Tuesday, October 31, 2017



Tonight is a dentist's dream.  Lots of candy can sometimes equal lots of cavities.  Jeff and I aren't passing out candy this year.  We live at the top of a hill, and very few children are willing to trek up the hill for the few houses up here that pass out candy.

I want to talk about bottles that come with a handy-dandy push down top to dispense soap, shampoo, etc.  Maybe it's just me, but those bottles only work a few times and then I have to work at getting the product out of the bottle.  How messed up is that?  I have even taken the plungy (new word) device out of the bottle and tried shaking let's say hand lotion to the top.  I seldom have great success with this. I have a great urge to just get out a very strong pair of scissors and cut the bottle in half.  I think many bottles suffer a premature death because of the plungy thing not working.  It's very frustrating to be in the shower ready to wash your hair and you can't get the stupid shampoo out of the bottle.  Now all this frustration may, in fact, just be me, but I doubt it.

I actually struggle a great deal with opening up a lot of things.  The push and turn top of pill bottles has only a 50/50 chance of actually opening.  Boxes are hacked open and actual packages are cut with scissors (carefully).  

Then, there's the fine print issue.  I am old, and I know this.  I have a cataract which isn't quite large enough to be taken out, so reading small print is nearly impossible for me to read.  Hence, the buying of a magnifying glass to help me out.  According to the 2010 census, there were at that time 40.3 people in the United States, 65 and older.  I know that companies don't really want to cater to our age group, but that's a mistake.  Just because we're older, don't count us out as a consumer.  It's true that some of the things we want/need are, in fact, things like magnifying glasses, and weekly pill boxes with large dates and times.  And, sometimes a cane or other walking device is needed.  I know all about this.  I have a can, a four wheel walker and my rollator, which is currently down for repair.  I know that I no longer buy clothes that I would/could wear to work.  My work is inside the house, and the last time I looked, nothing around me has been complaining.  Hey, I shower and put on clean clothes and even put rollers in my hair so that my hair doesn't stand up on end!

Jeff bought a very large flat screen television and I absolutely love the size.  I can even watch television without my glasses, and that's a really big deal.  I confess, although most of you already know this, that I am a television junkie.  I have a limited amount of time that I can stand and/or walk before pain sets in.  So "stooding" (a word that Scott has used) isn't something I like to do a great deal.  

This afternoon, I'm seeing yet another orthopedic surgeon.  Am I expecting a successful outcome from the visit?  Nope.  I've been to doctor after doctor and continually get excuses about why they can't or won't help me.  I'm about ready to give up and accept my numb foot, etc., as my new reality.  I can almost hear you guys telling me not to give up or give in, but that's easy to say, but harder to put in motion.  You can only be disappointed so many times.

I'm sure if you are going to a costume party, that your outfits will be fabulous.  Have a great day.


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Monday, October 30, 2017



It's Monday
I've got nothing to say
My brain's in a fog
And people would say 
That's nothing new
Your brain is foggy
Each and every day!

It's not the best poem in the world - ya think?  But it's not bad for an early Monday morning without having my coffee yet.  The dogs are sitting in my office waiting for me to make a move, any move.  Once I do move, then they will leap out from under the chair, and be ready to start their day.  Mind you, their day consists of stretching, yawning, some barking, and sleeping.  That is not a bad life!

Tomorrow I'm going to see yet another orthopedic surgeon who apparently works on backs.  If, he feels he can not help me, then I think I'm done.  I'm wasting time and more importantly money, looking for the ever evasive unicorns and rainbows, which I'm pretty sure don't actually exist!

More tomorrow, I promise.


Image result for picture of unicornImage result for picture of rainbow

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Getting Ready for Christmas!


I know that most, scratch that all of you, are probably feeling Bah Hum Bug right now.  Some people wait until the count down to Christmas is "T Minus and Counting".  For me, this is the time of year where I put my "search antenna" to work.  Goal?  Finding just the right gift for a person.  And, because people tell me I'm hard to buy for (which isn't true), I've compiled a list of things for me.  Most of the things on the list are useful, like a sewing needle that's easy to use.  Of course, some would argue with me that I have no business sewing anything, because to tell the truth, I suck at it!

I already know what I'm getting for Scott and Andrew.  Will it come in a shirt type box?  Yup, and secured with packing tape.  Women and little children love wrapping paper.  Men, not so much.  As Jeff and I get older, we really don't need anything.  Do we want something?  Probably, but most of the time nothing much comes to mind.  

Now this year, it looks like I'm going to be hunting for presents for a "pink person" (i.e., a little girl).  Since I have spent 40 plus years buying things for "blue people" (boys/men), I'm not in tune when it comes to girls.  I have a list, but I have been known to go rogue when buying presents.  

I am getting ready to order Christmas cards and 2018 calendar magnets for 4A Computing.  Over the years, I've gotten smarter and have the printing people print the return address on the envelopes.  That helps some, but somebody has to lick/moisten all of the cards closed.  And most of the time that person is me.  After the cards and magnets arrive, Jeff prints off an address label for each customer.  Then it's my job to stuff the envelopes and apply the labels.  I go to the post office during the week and sometime in November, before the madness sets in.  I have one card weighed, and then buy stamps for all of the other cards.

