Monday, October 2, 2017

A Movie and Ice Cream!


Yesterday, my book club decided that in addition to reading the book of the month (Glass Castle), we would go and see it in the theater.  Glass Castle is a true story and at times I found it very hard to watch.  Alcoholic Father and perhaps at times, a Mother who was at the very least, out of touch with reality, as her artwork seemed more important to her than raising her children.

The family moved around a lot, trying successfully to avoid paying bills.  Sometimes the children's bed was a blanket thrown on a desert floor, other times a bed with a board for a mattress.  And yet, even through years of hunger and absent good parenting, the children grew up and one by one, left the nest.

The author was one of the daughters, while another daughter becomes an illustrator and the son a police officer. It made me sad to watch as their parents could obviously afford whiskey, and oil paints, but not the basic necessities of life - a roof over their heads, water, electricity and food.

Truth be told, there are probably hundreds of thousands if not millions of children across the globe who go to bed hungry every day.  And yet, as a society, rather than try to feed the hungry children in our cities, instead concentrate our power and actions to foreign countries.  I think this is sad.

I am thankful that my children were never hungry. And, I don't believe that I have ever known a child who had little or no food in their house.  If I had known, or will know, of such a child, then I will happily feed that child.

After the movie, we went out for ice cream, a favorite of mine.  Dinner was the leftover steak and potatoes from Saturday night.  I am going to eat my Tres Leches cake tonight after dinner.  Something really enjoyable to look forward to.

Have a wonderful Monday.  Okay, okay, have a Monday.  For some workers, the weekend coming up is a three dayer (I know that's not a word, but you get the idea).  I think Jeff and one one of the co-owners of the plane, are flying up next weekend to pick up the plane and bring her home.

I have to run, the house awaits!


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