Thursday, August 31, 2017

Summer Is Slipping Away


 By the flip of the calendar tomorrow, it will be September.  Back to school, vacations are over, and stores are stocking their shelves with sweaters, coats, etc.  A quick reminder that fall is upon us.  Our oak tree in the front yard is already dropping leaves and acorns.  In the past, Jeff blows the leaves in a pile and I get the wonderful chore of picking them up and putting them in a recyclable bag.  Based on my current situation, I'm not sure how much bagging I'm going to be able to do.

I had my first epidural yesterday (injection in the spine).  I was a bit shaky on the ride home, so Jeff fixed me some dinner, though I wasn't really hungry.  I don't remember how long it's supposed to take before you notice a difference with your condition, but so far today, there's no improvement. (Sigh).

It's a beautiful sunny day, and "almost" the start of a three day weekend.  On the weekends, Jeff catches up on some needed sleep.  Once I get the girls out of the bedroom and fed, they are beginning to settle down (yipee).  They were lovely puppies, but so very destructive.  I'm not saying that the odd thing or two still isn't making it out the doggy door, but it has slowed down somewhat.  Sometimes with puppies, their only saving grace, is how cute they are when they're asleep!  

Yesterday, was my last day with Fiona, my home health aide.  Lucky for me, Fiona works for several home aid services in the area.  I have contacted one and Fiona works for them.  The representative for the company is coming out next week to discuss hours, money, etc.  I don't need someone to come into the house to help me shower or dress, but cleaning the house would be very, very helpful.  I have a limited amount of time that I can walk and/or stand, which makes for instance, vacuuming something I don't do.  And, before Jeff can weigh in, vacuuming wasn't a chore that I liked doing in the past anyway!!

Bought a new pair of jeans in a smaller size.  I could have tried to buy jeans in two smaller sizes, but I wanted a pair that fit me right now, and not one that squeezed me like a sausage.  My weight loss is continuing, and I couldn't be happier than I am right now.  Oh, unless my right foot started to become less numb and then I would definitely have unicorns and rainbows!

Jeff will be going out of town soon to attend the annual migration for our type of plane.  This year the migration will be in Nashville and he's looking forward to going.  Basically, it's pilots talking about all things relating to planes.  There are seminars given for refresher courses in safety, etc.  I have gone to a few of these, and they do have activities for the women, but likely will never go to another one.

While he's gone, I can feast on all the super cheesy shows and eat frosted flakes for dinner if I want!  This way, we both get a mini vacation and are able to do whatever we want.  Perfecto.  

Have a wonderful Thursday.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Our Girl Jenny


The "Jenny" I'm referring to is the generator that sits in the backyard ever ready to be put to use.  Last night, Jenny got her chance.  We lost power twice.  The first time I think the power was out for 30-45 minutes I think.  After the power went off, we sat in our chairs and within 30 seconds or so, Jenny kicked in.  Later in the evening, we lost power again briefly - Jenny to the rescue.

We have owned Jenny since Benjamin was a toddler.  He was staying with us during a very heavy snow storm and we lost power for a long time.  Try to explain to a toddler why he's eating cold food and sleeping in warm clothes snuggled in between Jeff and I.  After that storm, we vowed that we would never be without power again.

Enter "Jenny".  Our generator runs off of the natural gas line that runs into the house.  Jenny can run pretty much forever, and she's big enough that she can handle all of our power uses in the house.  We can, for example, still have a/c or heating, run all appliances, watch television, use the computer .... well you get the idea.

I'll be the first one to tell you that "Jenny" isn't a particularly pretty girl.  She's more of an industrial sized generator is painted a tan (I guess that's what you could call it) color and she's a big girl.  Before installing "Jenny", we had concrete poured in the backyard, where she would sit.  The installation was up to code and the county inspector gave us a green light for use.

The neighbor next door has a deck that when he's on the deck, he gets a birds eye view of "Jenny".  He actually filed a complaint with the HOA about her.  At the time of installation, we wrote to the HOA, telling them the how, where and why of our plans - and we were approved.  So the complaint fell on deaf ears.  Would I like to see "Jenny" disguised in some way?  Perhaps.  Although to be fair, I don't actually have to look at her unless I'm in the backyard!  Since Jeff and I both have sleep apnea, losing power is not an option for us when we're sleeping.  We try to be good neighbors.  We don't let the dogs bark incessantly, bring our trash cans into the garage the same day and keep the lawn mowed.  It's true that when we first brought Daisy (the terrier) home, she was able to jump the fence into said neighbor's yard.  This didn't make us or them happy.  Thankfully, Daisy is now past jumping the fence, probably because she's heavier now.  Would that I could build a 6 foot cement block fence around my backyard, like they do in California. Want to be a good neighbor - build a fence.  Want to be a better neighbor - build a taller fence!  Just saying.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017



In a word, disasters are just that, disasters.  There are hurricanes and tornadoes that cause major damage when they hit land.

I was working at Marriott headquarters in Labor and Benefits when Katrina hit New Orleans.  We had employees that were displaced, their houses underwater and possessions ruined. I have never personally experienced a disaster since the earthquake in California in 1971.

At Marriott, we printed out forms for the employees in New Orleans, where they could tell us what they had lost and what they needed now.  When the forms came back, sent to us by local hotels, they were grim.  We sorted through literally hundreds of these forms, to determine the need(s) of each employee.  It was a daunting task as well as being depressing.

A few years later, Jeff and I flew to New Orleans and we took a Katrina tour, which was sobering, even after years had gone by.  Houses marked with an "x" or sometimes they were marked with numbers, indicating how many people had been in that particular house.  