Maybe I take the fun out of Christmas, by getting everything done quickly.  Maybe I would enjoy actually going to a mall so that I could take in the decorations and look at all the clothes.  Since I have a rollator, perhaps I could get somebody to take me so I can browse.  That would be kind of fun.

Have a great Saturday.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Sore Fingers and Ads in Magazines


You know they say exercise is bad for people - or at least those people who don't exercise say that!  Yesterday, while with the physical therapist, he decided that because of my falls we should do floor exercises.  Okay, getting this body down to the floor is (a) not easy; and (b) not attractive!  Trouble is that while I was using a chair to help support me as I "glided" to the floor, I managed to catch a couple of my fingers between the back of the chair slats.  Since I was holding on to the chair, like a life preserver, I didn't notice initially that anything was wrong with my hand.  Ah, but I'm here to tell you that I have one very sore hand.  Since I'm able to bend the fingers a little, pretty sure that nothing is broken, just sprained.  But either way damn inconvenient.  

Jeff gave me subscriptions to two magazines for Christmas.  Yesterday, while trying to read one magazine, these pesky 3x5 cards kept falling out.  Seriously?  I want to read the magazine and if I was contemplating a vacation in Vermont, I don't need an advertising postcard to help me get there.  My habit now is that when I get a new magazine, I give it a "shake down", where hopefully all of those cards fall out and into the awaiting trashcan.  And, just when I think I have conquered the situation, I sit down in my chair and while going through the pages, find that some of those stupid cards are attached and have to be torn out.  I believe we pay enough money for a subscription that should allow us to be "postcard free"!  Maybe this situation doesn't cause everybody grief, it could be just me.  I know as well as you do, that the minute you complete and send in one of those cards, your mailbox will never be empty again!  It's much like letting a salesman get his foot in your door, and then try to figure out how to get him back outside again.

We are experiencing cooler weather here and it's probably time to put the "shorty" pants away in favor of long ones.  I'm not organized enough to have empty plastic bins waiting for my spring and summer clothes.  Nope, I'm more of a store them in the spare bedroom and deal with them later.  And, later in my book, generally means next spring when I need the warmer weather clothes.

It's a beautiful day here and I'm jealous that Jeff gets to ride with the top down.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

A New Day


I'll catch you guys up.  Yesterday, I was supposed to go to an appointment, can't remember which doctor, but I needed to be picked up.  Unfortunately, in trying to get my rollator and me out thru the garage, I lost my balance, knocked over the recycling bin and me, the rollator and the contents of my purse and the bin went face first onto the floor.  Luckily, the Metro Access driver was there and helped get me up and all the plastic products back in the bin.  I broke, or a defective part broke the rollator.  Because we seldom have good luck, the one year warranty ended on October 5, 2017 (of course)! Jeff is going to call the company to see if we can buy the part that broke.  Otherwise, well you know what will happen - we'll have to buy a new rollator!  I credit good bones because I have now fallen on the right knee four times, and could have broken the knee after one of the falls.  See people, eating ice cream gives you good bones!

Today is long pants and long sleeve shirt day.  It's kind of a Winnie the Poo day - blustery.  I guess I should turn off the a/c, even though they aren't going to run when the temperature is low.  Jeff and I keep our bedroom window open year round, with the exception of a snow storm.  I think we sleep better in a cool room, and besides we have two dogs to keep us warm all night long. 

Several ideas for Christmas gifts for the family came to mind today, and I have added them all to my Amazon wish list.  If you know me well, then you know that I like to have my Christmas shopping over by Thanksgiving.  I know, I know, rushing the season.  But, if you know what you are going to buy, then just buy it.  After I buy things, then I must face the "dreaded" task - wrapping.  I generally just tape those famous shirt boxes shut for the boys.  I do make an attempt to wrap presents for Stacey and Benjamin, but the finished present is not pretty!  I consider myself a good "gifter", but I absolutely have no desire to wrap and/or put a bow on anything.  My mother-in-law used to save all the ribbons and bows for use next year.  I can't be bothered with all of that, just give me a black trash bag and I'm good to go.  That may make me sound a little "scroogy" (not a word, just one of my words), but I really do enjoy watching the family open their presents.

I noticed this morning that the tennis balls on my walker are worn out on the bottom.  Gads, can I have anything to use that's not broken!  I don't think that's asking too much.  I'm not asking to win the lottery, although that would be very nice, I just want the devices that help keep me mobile, to not break or wear out!

Okay, I'm climbing off my "pity party" soap box now.  I hope you're enjoying your day.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Oops I Missed A Day


Sorry guys about yesterday.  I had a very early doctor's appointment that only resulted in his recommendation that I see yet another doctor in his practice.  Sigh.  When will the madness end?  I am seeing this new doctor tomorrow, and perhaps he'll be able to help me.  What I do know from the doctor yesterday is that I don't have the compartment pain syndrome or "CRAP" as I like to call it.  So that's good news.

