Sunday, May 29, 2016

Happy Sunday


If you're wondering where I was yesterday, I was having a blog holiday, which means taking the day off.  I don't do it often, but sometimes my brain just isn't in blog mode, and that's what happened yesterday.

Today, is another day and because tomorrow is a holiday, I don't have to worry until tomorrow night what to fix for dinner so that he'll have "tovers" for his lunch the next day.  I never cook on Friday night, he was at Andy's house last night and on Sunday we normally have pizza.  It's like a mini holiday.

There was an interesting article in the paper today about a man who went to clean out his sister's house after she passed away.  What was so interesting was that her house was filled with books, hundreds upon hundreds.  What the author didn't know, but I do, is that there isn't really a good place to get rid of unwanted books.  The libraries don't want them and if you plan to try and sell to a used book store, you have to box everything up.  Once you're at the store, the clerk comes out and fingers through the titles and generally pulls out only a few books that they want.  You are left with the remainder, which is almost everything that you brought in.  I have watched this happen at a local book store.  I'm not sure what the buying criteria is, but one day I was there with Stacey and watched one after another person trying to sell their books.  Interestingly, you only get one or two bucks for a book, if you're lucky.

I have in the past owned a lot of books.  Sadly when my eyesight began to deteriorate, I couldn't read (or reread) those books.  Luckily, Purple Heart will take used books.  I am beginning to collect things to donate and I will definitely have a box of books to give away.

I even advertised in our neighborhood's bulletin board last year that I had over a dozen hardbacks just sitting on my front porch.  Basically, come and take some or all.  If you guessed that nobody did, you'd be right.  Really?  

We live in a digital book reading age now and a lot of people just don't want the burden of owning books, because nobody wants them after you've read them.  This is really sad.  I am a huge book reader but now read pretty much only on my Kindle with the largest font possible.  I can't do this with real books and I wish I could.  There is nothing like holding a book in your hand.  If it's a used book, so much the better.  You can then imagine where the book has been, who read it, etc.  Or perhaps only I wonder about these things.  I fear that the young(er) generations may never really appreciate the beauty of a beautiful book.

 Image result for picture of books

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