And new there's Harvey who has blown through Houston and has caused major damage to the city and the people.  I saw pictures of nursing home patients sitting waist deep in water.  That picture conjured up images in my mind, of Katrina.  I hope that Jeff and I never have to go through a major disaster.  It would be devastating to us, as it is with the people in Houston, to lose everything we own.  Our hearts go out to the people in Houston and I'm hoping that FEMA will be able to find places for people to stay.  Jeff and I also worry about the pets.  There is a picture on the Web which shows a dog that has been tied up to a telephone pole.  The photographer was kind enough to rescue this dog as well as another dog also tied up.  What are people thinking when they tie up their dogs.  If the water had continued to rise, these dogs would have drowned.  I don't know anybody who would want that for their pet.  It would have been kinder to free their pets, if they couldn't carry them, and hope that the dogs could swim to safety or to a rescue boat.

Houston's weather calls for more rain in the next few days.  I'm hoping that the city will be able to dry out after the rain comes through again.  I Goggled and they are Houston dogs up for adoption, because they are not microchipped, and the animal shelters can't locate their owners.  This is very sad.

It's raining lightly here today, and there is no danger in our immediate area for flooding.  The good news, and we all could use some, is I KNOW when the girls have gone outside.  If they come upstairs and their paws are dry, then I know they thought the basement floor was an indoor potty spot!


Monday, August 28, 2017



Yesterday, when I sat down in front of the computer, I knew exactly what I was going to write.  When that happens, I'm glad that I'm able to write.  But, today while I sit here, my "creative" brain isn't working so well.

I'm up, showered and dressed and ready for my day.  However, at the moment I fill unsteady and weak, a sure sign that I need to sit in my recliner for a bit; and/or drink some orange juice.  My home health aide is coming this morning and her services will end on the 31st.  It's not that Fiona cleans the entire downstairs when she comes, but she does a wonderful job of cleaning the kitchen, for which I'm really grateful.  While she cleans, I generally fold up clothes or simply sit at the kitchen table and chat.  Fiona is trying to get a degree in accounting at the local college, so between studying and working at peoples' homes, she has very little free time.  I'll tell you this, when the week is up, I will miss her a great deal.

Several of our reality shows - Ice Road Truckers, for example, one of the main people in that show died in a plane crash.  In another show, we lost another individual.  How do I explain the feeling of loss for people I've never met.  When you watch a television show for several seasons, the people in that particular show become very familiar to us.  While I really do like reality shows, I don't watch any of those "housewives" shows.  The women on those shows look like they've seen a surgical scalpel a time or two. 😊

I don't want plastic surgery as much as I want somebody to be able to diagnose and fix my numb right foot.  I don't think that's asking too much.  But, I haven't found a doctor yet, and heaven knows I've been to more than a few of them, that seem able or interested in fixing my foot.  Right now, I might and have gone several weeks without leaving the house.  If, and that's a big if, I could stand and/or walk on that foot, I'd have some sense of freedom.  Going out in the wheelchair to anywhere, would be a treat for me.  Yes, I could use my walker, but that means the right foot is involved, and that gets pretty painful.  In the wheelchair, I can put my feet on the foot thingies, and even move those foot thingies to allow me to stretch the right leg out straight.  Okay, that's enough wining for one day!

Just when I think the girls are showing signs of maturity, they (I mean Bella) grab something and take out in the backyard.  Jeff has lost yet another hat.  At least they're just baseball caps.  He'd be really upset if they chewed up one of his Stetson hats!

Time to watch for Fiona.  She's really afraid of dogs, so I put the girls in the basement, with a gate at the basement door, so they can see what's going on.

Happy Monday.  Coming up on a three day weekend.



Sunday, August 27, 2017



Support.  Everybody knows it's definition and have at one time or another received support from family and friends.  And, as likely as we are to receive support, we also give it back when it's needed.

I have a neighbor that I have known for 30 years.  Over the years, we have spent periods of time when we go out to lunch or simply have a chat in our homes.  This friend understands that I am reclusive.  Reclusive doesn't mean rude, it just means someone who remains more or less hidden, and lives somewhat of a solitary life.  I enjoy people's company, but seldom do I reach out, either by phone or by visiting them.  This friend, like my others, understands that I don't often call people.  I have no reasonable rationale for why I do this, it's just who I am.

This friend called me yesterday afternoon.  She had gone to the rehab facility thinking that I was still there and was surprised to find I had come home.  When she called, she wanted to know why I hadn't told her that I was home.  Frankly, it hadn't even occurred to me, but I felt bad that she had gone out of her way to try and visit me.

We had a lengthy phone conversation, and she offered to come over and take me outside in my wheelchair for a walk.  I haven't left the house now in several weeks.  Walking isn't something that I readily do and I for sure don't walk just for the heck of it.  Why would I do that?  The right foot can only tolerate so much time being used.  

I also told my friend that Jeff was going out of town in September for a few days and that he wanted me to go out to Andrew's house while he was away.  I told my friend that I wanted to stay home, where everything in my world is comfortable and just the way I like it.  She offered generously to come and visit me while he was away and to make sure that I was doing okay.  She also told me that it was okay to reach out to people and tell them what I needed/wanted.  Reaching out is something that I don't do well, but maybe I should learn to do so.  Nobody can help me if they don't know what I need/want.  It makes good sense and going forward I'm going to be a concerted effort to talk to my friends.

Yesterday afternoon, this friend came over to the house for a visit.  She told Jeff that she would make sure that I had company while he was away and that she'd even take me out of the house for walks around the neighborhood.  Jeff has somewhat reluctantly agreed that I can stay home, which makes me very happy.  While I would and do enjoy Stacey and Benjamin's company, I don't want to stay there for the days that he's gone.  I will take my pills, eat breakfast and dinner (lunch not so much) and enjoy the dogs' company.  