For my afternoon appointment, I was taking my rollator with me.  Metro Access had just pulled up in front of the house, and I was trying to get the rollator and myself outside through the garage.  Well, the good news is that I did make it to the garage.  The bad news is that I did so by falling off a step, hitting my right knee again, and breaking a part on my rollator.  At least the driver was there, because I'm pretty sure I wasn't going to be able to pull myself up from off the ground.  The driver helped me up, picked up all the plastic recycling containers that I had knocked to the ground and dusted me off.  It is a good thing that I have good bones (see eating ice cream is helpful!), because by my count, I have now fallen since February four times and always managing to bang up the right knee.  Since I have hip issues on my left side, I would prefer, not that you get a choice, to have all my falls on the left side.  Reason?  Then I could just go to a doctor and tell him that I'm "broken" all along that side.   

I'm seeing a new doctor tomorrow.  I want/hope that this doctor will look at the x-rays and determine that he can and will help me.  Everybody knows that I'm waiting for rainbows and unicorns, and I don't think that's asking too much.  Physical therapy isn't concentrating too much on my back.  I have physical therapy tomorrow and I'm going to tell him we must concentrate on balance.  Two falls in a week is not acceptable.  Kind of makes me afraid to walk around!

Our cleaning lady is sick today and will come on Friday.  That gives me extra time to pick things up and put them away.  Or mostly put things away!  In general, men don't understand a woman's need for doing simple housework, when they are paying somebody to do it.  Here's the thing, if your house is super messy, you may/might come across as either (a) lazy and/or (b) sloppy.  I'm not sure where I fit in those two categories, perhaps a bit of both.  

Time for me to drop off and go see about things in the house that need some attention.

Have a great Wednesday.


Monday, October 23, 2017

Checking In


You may have noticed that I took yesterday off.  I had nothing to write about, rant about or care enough about to put random letters on a page.  And, believe me, you would have gotten just that.  I care enough for all of you, that I want to make sure that I'm giving you all my creativeness.  Yesterday, was not that day.

It's now Monday (duh!) and I think today should be a laundry day.  I was sleeping when I heard the loud crunch of something.  That something happened to be an approved toy - a bone that feels and looks like it's made out of cement!  Once I'd popped out of bed, then the girls go into hyper drive, making it impossible to go back to sleep.  

Yesterday afternoon, Jeff and I made the Costo/WalMart run.  We took my rollator along, so that I could sit when I needed or wanted to.  I hate those stupid little carts that make that annoying beeping sound when you back up.  And, I'm not a good cart driver, I am forever banging into something as I attempt to turn into an aisle.  Here's the deal - in my rollator, for whatever reason, I feel less handicapped.  Now I know that makes absolutely no sense, but it's how I feel.  And trying to feel better about myself is a full time job, and not always a successful one.

I had made my grocery list before we left the house, so it was really a fast trip through WalMart.  Stacey met us at Costco so that Benjamin could go home.  I really and truly hate saying good-bye to him.  While I'm unable to take him out for a run (like that would ever happen, even if I was physically able!), or go to the movies, since I can't drive, I think he has a good time here with Jeff and I.  I am accepting of his singing and dancing and getting toys out for his imaginary play.  For instance, eating popcorn for dinner, because we can and we wanted to.  Obviously, things are different at our house, as they probably are at all grandparents' houses.  It's just what we do.  We're older, have more time and patience.  And, our love for our grandchildren has no limit - to the moon and back!

I'm seeing the ortho surgeon tomorrow morning, so I'll wear shorts (the kind that goes to my knees), so that I won't have to put on those paper-like shorts that don't fit.  And, when they don't fit, there's a blow to your ego.  Will he be able to help me?  Only time will tell.  He does research on the compartment pain syndrome - or CRAP as I like to call it.  My real fear is that he'll not be able to help me and I'll be forever stuck in a body that only half works.  I'd be pretty happy if I could get behind the wheel of my car.  I don't think that's asking too much.

One doctor told me that it could take many months or perhaps even a year before I might feel better.  Really?  That's your best answer?  I can't (oh I suppose I could) be this disabled for that long.  I go to doctor's appointments and have to wait for Metro Access to both pick me up and drop me off.  I know that makes me sound like Debby Downer, and for that I apologize. I'm about to go into my sixth month with this crappy, oh I don't know what it is, foot.  

Thanks for letting me rant.

Have a great day.


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Fabulous Friday


Yesterday afternoon, Stacey and Benjamin came to the house.  The mission: find a Halloween costume.  Store: Party Store (ugh).  The good thing was that we were in the store in the afternoon, so there wasn't as much of a mad mash of parents and children.  Don't get me wrong, there were parents calling out the numbers of the costumes their children wanted to try on.  Luckily for me, Stacey brought me to the store in my wheelchair, so I was able to "park" myself out of harm's way.  The costume that Benjamin wanted, didn't come in his size.  I of course, have forgotten what the costume was but I do know that a bow and arrows was part of the costume.

Shopping with a child and/or a man, hampers the browsy (new word) nature of a woman.  I know all of you women would agree with that statement.  Luckily, Jeff was home from work, so we dropped Benjamin off at the house, and continued our most excellent adventure.  We went to Target - love that store and went up and down the aisles looking for nothing in particular.  Picture this: I was in the wheelchair, pushing the cart and Stacey was pushing me in the wheelchair.  Odd looking to be sure, but it was a successful outing.  I found some heavily discounted movies that I thought Benjamin might like, and some Halloween Oreos with orange frosting inside!  Yum.

