming the dogs!

Because it's Friday, I don't cook dinner. There's no particular reason why, I think it has more to do with the fact that I cook every other day of the week and believe (and rightly so) a break.  

Still raining outside and constant bleak weather is really hard on your spirits.  However, the grass looks great!

Keeping this short, because I really do have to get something done.  Being beautiful doesn't give me a pass on housework!


Thursday, May 12, 2016

You Know You're Getting Old When ....


By simply looking at my birth date (1949), I know I'm old by most people's standards.  And, by looking in the mirror (horrors), I am greeted with sagging, spotted skin, and gray hair that refuses to surrender to a curl!

Yesterday, in the mail, I received a packet of offers from various companies.  I was sent a postcard for, among other things: a "fashionable" walking cane; a "I'm Home Alone" necklace; hearing aids; a step-in bath; bladder control products; a better catheter (really?); and finally a stairlift.

Was there a bulletin sent out to corporations that I was indeed old and that I might need one or two specialized products?  The only one that I would remotely consider is the step-in bath, since getting in and out of the tub requires a great deal of maneuvering and water splashing onto the floor!  Trust me, it's not a pretty picture, so I don't bother with the tub any longer.

Perhaps when my parents were my age, the world seemed to be changing faster than they could understand.  I know it's true for me.  I am not "hip" with the music, the ever increasing changes in technology (that's a biggie) and current fashions.  

Companies cater to the young, but I think they have their thinking hats screwed on backwards.  Boomers, and there are a lot of us, have money to spend and yet we are passed by.  Television shows are generally geared to a much younger crowd, clothes certainly are and most of us can live without twitter and instagram.  Most people, including us oldies are connected at the hip to their cellphone.  I think my cellphone is in a basket in the kitchen, with an uncharged battery.  I wouldn't drive and talk, and my friends know that while I think of them often, just don't make calls.  It's who I am.

I don't believe the world is passing me by.  Rather, I allow the world to do so.  I still know how to use a computer and can type like the wind.  But, operating the DVD player, is a different ballgame altogether!


Image result for picture of baby boomer

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Do I Need To Build An Ark?


You know the saying about April showers bring May flowers?  Well this spring has brought May showers, lots of them in fact.  The upside of all this rain is how green everything is.  The downside is the dreary weather is hard on people.  I know this because I have the seasonal disorder thing where I need sunshine.  As I type this, my "Happy Light" is on giving me artificial sun.

When Jeff and I moved to Maryland 30 years ago (can it really be that long?), our first spring was delightful.  When you live in California, you have only two seasons, hot summer and warm winter.  the main colors in California are tan and or brown.  With water restrictions in place now, I'm sure it's difficult if not impossible to have a green lawn.

Even this many years later, I love to watch my oak trees come to life each spring.  The dogwood tree develops beautiful flowers and my perennial flowers pop out of the ground.  There is something else that pops out of the ground and that is weeds.  I'm not in the best of shape (ya think?), so as long as the weeds are green, I tend to just leave them alone.  In the past I have pulled weeds and felt good about my progress and then only a few days later, their back!  If I was rich (okay to insert laugh here), I'd pay somebody to manicure the lawn and flower beds on a regular basis.  If somebody else was doing the work, then I would sit back in my lawn chair with the appropriate cold drink and drink in the beauty of Mother Nature.

We have several ornamental grass plants in the yard.  They are beautiful with lush green leaves and get bigger each year.  In the winter the plants dry and turn into a tannish color.  Once spring arrives, you have to cut down the old grass to make room for the new grass.  Last year, I tried to cut down the grass by hand, which takes a lot of work.  First you have to cut the grass and then you have to bag all the pieces for recycling.  This year, I took a different approach.  I let the lawn service people cut the grasses down as well as pick up all the cut pieces.  Worked beautifully.  The grasses are green again and they are truly beautiful additions to the yard.

Since I don't have any errands to run today, I'll just stay inside and wait for the sun to shine (hopefully).


Image result for picture of ornamental grassImage result for picture of ornamental grass

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...