I am alone a great deal but don't think of myself as a lonely person.  Others, however, would likely describe me as a lonely person.  Some people need a lot of activity in their lives and there was a time, years ago, when I was one of those people.  Now, and for several years, my body hasn't worked as well as it should, and it's easier to stay home and not venture outside.  Particularly now when the foot is numb, if I do a lot of standing or walking, I end up angering "leg god", and that's not good thing.

Conclusion: support can surprise you by who or what somebody does for you.  And, for this support, I am grateful.


Friday, August 25, 2017

How It's Made


There is a television show called "How It's Made".  Normally, this wouldn't have got my attention, but I checked out one episode and enjoyed seeing the ins and outs of making certain products.  Think of it as a mini tour of a factory.  What I noticed for many of these companies how much work is manual.  For instance, carved candles, which are beautiful, are carved one at a time by a person.  This takes great skill, to make these candles.

Lipstick is also partway manual too.  The lipstick itself is obviously made in a large vat, but part of the manufacturing process is done by hand.  I watched a tour of a factory that makes "sugared cereal".  Think Frosted Flakes, or as I call them Frosty Flakes.  Once the grain is ready to be processed, the flakes go into two different directions.  On one side they make granola, and on the other, by beloved Frosties.   

When you watch shoes like this, you get a real appreciation for some of the products we buy.  It's pretty obvious that manufacturing products this way, does in no way, make up the majority of products sold in stores.  We all know that China makes a lot or most of the things we now buy.  China can make things cheaper than say these factories who have real people making things.  It would be wonderful if we could only buy U.S. made products, but that's no longer reasonable.  I suspect, actually I'm pretty sure I know, that we'd have to pay much more for products mostly made manually.  You may want to check this show out, because it's pretty fascinating.

My home health aide is coming shortly, so I'd better tidy things up a bit.  I know that sounds ridiculous, but pretty much everyone I know tries to put their house in order, before the house is cleaned!  

Happy Friday everyone.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

No News Thursday


There's not much I can say about Thursday.  If I were a working girl, then anticipation for the weekend would definitely ramp up.  But for me, the most exciting part of the day is taking the trash out for pick-up tomorrow!  You don't have to write me - I know you are all disappointed that you can't take on my trash chore.

I have a summer cold and I can't imagine how that's even possible.  I haven't left the house in several weeks, and the person I have the most contact with is Jeff, and he's fine.  So I'll sniffle and cough throughout the day.

I don't want to jinx myself, but I have noticed over the past few days that the girls are spending more time chewing appropriately, or sleeping.  We haven't had any accidents on the kitchen floor and hallway - thank heavens.  I have several towels that I have laid down in the bedroom.  It appears that the girls can't or won't go all night with peeing.  The solution is easy - pick up the stinky towels and put new ones down.  I'm hoping in time that they can/will be accident free during the night.

Today I'm showered and dressed and even have lipstick on!  I know nobody is going to see me, but just because I don't leave the house doesn't mean I should let myself go; i.e., sweat pants, etc.  For the record, I don't even like sweat pants!

Since it's still summer time, finding a television show that both Jeff and I will like, is getting pretty hard to find.  I see previews for all the shows that are coming in September.  When the new shows come out, I watch most of the shows once.  If that one episode wasn't my cup of tea, then I can make sure that I delete it from the season pass on the Tivo.  For example, we don't watch science fiction shows, and if Jeff had his way, we wouldn't have any cooking/food shows recording!  But, I'm the remote control queen and I really love those kind of shows.  

I get the sense that I'm beginning to ramble, which is a sure sign that I don't have anything to write about.  Happy Thursday everyone.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017



I actually don't think of myself as a stupid person - but, when it comes to putting things back together, I'm a hot mess.  I can watch, and have watched, any number of videos of "how to" do something, and then when I try it, I literally crash and burn.

This week's challenge is my vacuum cleaner.  My aide and I took the top part of the vacuum off because it was in desperate need of cleaning.  Okay, the top has now been washed and there are literally no moving parts involved.  You are supposed to just snap the bottom piece onto the top piece and then you're done!  Simple right?  Wrong.  I've tried for a long time to put these two stupid pieces together and still can't get it. UPDATE - Fiona came to clean and she was able to put the two pieces together!  Hurrah.  Jeff is used to me taking things apart and then not being able to put the pieces back.

I have grown fond of Fiona and will definitely miss her when my time is up.  Most of the time she cleans up the kitchen, folds laundry and vacuums.  While I like very much the cleaning, I know I enjoy the company and having somebody to talk to.

I only have next week with a home health aide.  Medicare is paying for the month of August.  I don't actually need an aide - I can shower and dress myself and if I'm hungry, I can fix something to eat.  What I need now is someone to come in either once a week or every other week to clean the house.  Hiring someone to clean the house is definitely way less expensive than having an actual aide come in.

I guess I've stared at the computer long enough.  Time to get something/anything done.  Jeff made a delicious hamburger casserole last night and there are enough leftovers to feed us for several days.  

Have a great day.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Post Review Eclipse


We all survived yesterday.  The dogs didn't stand outside and howl at the moon, or even woke up for their nap to notice.  Jeff did come home early and based on the amount of traffic he encountered that was a good thing.

We watched the eclipse on television.  This required no special glasses, lawn chairs or traveling.  Moving from the den into the kitchen doesn't qualify as actually "moving".

I remember an eclipse when I was in grade school.  I was living in France at the time, and all of us children were taken outside to watch.  I don't recall any precautions for viewing the eclipse, and we all managed to survive.

Benjamin stayed over Sunday night and on Monday morning before Stacey came to get him, he ate his pop tarts while watching some annoying movie on Netflix.  I have a lot of patience when it comes to this sort of thing, so I did my puzzles while he ate and played while watching the television.