Stacey then pushed me over to Kohl's for more browsing.  I haven't been in a real store - WalMart and Costco don't count since May.  Yes, I could use Metro Access to take me to the store, but I am quickly finding that the entrances to most retailers is not handicap friendly.  You have to push the door open, and then maneuver yourself and whatever mobile device you are using that day to get inside.  I'm bushed just by going inside a store.  You would think that more stores would have automatic doors to make things easier for people like me.  I may be in a wheelchair or rollator, but I am still a shopper, who many times gives up trying to go into stores, because it's a lot of trouble if I'm on my own.

Lost my train of thought there for a minute.  Inside Kohl's, Stacey pushed me through the store and it was lovely to see and feel the clothes.  I bought myself a pair of pajamas, which I don't normally wear, but I think every woman should own at least one pair.  Bought a beautiful red sweater and a soft as a cloud pajama top.  I didn't buy the bottoms, I just liked the feel of the top.  I am a sucker for very soft things, and I always keep my eye open for red clothing: blouses, sweaters, etc.  

Now, we're finished shopping and we're both hungry.  We went to Panera (however you spell it) and I had a very nice tuna fish salad on toast and some macaroni and cheese.  After we ate, it was time to return home and for me to take care of Benjamin, who is spending the weekend with us.  I am very patient and can sit with Benjamin and watch completely awful (in my opinion) movies.  I take my puzzle book to the chair, and I puzzle a bit and then sit up and watch the movie a bit.  This works out very well for Benjamin and myself.

This morning, Benjamin put the gate up to prevent the dogs from going into the living room and he played happily there before deciding it was time to watch a movie.

I hope all of you are having a wonderful day.  It is truly a gorgeous day here.  It's not too hot and it's not too cold.


Friday, October 20, 2017

A Bunch of Things


What does a bunch of things mean?  It simply means that I don't have a "central" idea to write about, hence (how I love that word), I'll wander around in my brain to write about multiple things.

Yesterday, I was trying to find the manual and/or warranty document for one of our kitchen devices.  A vacuum sealer to be exact.  For years, I have tossed all manuals regarding things we buy into a drawer below the oven.  So, by now, it's pretty mis-motched (new word) in there.  I actually found a sheet of instructions to something, written in Spanish.  Why I saved it, I have no idea, but instead of putting it back in the drawer, I actually tossed it out.  I was so proud of me.

I found manuals for appliances I'm not sure we own now.  But, to be on the safe side, I kept them, minus the Spanish one.  I haven't quite mastered the art of tossing things out, and consequences be damned.  As sure as the sun sets today, I will suddenly really need something I've just deemed worthless.

During the night, while in my bathroom (I know TMI), I lost my balance and fell down, on my right knee no less.  If you're keeping track, that is now the third time this year that I've fallen on my right knee!  Luckily for me, the glass shower doors were open, so at least I didn't fall into a wall of glass.  I called, okay I yelled, for Jeff to come and help me.  Problem is, I didn't exactly know what kind of help I really needed, beyond the obvious that I needed to get out of the shower and back up on my feet.  I now longer weigh 90 pounds (it's okay people to laugh at that), and when I'm in pain, I can be a bit (actually a lot) difficult about how to best get me upright.  I obviously managed with Jeff's help to get back up on my feet.  Otherwise, there would be no blog today.

I'm spending some time with Stacey and Benjamin today.  Other than the possibility of looking for a Halloween costume for Benjamin, all other plans are fluid - loosey goosey.  I'm confident that we'll find something to do, we always do.

Okay, on to plastic containers.  In the past few months, I bought some Tupperware bowls on Amazon.  One of those bowls is bright pink and I wanted to use it yesterday.  And, the lid was "MIA".  Now how in the world could I misplace such a colorful lid?  I have no idea, but like missing socks, most of the time I can either find the lid or the bowl, but generally not both at the same time.  Perhaps when I find the lid, I should probably duct tape them together!  In my search for the missing lid, I quickly realized that I have plastic containers and/or lids in several different places in the kitchen.  I need to round everything up, put them all on the kitchen table and do a major sorting.  If I have a lid but no bottom, out it goes.  Same for bottoms with no lids. Nothing is more aggravating than to put food in a bowl, only to discover that the corresponding lid is nowhere to be found.  I've also discovered that I don't get tas worked up about missing socks, as I do missing plastic containers. 

If I was a diligent housewife (and I've never claimed to be that), I would also bring down all the orphan socks I can find and if there's no match, out to the trash they go.  Hoping that you're going to eventually find the missing sock, is futile.  The chances of me getting all the socks in pairs, is equal to that of Jeff and I winning the lottery, particularly since we seldom buy any tickets!

Well, that's my Friday confessions.  Have a good day and enjoy your weekend.


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Thursday, October 19, 2017



Jeff just reminded me that I haven't blogged since Monday.  Apologies to all of you. Some days the creative side of my brain isn't working, and hence (don't you love that word?), I don't blog.  I've just returned from physical therapy, so my lower body is hurting a bit, and I guess that's a good thing.

