Saturday, October 21, 2017

Fabulous Friday


Yesterday afternoon, Stacey and Benjamin came to the house.  The mission: find a Halloween costume.  Store: Party Store (ugh).  The good thing was that we were in the store in the afternoon, so there wasn't as much of a mad mash of parents and children.  Don't get me wrong, there were parents calling out the numbers of the costumes their children wanted to try on.  Luckily for me, Stacey brought me to the store in my wheelchair, so I was able to "park" myself out of harm's way.  The costume that Benjamin wanted, didn't come in his size.  I of course, have forgotten what the costume was but I do know that a bow and arrows was part of the costume.

Shopping with a child and/or a man, hampers the browsy (new word) nature of a woman.  I know all of you women would agree with that statement.  Luckily, Jeff was home from work, so we dropped Benjamin off at the house, and continued our most excellent adventure.  We went to Target - love that store and went up and down the aisles looking for nothing in particular.  Picture this: I was in the wheelchair, pushing the cart and Stacey was pushing me in the wheelchair.  Odd looking to be sure, but it was a successful outing.  I found some heavily discounted movies that I thought Benjamin might like, and some Halloween Oreos with orange frosting inside!  Yum.

Stacey then pushed me over to Kohl's for more browsing.  I haven't been in a real store - WalMart and Costco don't count since May.  Yes, I could use Metro Access to take me to the store, but I am quickly finding that the entrances to most retailers is not handicap friendly.  You have to push the door open, and then maneuver yourself and whatever mobile device you are using that day to get inside.  I'm bushed just by going inside a store.  You would think that more stores would have automatic doors to make things easier for people like me.  I may be in a wheelchair or rollator, but I am still a shopper, who many times gives up trying to go into stores, because it's a lot of trouble if I'm on my own.

Lost my train of thought there for a minute.  Inside Kohl's, Stacey pushed me through the store and it was lovely to see and feel the clothes.  I bought myself a pair of pajamas, which I don't normally wear, but I think every woman should own at least one pair.  Bought a beautiful red sweater and a soft as a cloud pajama top.  I didn't buy the bottoms, I just liked the feel of the top.  I am a sucker for very soft things, and I always keep my eye open for red clothing: blouses, sweaters, etc.  

Now, we're finished shopping and we're both hungry.  We went to Panera (however you spell it) and I had a very nice tuna fish salad on toast and some macaroni and cheese.  After we ate, it was time to return home and for me to take care of Benjamin, who is spending the weekend with us.  I am very patient and can sit with Benjamin and watch completely awful (in my opinion) movies.  I take my puzzle book to the chair, and I puzzle a bit and then sit up and watch the movie a bit.  This works out very well for Benjamin and myself.

This morning, Benjamin put the gate up to prevent the dogs from going into the living room and he played happily there before deciding it was time to watch a movie.

I hope all of you are having a wonderful day.  It is truly a gorgeous day here.  It's not too hot and it's not too cold.


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