My schedule was a little off because I normally watch "Dog the Bounty Hunter" while eating my bagel and drinking my morning coffee.  I caught up on my "cheesy" television last night, after Jeff went to bed.  

I don't want to jinx anything, but lately after breakfast and a romp outside, the girls settle into their beds (and yes we have more than one) and take a nap.  Now admittedly, this week Bella snatched one of Jeff's favorite baseball caps, took it outside and tore it to shreds!  Ah, puppy dog days.

I'll spend today doing a bit of laundry and cleaning up in the kitchen (i.e., dishes).  Fiona was here yesterday, and she ran the vacuum in the den and cleaned the kitchen, which always looks marvelous after she's finished.  Somehow, when I do it, it never really looks that nice.  Um, perhaps because I get tired and do a hit and miss tidying up. True confession!

I need to get upstairs and shower and dress.  I can't phantom still being in my pajamas at noon time!  Well, I didn't get showered and dressed soon enough.  My physical therapist came and we did my exercises while I was still in pajamas.  She's coming on Thursday and I'm going to be up and ready for her.

I have two minutes to do my "toilet" for the day, so I'd better get busy.


Friday, August 18, 2017

Medicare Billing


As a recipient of services provided to me and paid by Medicare, I can see how quickly the amount charged, has no real correlation to the services.  For instance, yesterday I had physical therapy.  The therapist was in the house maybe all of 10-15 minutes and did absolutely nothing for me.  I don't know, but I suspect that Medicare will be billed for a 30 minute visit - and that's just wrong.

The nurse, who I no longer need, has scheduled four more visits with me, until the end of August.  She comes in, takes my blood pressure and pulse and asks me what my pain level is, and then she leaves.  I don't need additional services from a nurse.  When she first came out, I had an open wound that needed attention.  The wound has closed, so I don't know why she has to keep coming out.  Again, Medicare will pay for all these rather unnecessary visits, I know.  

Earlier this summer, I went to see a doctor and while checking out, Stacey grabbed my discharge notes, which she wasn't supposed to have seen, and sure enough in the right corner was a sticker that said Medicare.  Would I have gotten better care, or a longer visit, IF I wasn't tagged as a Medicare patient?  I don't know.  But, what I do know is that doctors amp up the cost of their services to some unreasonable price and then Medicare pays only "x" dollars.  The "x" dollars the doctor receives is probably the REAL cost of a visit.  

I have reached that certain age, where Medicare pays the lion's share of all my medical costs.  I have worked for many years to get to this point in my life, where Medicare and my supplemental insurance pay for most, if not all, of my medical expenses.  What's wrong is the abuse of the system. I don't have private medical insurance any longer.  So I really do rely on Medicare to pay for any services I've incurred.  That's why Medicare is in place.

A recent doctor's visit was billed to Medicare for $152.00.  Medicare paid $65.78.  The amount Medicare actually paid was more than likely a more accurate charge for the visit.

Okay, climbing off my soap box now!  😃

It's Friday, so I know everybody is looking forward to the weekend.  I hope it's a good one.


Thursday, August 17, 2017



Stuff you say?  Yes indeed.  Like how to keep two puppies, who are still chewing constantly, from tearing up more things.  It's gotten so bad that I keep many things in my walker basket and when I'm away from the walker, I put in a closed room!  Sad, but really effective.

Today's task is put the laundry away.  Fiona did the laundry yesterday, and now it's up to me to "process" the clean clothes.  Why I dread this chore so much, I can't really say - I just know that I do.  

Perhaps today would be a good day to go up to Jeff's office and gather up all the papers for filing.  A big chore because, like folding laundry, I find many reasons why I don't want to do this!  😊  We made an agreement back in 1974, that I would handle the paperwork.  That was an easy agreement at the time, because there was very little paper.  Fast forward to today and there's a LOT of paper to process.  I shouldn't put off things, but I do and regret it later.  And, of course, there's the shredding, and that adds up pretty quickly too.  I may have retired,, but I haven't gotten away from office chores.

Last night before I went to sleep, I thought of several things to write about.  However, this morning I have the dreaded "blog block"!  

Since I don't have special glasses for seeing the eclipse, I may have to just watch it on tv.  I remember watching an eclipse when I was in grade school.  I thought it was pretty cool then, and I suspect I'll feel the same way on Monday.

I've finished watching "Dog the Bounty Hunter" while I had breakfast.  I look forward to eating raisin toast and watching the show.  All scripted of course, but I don't care, still enjoyable, at least for me.

Ever look at your keyboard?  I have this morning and boy does it collect dust and finger prints.  Pretty ugly.  I'll add cleaning the keyboard on my "to do" list.  I can tell my looking at the keys which ones I use frequently, because they are clean.  On my keyboard, the G, B, K, L, M, W and E for example are clean.  But caps lock, for instance really needs to be cleaned.

I'm coming up empty on things to write about, so rather than rambling unnecessarily, I'll close for now and hope that tomorrow I don't have "brain drain"!!


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Hump Day


What is left to say about Wednesday?  Well, for starters it's recycling day, and I know it's good for the environment, but I do miss just tossing trash into trash cans.  It's also the middle of the week, three down and two more to go.

Yesterday, Bella definitely had her bad dog paws on.  She was restless all day, and even took outside the little clock that sits on my end table next to my recliner.  Mind you, that clock has been in the same place for over a year - undisturbed.  But, for whatever reason, yesterday she took it. Initially, I thought that she had damaged it by dragging it outside and through the dirt.  However this morning, the clock seems to be fine.  The basket on my walker (mini office) is getting pretty full.  I have to cart around my puzzle books, pens, and just to be on the safe side, the television remote!  Anything that can't go in my basket, is safely locked up in a plastic box with locking handles.  I know my heart that all the stealing - food, clocks, shoes, etc., are all Bella.  Unlike Bella, Daisy is smaller, which means she can't take food off of the counter and doesn't seem to have the same inclination for stealing.  Her claim to fame, unfortunately, is "forgetting" where the doggie door is!