Tomorrow, Stacey and Benjamin are coming here and we'll have a play date.  We'll probably end up at the Party Store looking for a Halloween costume for Benjamin.  The good thing about going to that store in the middle of the day is there will be less chaos.  When we went last year, it was complete madness.  The store was crowded, children were crying, parents were yelling and all I wanted to do is find a corner and stay out of the way.  Stacey said she would take me in my wheelchair so that while I'm sitting, my legs aren't dangling.  My right foot doesn't like to dangle, it just becomes numb"er".  can't remember what we did for costumes for the boys, but I'm pretty sure that we bought an outfit that was in a box.  At a certain age, the trick 'n treaters are no longer cute.  They are teenagers lugging around a pillowcase that they hope to fill up by the end of the night.

It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  It's a windows open kind of day, which freshens up the house.  When the house is closed up for months at a time, the house, at least my house, begins to smell a bit.  It's probably the dogs and when you live with a pet, you personally don't notice any smells being emitted through rugs and floors.  

The house was cleaned yesterday, and I always enjoy the cleanliness after the ladies leave.  It's so clean that you don't want to do anything, not even boil water!  I can't thank Jeff enough for the weekly house cleaning.  All the hoofs and antlers are put away in the laundry basket in the den.  Bella always pokes around in the basket, until she finds just the "right" thing for chewing.  And, of course, because she's small, Daisy doesn't take things off the counter or table!  You literally can't trust Bella, and the interesting thing is that she will take odd things that have been sitting around the house, like a DVD, and then one day said DVD is chewed almost beyond recognition.  When I become really aggravated with the girls, I remind myself that they will eventually, and I hope it's soon, settle down and do less chewing.  The chances of that happening soon, is as likely of Jeff and I winning the million dollar lottery!

The hem has come undone on the shirt I'm wearing.  My needle is threaded with blue thread, the shirt is pink.  I'm going to rummage around in the drawer to see if I have a lighter color.  For me, it doesn't have to be pink, just something lighter than dark blue!  And Wendy, I'll try and not sew both sides of the sleeve together! 😊

I'm going to go check on the girls, because all of a sudden they are very quiet.  And, that's not necessarily a good thing.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Aggravting Monday


Yesterday afternoon, I had an appointment with my psychiatrist.  It was my monthly visit to get and keep my head screwed on straight.  As the days grow shorter, my mood begins to darken as well.  She and I both know that the approaching winter months test me emotionally and mentally.  I hadn't been using, but am today, turning on my "SAD" light.  I want to keep my life in perspective and always trying to reach the top of the mountain, and can't because the top is always just a wee bit out of my reach.  Such is my life I guess.

Anyhoo (made up word), after my head was once again cleared and I had vented all my pent up emotions, I went into her little lobby (it's really small, but I guess it's still a lobby) and waited for Metro Access to pick me up.  My pick-up window time was from 3:30 to 4:00.  I had my grapes, puzzle book and water.  I think I'm a very patient person, so I sat down to wait.  And wait and wait some more.  At 4:15 I called Metro Access to check on my ride.  They didn't have a driver in my area and I wondered how could that be, I had arranged for a ride home.  They promised me that they would have someone come and get me in about an hour and a half!!!!!! 😞.  After finishing my call, I called Jeff's cellphone to see if he was home or anywhere near the doctor's office.  He wasn't in the immediate area, but when I explained that I had been "stood up", he drove up to get me.  I was so very thankful.  All I could think about was how does Metro Access get away with skipping my window for some reason, probably a stupid one at that, and then think that it's okay for me to wait for another hour and a half to "perhaps" be picked up.  I use the word perhaps, because by then I had lost confidence in their ability to actually come and take me home.  My business plan would be that if a driver is a no show, then I would think picking up the stranded customer as quickly as possible would be mission critical.  If, and that's a big if, I was able to drive, then I absolutely would do so.  But, since I have no feeling in my right foot, driving a car might, oh heck, probably would be iffy.

Okay, climbing off my soap box now.  Every now and then a person just has to let loose of her pent up angst.  The sun shining through the windows this morning is beautiful.  Fall weather and temperatures today.  Almost time to start thinking about when to turn the fireplace on! And go into the bedroom and wonder where in the heck did I put my sweatshirts.  The obvious answer would be a drawer, but in my case, that's not really an option.  I don't want to say I have too many clothes, but I do have more clothes than drawer space!  But, please don't tell Jeff this, because it will blow my cover about having nothing to wear!!!  😊

Today's mission is clear.  I'm going into the backyard and pick up with a broom and dustpan, all the shattered treasures that the girls have taken outside.  There's not too much stuff (ha), just slippers, DVD's, puzzle books and things like that.  But, when the girls are sleeping, I have a tendency to forget all about their destructive ways.

Have a great day.


Monday, October 16, 2017

Post Sunday


Yesterday, Scott and Wendy came to the house for a late breakfast, or early brunch.  Either way, Jeff's eggs, as always, was the star performer.

We acquired, i.e., bought a new printer for Jeff's office.  This printer will print 55 pages per minute, which is very impressive.  We, of course, seldom print any document quite that large, but it will be handy if, and when we do.  

What was more impressive, is that Scott put the new printer upstairs, he took down the two old printers in the office and put them in the back of his car.  Destination? The dump. Earlier I had visions of these very large printers sitting in a spare bedroom or the basement.  And, if something goes into the basement, it stays in the basement.  And, to be fair, not everything in the basement belongs to Jeff.  Nope, a lot of what's down there belongs to the boys.

