Tuesday, May 17, 2016

So Many Books ...... So Little Time


I know I've told you before, but I have had a life long love of books.  Jeff would tell you that I get through my books so quickly because I don't read every word or sometimes a whole line!  And, he's correct.  I have found that there are parts to a story that make little or no difference to the end result, whether I read them or not.

I have a three ring notebook (you're thinking of course you do) and inside are pages and pages of book reviews and lists that I have taken out of magazines or the newspaper.  I simply punch holes in my new pages and add them to the binder.  

Unlike writing my blog, which sometimes can be a challenge, I am never caught short with nothing to read.  Right now on my Kindle there are 113 books to read.  Unfortunately, just as when I was a teenager, I could read for hours on end.  Of course, that means that I don't always get as much done as I could, if I didn't have my nose in a book!  

Right now I'm reading a fiction book about WWII and the struggles with rationing and bombing that European countries, including England, had to put up with on a daily basis.  Maybe people were stronger back in the 40's than we are now.  At this point, if someone's cellphone battery dies, it's nearly an earth-shattering disaster.

Some of you may remember the gas rationing in California in the 70's.  You could only get gas on even or odd days, depending on your license plate.  Employers allowed their employees to leave work on "their" day to get in line to fill up their cars.  It was horribly inconvenient for a time, but nobody I knew ended up having to walk to work.

Older people who lived through the Depression knew how to save and/or reuse things.  Growing up, we found some of their habits interesting or even sometimes funny, as we watched them keep a stash of rubber bands or jars and bottles to be reused.

Since the newspaper now doesn't come with a rubber band anymore, I think I would be hard pressed to even find one in the house.  

So each time I open (electronically) a new book, I know that I will become one with the characters and their story.  


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