My aide is coming today and I'm not sure what I'm going to have her do.  I've already showered (and yes, Jeff I did it sitting down on the stool) and dressed.  She cleaned the kitchen yesterday, vacuumed (and she loved my little bag-less vacuum and dusted the living room.  Perhaps today, she can knock off the dust bunnies that have accumulated in my office.  If she just uses my feather duster in my office, I'll be very happy.  It goes against everything I know to direct somebody to clean up my messes.  I know I need help, I would just rather not be here when the cleaning is being done.  Makes me strange perhaps.

I do have some laundry that needs folding and some laundry that needs washing.  After that, I'm not sure what I'll have Fiona do.  She is supposed to do light housekeeping, which she has been doing, and I'm supremely grateful for all her help.  The kitchen, including the inside of the microwave, has never looked better.  

I seem to be out of energy now, the showering takes a lot out of me, but I'm determined to keep taking showers.  I used to tell Benjamin, before I could shower regularly, that I smelled like "day old trout".  He didn't know what I was talking about, until I told him that day old trout was super, super stinky!

Have a good day.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Raining Cats and Dogs


Can you believe that the month is half over?  I know that school children everywhere are dreading to see the end of summer.  And, Moms everywhere can't wait for school to begin!

It's raining cats and dogs this morning.  When it rains, I at least know if the dogs have gone outside, because their fur is wet.  And, when it comes to Daisy, she seldom comes back in the house wet or even damp!  Such fun to own a terrier.  😊

I had physical therapy yesterday and apparently am scheduled to have just one more session.  The fact that my balance is off, doesn't mean I can get more help.  Gotta love the system.  I do have a home health aide through the end of the month.  After that, Jeff and I will have to pay out of pocket for an aide to come in three or four times a week.  Once our 90 day waiting period ends, then insurance will pay for the aide.  So, I guess we're going to have to suck it up until the insurance kicks in.

My routine in the morning is: coffee, bagel and back-to-back "Dog the Bounty Hunter" shows.  Don't bother to ask why I am drawn to the show, but I watched it sometimes when I was in rehab and loved it.  I suppose stranger things could happen.

Jeff has been wonderful about fixing dinner every night.  I really appreciate his help and I don't mind (at least much) doing the dishes and cleaning up afterwards.  It seems a fair distribution of a household chore/task or whatever else you want to call it.

And speaking of dishes, I need to go do some now.  At the moment, I work a bit and then have to sit down before I can start again.  It's not a fast process, but by the end of the day, I'll have them done.                    

I wish I had something more exciting to write about, but unfortunately,  when you stay home 24/7, there's not much to say.  I'm sorry about that.

Have a good day.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Monday All Over Again


I took a break from "rambling" over the weekend.  Jeff and I, along with the girls, spent Saturday at Andrew's house.  In the afternoon, Jeff mowed the backyard, which I think he actually enjoys.  Who wouldn't?  It's a tractor with a cab and lots of goodies to play with.

I stayed inside, chatting with Stacey and Benjamin.  We brought pizza for dinner and since it was Saturday night, it was movie night for them.  It was getting late, so Jeff and I and the girls, who were exhausted from running all afternoon, decided to come home.  

Sunday was a lazy day.  Naps were taken, cheesy television was watched by me and Jeff fixed a sweet and sour dish for dinner.  I'm grateful for Jeff taking over the cooking.  I get him started by telling him what and how to make something, and the dish always turns out great.

I'm glad that Jeff was able to rest yesterday.  He goes 100 mph all week and doesn't get much sleep, so a day where he doesn't have to do anything, is a real treat for him.  I don't criticize him for napping, because I've been known to close my eyes during the afternoon also!  Only kids fight napping.  Adults are certainly in favor of the occasional nap. 😊  I didn't know how to insert an emoji, but today I figured it out.  I am a slow learner!

I have had breakfast and watched "Dog the Bounty Hunter", while doing so.  Now, it's time for me to get upstairs, get myself showered and dressed for the day.  I've got some laundry to do, so I might as well get started on that.  

Have a great day, even though it's Monday.  


Friday, August 11, 2017

Two Taco Friday!


We made it.  It's Friday and that means tacos for dinner.  The tacos from Taco Bell fail in taste when compared to the ones we used to eat in California.  But, a dinner already prepared?  Who can resist that?

My reading glasses have been repaired and now I leave them and pretty much everything essential - pens, hand cream, glasses, puzzle books, etc., inside a plastic box that has two handles to keep it closed.  If Bella decides to pull the plastic box down, she'll be really surprised when she discovers how heavy the sucker is.  And, in the little basket attached to my walker, I keep other things that I don't want destroyed.

I don't know when this stealing/grabbing/snatching phase of Bella's life will stop, but I hope it's soon.  We are confident that Bella is the destroyer because she gets things that Daisy would never be able to get to.  After losing too many throw pillows, we got smart and bought a large plastic bin with handles to house said pillows.  Admittedly, it took us several destroyed pillows to decide that enough is enough.  Slow learners I guess.

It's a gloomy Gus kind of day.  My physical therapist is coming this morning and so is my home health aide.  I have no doctor's appointments until the 30th - hurrah!  

Andrew has asked us to come out to their house this weekend.  We'll get to see the baby chicks as well as Twig the turkey.  I'm sure that these have these guys will contained, otherwise you couldn't have a dog in the vicinity.  We'll probably go out tomorrow.  I believe that Andrew has a need for Jeff to come out and help and/or plan how to create the space where the chicken coop will ultimately sit.