Anyway, back on topic.  The four of us talked and talked.  It is super easy to talk to Wendy and when I showed her the pretty patchwork dress that I had "attempted" (emphasis on that word) to hem, she offered to finish the job, particularly since I ended up sewing the front and back ragged edges together!  Now, that may shock you, but it takes a unique person with a unique skill set to create a sack from a dress.  Just saying.

Wendy was going to make zucchini bread, but needed crushed pineapple.  A quick scan of our pantry, and the canned pineapple she needed was easily found.  Need more than one can?  I can fill that order as well.

I went up this morning to view the new, at least to us (for some reason I don't think it's brand new, but I'm probably mistaken as I often am) printer.  Great looking printer, nice gray finish and adequate paper storage.  What more can you say about a printer?  Not much, at least for me.  There are, of course, buttons you can push to get the printer going and doing stuff.  All I need to know is that if I want a document printed, I hit the printer button on the document and the document is printed.  Really don't need to know much more than that.

I mentioned, because it's October after all, that I like to do my Christmas shopping early, so a hint or list of things Wendy and her daughter wanted/needed, would be very helpful.  I know, I know.  What fool starts thinking about Christmas presents in October?  Me that's who.

Yesterday, and not my brightest idea (but these days few of them are), I went out to the backyard (gag) and since I didn't have a rake, used a shovel to pile up the destroyed treasures for the week: DVD, one side of two slippers, fluff from something, puzzle books shredded as well as a very large binder clip.  By the time I finished doing all of that, I had been on my feet long enough and needed to go and rest.  I took a plastic lawn chair and put it over my collected pile.  Is the chair still there?  Are the contents of the pile strewn all over the yard again?  I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon, and after which I'll head back to the yard armed with a broom and dustpan.  I don't use a rake, because the broom will do the job.

Well guys, that's the wrap up of yesterday, and it's time to get something done around the house.


In the afternoon, Jeff went to WalMart to collect the needed food for the week: lettuce, tomatoes, stuff like that.  While he was gone, I took one of those frozen dinners in a bag and then started adding food.  Already cooked rice, corn, green chilies, etc.  After Jeff came home, I left him to finish up the now one pot wonder, with the ingredients he wanted.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Slow Moving Saturday


The girls let us sleep in until 8:00 or so this morning.  It's nice to sleep in, because most nights I stay up until midnight or later.  Don't ask me why, because I don't have an answer.

Jeff and I have a running joke (actually not really a joke, just something we say to each other) about calling 1-800-Got Junk when one of us dies.  Morbid sounding, but together we have a lot of stuff.  If we ever move from this house into something smaller, we would have to challenge ourselves to pick and choose what goes and what stays with us.

This morning one of the Got Junk trucks came into the street, and while I knew it was not for us, I was "momentarily" hoping that it was!  😃  We've been in this house for 30 years and we've accumulated a lot of stuff.  Good stuff as well as "why are we keeping this" stuff.  

We have bought a printer that prints 55 pages in a minute.  There are two printers upstairs, but are older and need to be semi-retired.  The dilemma at the moment is how to get the new printer upstairs and one of the old printers downstairs.  All of the printers are quite heavy and do require more than one person to move them.

I've been watching the Dog Whisperer, and find it amazing in just a short amount of time, Cesar gets the dogs to behave.  Basically, they become changed animals, but sometimes I think he's doing as much training with the humans as he does with the dogs.  A calm person makes for a calm dog, a lesson I have yet to fully manage!

Yesterday, while being a good homemaker, I added white vinegar into the bottom of the dishwasher and then ran it empty on a hot setting.  Certainly did clean the inside, just like the article said.  I also tackled the inside of the refrigerator.  Getting the shelves and plastic bins used for veggies and meat, was easy.  Washing them was easy.  Putting them back, not so easy.  I have developed a reputation of taking things apart and then be absolutely unable to put things back.  I know this drives Jeff crazy, but I sincerely don't do it on purpose.

Happy Saturday everyone.


Friday, October 13, 2017



Since it's Friday the 13th, I could concentrate on all the evils that might (but don't) occur today.  Stay away from black cats, for instance is one of the things you're supposed to stay away from.  Of course, if you own a black cat, it's not like you can put him in the yard until tomorrow, when it will be safe to bring him inside!

Instead of worries about this "special" day, I want to write about language and the subsequent mangling of words, sentences, etc.  I will go crazy if one more person on television says, "where is it at?".  How about saying instead "where is it?".  I also don't like when people refer to their children as a kid.  Seriously?  I have children, not kids.  I have boys, not kids.  I just find the word kid to be disparaging somehow.  You may feel differently, and that's okay, I'm just putting in my two cents.

Some people when talking about Illinois (with a silent)s, which is the correct pronunciation by the way, pronounce it Illinois (where the s isn't silent).  While I can say the incorrect word, I don't know how to type that word that sounds to me like Illinoise (which I know is not a word).

I hear or read any number of incorrect or marginally correct words every day.  When I was a teenager and we had to go around the room and say a word.  The word that tripped me up time after time was aluminum.  For the life of me I couldn't say it.  The class, of course, found this to be quite funny - I did not.