Have a great weekend everybody.

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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Just Thursday


Well people we have made it past the half-way point in the week.  We are definitely on the down hill side of the week.  One more day and I get tacos for dinner!  Friday could be my favorite day of the week - I don't have to cook.  Jeff brings me tacos and I love them.

Yesterday, I somehow managed to mangle my new reading glasses.  The frames are bent and not fixable by Jeff.  We're going to have to go back to the eye place to see if the frames can be fixed.  If not, we'll have to buy another pair of frames (sigh).  The reading glasses are very important to me.  They allow me to read smaller print without having to strain to do so.  How I managed to mess up the frames is beyond me.  But this time, the girls had nothing to do with damaging the frames, nope it's all on me.

My home health aide came in yesterday.  I am very uncomfortable sitting on my fanny, while she works in the kitchen.  She did an amazing job and the inside of the microwave has never been so clean.  She's coming tomorrow and I'll probably have her do some dusting.

While I eat my breakfast, I watch the television show "Dog the Bounty Hunter".  I like the show very much but can't tell you exactly why I do.  For me, it's just a fun show to watch and a good way to start my day.

This morning, I'm going to work in the bedroom.  I need to put my suitcase away and fold and put away some clothes, make the bed and just do some general tidying up.  I don't particularly want to do this, but it needs to be done.

Jeff has been very good about fixing dinner.  With instructions, he prepares the meal.  Tonight, is a hamburger casserole, which can be made several different ways.  We'll see what he comes up with!  Thank you Jeff for taking on this chore.

Tomorrow is physical therapy again.  Last time, we worked on my balance, which isn't too good with my eyes closed.  The therapist worked on my turning my head from left to right, which tends to throw my balance off, so we're working on that.

I hope the sun is shining where you are.  Happy Thursday.


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

My CPAP's Back.....


After being repaired, my CPAP machine arrived yesterday.  I have been without the CPAP since I came home from rehab.  Now, you may not believe this, but I missed having it.  I, obviously, sleep much better when I'm on the machine and since I don't need to breath outside air, I can sleep under the covers, which is a favorite thing of mine.

When Benjamin stays the night, he knows that we have to add water to the tank and he is very good about going into the bathroom and taking care of that for Jeff and I.  We also travel with our machines, which just means one other bag to carry.

My home health aide came yesterday.  She swept the kitchen floors, put dishes in the dishwasher and was just good company for me.  Today, she said she would clean the inside of the microwave, the outside of the refrigerator and the tops of the washer and dryer.  With some rest, I could do these things, but standing and/or walking is something I try to avoid whenever possible.

This morning, Jeff put the dogs in the basement while I continued to sleep.  This meant that while I slept, they weren't causing mayhem in the bedroom.  If they destroy the basement, I have no control over that and, so far, they haven't taken to stealing tools out of drawers to chew on!  The things that they do destroy in the basement, reminds of recycling....!  I don't know if Jeff feels the same way.  (smiley face here).

I have completed my application to receive long term disability, which will pay a set rate for a daily home health aide.  Having help around the house is extremely helpful to me - once I get over the nonsense of sitting idle while somebody else cleans up the messes!  I guess rich people get over this attitude quickly.

My physical therapist came yesterday, and he had me walk around the circle in front of the house.  I used my walker, but I was in my gripper socks, so I felt every pebble.  He suggested shoes for next time, and I reminded him that my right foot is too swollen to put into a shoe.  So, I guess, it's still going to be socks next time too.

Happy Wednesday.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Dogs - Sigh!


This morning when I got out of bed, I was greeted with a mushed box that one of them, Bella probably, was trying to stand on so she could get things off the dresser.  Jeff had, emphasis on the word had, a shoe box on the back of the sofa.  The box is gone and I'm unsure whether there were shoes inside.  I'll have to trek to the backyard to make sure.  

I think going forward for the sake of all our worldly possessions, I need to get up when Jeff does.  After they eat, they can come into the den where I'll be waiting in my recliner for them to take a nap, so I can take one too!

Picked up my new reading glasses yesterday and they are secured with one of those necklaces that hold glasses.  There is no way I'm sitting down my much needed reading glasses again.  This is the second pair I've had to buy in a year.  While they're clearly not as expensive as my "real" glasses, the reading glasses with frames (cheapest ones I could find) set me back over $100.00.  Hmm, do the girls bring me more joy or ......  Still thinking about that (smiley face here).

I had an injection of cortisone in my right knee yesterday.  I'm not exactly sure what the shot was supposed to do for me.  The knee still hurts and swollen.  I'm not sure what the doctor is going to do about that.  This right leg saga is making me angrier by the day.

While Stacey was here yesterday, she put tennis balls on my walker, which makes moving around a lot easier.  I bought navy blue balls, but I should have opted for purple or pink!  I also now have a mounted cup holder on my wheelchair.  My water bottle fits nicely in the holder, so that I can stay hydrated when I'm out and about.  Sometimes, it's just the little things that make a difference.

A passing of age is occurring today.  We had for many years a little plastic basketball hoop on the front porch.  Benjamin would throw the balls and sometimes they actually went in.  He's a big boy now and no longer plays with this basketball hoop, so it's sitting forlornly on the street waiting for the garbage men.  Maybe, one of the men will decide it's worth keeping and won't crush it in the back of the truck.  Time doesn't stand still for anyone, including Benjamin, who now has his first pair of glasses and doesn't fit in my lap any longer.  (sad face here).

The good news is that Benjamin loves to read.  I found him a book on Amazon, which is book one of a series, and he read it the other day when we went to Baltimore.  He finished reading it in record time and now wants to know where book two is!

My home health aide is coming this morning.  I'm going to have her sweep the kitchen and dining room as well as clean the kitchen up a bit.  I also have laundry that needs folding.  I'm not very comfortable with people being in the house and doing things for me, while I sit in my chair like some kind of queen.  But, she gets paid to come to the house and the rehab facility gets paid for her work from Medicare.  I have been granted the month of August from the nurse as a necessity for having someone come in and help me.  I am fully aware that I need help around the house, for the amount of time I can spend standing and walking is limited.

The rain has finally stopped.  It rained so much yesterday that I thought we were going to need to build an ark.  Yesterday morning, I went into the backyard in pursuit of something that the dogs had taken outside (a blanket) and discovered that since I don't have the backyard mowed regularly, the grass/weeds were really high.  They'll mow today, which will make it much easier to find missing things!

Happy Tuesday.


Monday, August 7, 2017

Monday, Monday


The post reminds me of the song by the same name.  A dreary day outside.  This morning, I ventured into the basement (ick) and went into the yard.  I only have the backyard mowed every now and then, well the now and then is here.  The yard looks like a jungle.  Of course, unlike other jungles, my yard is strewn with found "treasures", including a blanket, one elastic therapy band, and countless pieces of paper plates, etc.  I truly cannot wait until the girls, and I think most of the time it's Bella, to grow up a bit and stop all of this stealing.

Going outside when it's raining, means that my gripper socks got wet, but luckily I have a spare pair.  Always good to have a back-up!  Today, Stacey is once again taking me to the doctor.  Truthfully, I'm getting tired of going to one doctor after another.  I would give anything, if I could find a doctor that would take ownership of everything relating to the right leg.  But, I'm losing faith that this kind of doctor exists.

I have an appointment in September to be interviewed for transportation services from Metro Access. If I'm approved, then I can call them to take me to the doctor, shopping, etc.  My doctor told me that she has a number of patients who use this service, and all of them like the ability to get around without needing someone to take them.  If, and that's a big IF, I ever get feeling back in my foot, then I would be able to drive to places by myself.  But, that's so not a possibility right now.

While Stacey is willing to take me to doctor's appointment, I feel guilty about taking up her time.  I know she's got better things to do, than come and take me somewhere.  There are not enough words that I think adequately say how much I appreciate and love her.

I ordered new reading glasses last week, since the girls got a hold on mine and completely destroyed them.  The reading glasses aren't super expensive, BUT it is the second pair in a year that I've had to buy!  It's a good thing that the girls look so angelic when they sleep......

It's difficult but I do try and keep my eye on the girls, but they are fast(er) than me and they can race down the basement stairs, and it takes me much longer to chase them.  Actually, chase isn't an accurate word, better to say, I "toddle" after them.

Time for me to get myself ready for my appointment.  I need to do major things like comb my hair, and put on some lipstick.  Since I have so much "natural beauty", I really only need to do those two things.  (Insert smiley face here).

Have a good Monday.


Sunday, August 6, 2017

School Clothes


With the page turn of a calendar, it feels as if summer is over.  Why?  Because everywhere I look, it's school supplies and new clothes for school.  I know that children dread the end of summer, but as a once working mom, it meant getting back to "normal", whatever that meant!

Each year, a few weeks before school started, was the clothes shopping trip.  Had I known about Xanax back then, these trips would have been a good time to take one.  I don't know what it's like clothes shopping for girls, but going with the boys was akin to having my teeth pulled out.

First stop, of course was for jeans.  I will have to admit that when the boys were going to school, ripped and acid washed jeans had not yet been "invented".  Nope, just plain old blue jeans, Levi 501's I think they were.  You had to drag the boys to even go to the store and then there was much moping about having to actually try on clothes.  Obviously, new jeans aren't nearly as comfy as the worn out ones that they, as well as I, favor.  So out of the gate, the jeans were stiff, didn't feel right, didn't fit right, etc.  Once I had the jean debacle under control, then it was on to shirts.  The days of wearing collared shirts to school was long gone.  Tee shirts were the uniform of the day, and still are.  Find the right size, avoid any shirts with any kind of controversial message, the right color and the list just went on and on.

I don't suppose shopping for girls is a walk in the park either.  I'm pretty sure they might be, and probably are, pickier than the boys were.  When I went to school, girls wore skirts or dresses.  Today, just like the boys, the uniform is jeans and most of them are shredded or ripped or whatever they call them.  I'm of the mind that if I'm buying jeans, I want all of the jeans, not just bits and pieces of denim woven together.  And, of course, because these jeans are all the rage, the price of said jeans goes up accordingly.  I found on line a pair of these torn jeans for plus-sized women, such as myself.  I feel no need to inflict on the world, bits and pieces of my thighs poking out from the holes!  Just saying.

Time for me to get on with my day.  Have a wonderful Sunday.


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Absent Yesterday


You may, and I hope you did, noticed the lack of my blog yesterday.  Benjamin and Stacey came to the house Thursday afternoon and stayed the night, because I had an early morning doctor's appointment.  Stacey and I enjoyed watching some "cheesy" television and stayed up long after Jeff and Benjamin had gone to bed.

Friday morning, we left the house early in the morning to get to Baltimore.  My doctor's appointment went well.  She thought I looked good (insert smiley face here) and was happy about my continued weight loss (double happy face here!).  As a person, you know that going into the next size, whatever that number is for you, is absolutely unacceptable.  I had reached that point, where there was no way I was going to start buying clothes in a larger size.  I'm never going to be bone thin, but any small reduction in size is very good news for me.

After leaving Baltimore, we went to Bob Evans and had breakfast for lunch.  Who doesn't like that?  While pancakes and/or french toast, was very tempting, I knew that they would be a sugar bomb for me.  See what a good adult I'm being?  I had eggs instead and enjoyed every bit.  Oh and did I mention there was bacon too!