Some, but not all, younger generations don't seem to know what "RSVP" stands for.  If I invite you to my house, and you don't respond, trust me I'm not going to hunt you down like a dog.  When said event comes around, I don't know if I'm cooking for "x" or "y" number of people.  With the "invention" of the personal computer, as well as the different programs, and "Word" being one of them, how hard is it really to send a quick email?  I'm thinking not that hard.  When Jeff and I are invited somewhere, I respond lightening quick.  I know that some people will rationalize this as easy to do, since I'm retired.  But, my mother instilled in me certain manners, and I haven't forgotten them.
I don't want anybody to be waiting for my response.  

I don't like to refer to Bella and Daisy as merely pets, when asked if I have pets.  The short answer is, yes I do.  But, I'd rather say I have two dogs, named Bella and Daisy.  That may be more information than they wanted, but it's just simply something that I do.

And then there are the emojis and abbreviations like "lol".  Okay, I get that "lol" could mean lots of love or laughing out load.  And, sometimes I'm confused.  Disclaimer: I'm confused most of the time, so my emoji would be "cmott"?  Pretty sure nobody would know what I'm talking about!

Jeff's mother was an English teacher, so I never knew which word to use if I was going to my room to rest, for instance.   Am I lying down or laying down?  The correct answer is lying down for a nap and laying down a book.  Whee.  And then there is - their, there and they're.  Some people use the wrong word, but we as readers or listeners understand what is being said or read.

I've also wondered, probably because I have so much time in my day, why the Grand Prix is pronounced "Pree".  When I saw the word "prix" I initially didn't understand that the word "Prix" had a silent "x".  

Okay, I'm done.  Climbing off my soap box now.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Running Out of TV Shows (Horrors!)


Before I became more or less a crippled person - I actually hate that word, but it describes me best right now.  I have trouble walking and standing, so I'm going to stick to my own diagnosis.  Anyway, back before my troubles started, I would take my coffee, bagel and Kindle and head to my favorite chair in the living room.  Since I came home in July, I seldom even go into the living room, and doing so guarantees that it's always clean and tidy!

At the moment, I fix my breakfast and sit in my recliner to watch two amazing tv shows: Dog the Bounty Hunter and Parking Wars.  I know, I know, this is not really good television, but I love them just the same.  Perhaps these are shows (and they are) that require no intellect.  You just sit back and enjoy these staged shows.  I know they are staged, but this doesn't diminish in anyway my enjoyment.  My theory is that if you are going to be involved in a reality show and perhaps make a fool of yourself, then I'm here to watch.  Once I'm finished with those shows and my cup is empty, it's time for me to get a move on.

The house was cleaned yesterday, and it's absolutely wonderful to have a clean house (thank you Jeff).  If they cleaned nothing but the bathrooms and kitchen, that would make me a happy camper as well.  The cook top is so clean, that I actually don't want to cook anything.  And I have a plastic cover to put over food in the microwave, so there are no splatters to clean up.  Basically, Wednesday is my new favorite day of the week.  Having the house cleaned, makes me want to do a better job of getting a handle on things they don't clean.  Notice I said makes me want, not I am going to clean the stairwell wall that the dogs rub up against when they are coming downstairs. 

It rained really hard last night and since the ground is wet, I can actually tell when one or both of the dogs have been outside - wet paws!  Unfortunately, Daisy in particular is less likely to go outside than Bella does.  I have been "trying" to see if Bella can behave if one or two gates are put away.  I'm starting with the kitchen and I know that seems like a poor place to start, but once I'm sure that pretty much everything has been put away, I let her roam.  Fingers crossed, but so far all is well.  Leaving the dogs inside the house while we are out, is just not going to happen anytime soon.  I'm pretty sure we'd come back to a certain amount of damage, and I don't want that.  The girls are showing some signs of maturity.  After their breakfast, there is a bit of sisterly fighting, and then they quietly go into separate areas and go to sleep.  Love that - the sleeping part that is.

It's very gray outside and for the first time in months, I have my "SAD" light turned on.  I need all the help I can get to help me stay positive and upbeat.  The winter months, with early sunsets, are not my friend.  With a cataract, it makes night driving a bit tricky.  But, it appears that night driving as well as daytime driving isn't in my immediate future - very sad about this.  I want my life back.

Love to stay and chat, but there are certain things that I must do, like shower and dress.  Oh, and make the bed.  


Wednesday, October 11, 2017



Little known "national" day is Sausage Pizza Day as well as Bring Your Teddy Bear to work or school.  I can't imagine very many adults who would be brave enough to actually bring a stuffed animal to work.  But then stranger things have happened.

Yesterday, a day out from my physical therapy appointment on Monday, was in a lot of pain.  Pain piller (new word) pain.  I can tolerate quite a bit of pain, but my right knee had been overworked on Monday, and the therapist added weights to my right leg.  And I think the addition of weights to my leg was perhaps a bit too much.

Luckily, we still had some spaghetti from Monday, and Jeff brought home bread and made garlic bread.  Yummy tasting, but probably not something you would want to eat while on a date!  Just saying.