Thursday evening, when I went to reach for my reading glasses, on the table next to my recliner (think of it as home base), they were gone.  Surprise, surprise.  Stacey was good enough to venture outside and found them - well part of them anyway.

After breakfast, a trip back to the optician to order new lenses and frames.  This is the second pair of glasses that they have ruined.  I guess you could call them "seeing eye dogs".  Luckily, I have my regular glasses on 99% of the time, so there is very little opportunity for stealing.

A quick run through Michael's.  Love that store and then back home.  A busy, busy day.  Stacey is so good about taking my wheelchair in and out of the car.  I could use my walker, but then when my leg was tired, I'd have nothing to sit on!

Now it's Saturday and almost noon.  On the weekends, I let Jeff sleep in as much as he can.  He definitely needs the sleep and once the girls are fed, they are pretty content to take a nap.  I didn't want them to feel alone, so I leaned back in my recliner and snoozed.  Now, I must take myself upstairs and get my day started.

A very beautiful day here and I hope the sun is shining where you are.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sunny Thursday


It is really beautiful outside today.  It's warm and I'm sure as the day progresses, will become increasingly warm (i.e., hot?) today.  No need to complain, it's summer after all.  Okay, after thinking about that, I guess it's okay to complain, it's what we people do. 

Last night I "tried" to participate in a book event for Benjamin.  Notice the word "tried".  I know how important books are to Benjamin and as a lifelong reader, definitely want to encourage that with him.  When you read a book, you can become anything and be anywhere.  A queen in England, or perhaps a factory worker in New York, things like that.

I once read books about murder, but that particular ship sailed a long time ago.  I still like mysteries, but now I only want to read what I call "cozy murders", if that's a thing.  In a cozy murder, there is a body, but no gory details.  Just a body and then some little old lady in the town (never in a big city), works to solve the mystery surrounding the dead body.  

Today, a home health aide is coming to the house.  I've never had an aide before and am a bit unsure of how exactly to begin.  I have always had trouble telling people what to do, and this morning is likely to be no different.  Since I'm not exactly up and running around the house, the house is a bit messy/cluttered or whatever else you want to call it.  My wheelchair doesn't fit in the kitchen, so I have to use my walker to get around while I make my breakfast - bagels and toast! Yum.

Off to yet another doctor today.  This is a spine surgeon and I'll be interested to hear what he has to say about the tests I've had done.  I suppose I could live with the numbness and pain, IF I had a finite day when all of my issues would go away.  I don't know if there's a doctor anywhere, who's able to predict the "how long" of getting better.  Easier to say - months, months and perhaps more months.  Telling a patient it could take a year or more doesn't sound particularly encouraging, which is where my glass is half empty comes into play.  

I better sign off so that I can have my breakfast before the aide comes in an hour or so.

Have a great Thursday.

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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Cleaning Up


Okay, I tell myself, much as I do everyday, that today I will actually clean something.  Or pick something up, put away something - well you get the idea.  And yet, with the best of intentions, the day passes by in a heartbeat and I have done none of the above.  Not motivated?  Possibly.  It's hard to work up enthusiasm over laundry and dusting.  Lazy?  Um that could be true too.  I'm not expecting a visit from any of the royal family, so IF I don't move anything around, you don't notice (barely anyway) the dust!

I ordered myself a little plastic basket that fits over the bars of my walker.  The basket has a plastic liner with a place for a glass as well as other goodies.  Since I need the walker, I might as well make it useful.

It's a quiet day here on the homestead.  I have a few calls to make, they are part of my "honey do" list!  Jeff is at work, so it's obviously easier for me to make calls.  What I don't like, and Jeff doesn't either, is when you call a company and they say they'll do "x" and then they don't, it's maddening.  

I can't believe it's August already.  I've noticed a definite increase in ads both on television and in print advertising the sale of book bags, pencils and whatever else the modern student needs today.  As a child, I loved getting all new school supplies each September.  Obviously, the thrill was brief!

When Stacey and Benjamin took me to yet another doctor's appointment earlier this week, they brought me a small rainbow and unicorn.  Everyone who has known me this year, knows that while I'm in pain, I keep hoping for rainbows and unicorns.  And I know that someday I'm actually going to get that.

Painfully short on news today, so I'll keep this short.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

A Busy Monday....


You know some people, perhaps yourself, whose calendar is chock full of activities - correction fun activities.  My calendar is also full, but there is nothing even remotely fun about the appointments I have this week.  Nope, just going from doctor to doctor, etc.  Basically, same song, second verse if that makes any sense.

Stacey and Benjamin took me to see an orthopedic surgeon who "does legs".  His partner, who I see on Thursday "does backs".  Would it be even remotely conceivable in this universe for both of them to be in the same office on the same day?  Nope, absolutely not.  

The doctor's appointment was delayed (imagine that) and by the time we got back to the house, the lady from a home health agency had already arrived.  Luckily, Jeff was home and let her into the house.  The nurse arrived later, took my blood pressure, checked the back of my knee and left.  I can only imagine (actually I can't begin to imagine) what her visit cost Medicare.  My thought, and it's only mine mind you, is that the moment doctors hear Medicare, the cost of your visit just doubled in price.  

Today is physical therapy, and the therapist has already given me tips on how to get off of a sofa as well as the edge of my tub.  Once I was shown the proper way to get up, it made perfect sense and hasn't been an issue since.  

We always watch Steven Cobert, the next night.  So for instance, tonight we'll watch last night's show, which should be fun with Steven making fun of the "Mooch".  I will say only this that the past seven months have been entertaining if nothing else.

Time for breakfast and get my day started.

Have a great Tuesday.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...