I'm loving the National Geographic channel on tv.  Really interesting shows and since they don't have anything to do with cooking, both Jeff and I can watch and enjoy. Of course, when he's not home, I'm in love with all the cooking shows.  On Chopped for instance, when the contestants open up their baskets to see what they are going to have to use, I try and imagine what I'd make.  Just for the record, I generally come up empty. 

I'm just rambling on, and basically don't have much to say/write today.  Perhaps tomorrow will be a better writing day.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tuesday - Big Deal


Jeff got back from his trip to Minnesota very late last week.  Because he had been away, the girls both were antsy and wanted to play.  Basically, he only had a few hours of sleep, so when he gets home, I'm betting on a nap in the recliner.

I went to physical therapy today and the therapist ran "juice" (probably electricity I don't know) around my knee.  Every time I lift my leg I can hear the crackling sound, which should only be when you add milk to Rice Krispies.  I'm off doctors for the moment, and don't want to see someone about a creaky knee.  I know they'll tell me that I've reached "a certain age" (meaning old) and some crackling comes with age. So does wisdom, but it doesn't hurt as much, because most of the time we can't/don't remember what we're doing!

I made a large pot of spaghetti last night.  Jeff will probably take spaghetti in his lunch this week, until or if he gets tired of it.  It's not traditional spaghetti, but made more like my Mother used to make it.  After the noodles and other ingredients were stirred together and hot, she then added two cans of cream of mushroom soup and cheese on top.  

New hooves and bones arrived this weekend, so as I write this, Bella is going to town on a bone.  As long as she isn't tearing up something inappropriate, I can certainly stand the sound of crunching.  I just worry that one day she's going to break off a tooth.

Not much going on at the "Bassett Estate".  The cleaning lady comes tomorrow, so today I'll put some stuff away, to make it easier for her to dust.

In Jeff's absence, I think I watched all of the Halloween cooking shows.  Thank you Jeff for the cooking channel, I love it.  I don't watch food shows when Jeff is home, he simply hates them.  Maybe I should get wireless headphones, so that I can watch my shows, and Jeff won't be bothered by the sound.  Hmm, I need to check on that.

It's warm and humid outside.  Jeff and I are both ready for cooler temperatures, and less air conditioning.


Monday, October 9, 2017

Columbus Day


Today is Columbus Day.  I'm wondering why this is a "thing" on the calendar.  Not, mind you, don't appreciate the extra day tagged onto a weekend, but does anybody even care?  Apparently, the stores care, because there are any number of Columbus Day sales, everything from cars to furniture.

We all know the saying about Columbus - Columbus said the ocean blue, etc.  But, what else did he do?  We know, he was an explorer, and yes we already know that, but also a navigator and colonizer.  There were points in his life where he wasn't popular because most Catholic theologians insisted that the Earth was flat.  He spearheaded the transatlantic slave trade and has been accused by several historians of initiating the genocide of the Hispaniola natives. Columbus himself saw his accomplishments primarily in the light of spreading the Christian religion.  He was born in 1451 and died on May 20,1506 and had two sons.

I have no eartthly idea why Columbus Day is an actual holiday for some who work for the government, for example.  Others, not so lucky, got up this morning and headed into work.  For them, it's just another day.  I, for example, didn't know that Columbus initiated slave trade, and yet we continue to celebrate him.  I'm fairly certain that most people don't know about the slave trade.  I, for sure, didn't.  

This is a copy of Columbus' notes in the margins of his copy of "The Travels of Marco Polo". 


While Columbus Day may have been justily celebrated for years after his death in 1506, today it's basically just another day off, and another opportunity to do some shopping and sleep in!


Saturday, October 7, 2017

Saturday Clean-Up


Jeff has left to go out to Andy's house to work on something.  I stayed home, which should be pretty obvious since you're reading my blog!

Not so long ago, Bella (always the ring leader) found my knitting books in a magazine rack.  She took all the books outside, rolled them around in the dirt, and hopefully nothing else, and proceeded to try and eat them.  I guess the books didn't meet her standards of appropriately tasting steals.  When Jeff rounded them all up for me, I was pretty angry at the time, and literally just dumped all of the books on a bookshelf in my office.  Time has gone by, but this morning I looked at all the knitting books stacked willy-nilly.  I took them down and dusted them off.  After doing that, I put them on a high shelf in my office.

Jeff is flying to Minnesota tomorrow to pick up our repaired plane, and will co-pilot it home with one of the plane's partner.  There is nothing like flying commercial, having your body scanned, squeezed into a seat, whose width hasn't changed in years, even though we Americans have!  A soft drink and peanuts.  What else could you ask for?  Oh, I forgot to mention very little leg space.

I'm trying to look at something every day and decide it's fate.  Shred? File? or simply toss because there is no identifying information on the paper.  Do you remember when things were different, and junk mail, including offers for credit cards, was just put in the trash?  I do, but realize that we're living in different times now, and identity theft is a real thing.

Jeff and I watched several episodes (all reruns) of Curb Your Enthusiasm with Larry David this morning.  Between the wonderful music that is played and the "innocent" things that Larry does, makes for a very enjoyable thirty minutes.  He takes on normal day-to-day issues: parking over the line, cutting in front of you in a line and letting people know what they do repeatedly that is annoying.  

It's a warm day here and I think we're going to get rain either Sunday or Monday.  



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...