Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Physical Therapy, Missed Ride and Other Things


Yesterday, I had my first physical therapist appointment with a new doctor.  My time with him is for 45 minutes and it's just one on one.  When I left the rehab facility, they had a physical therapist come and see me several times a week.  After having my therapy yesterday, the therapy I received from the rehab center was kind of a joke.  Dr. Lee had me stretching my back, doing some balancing exercises and a yoga pose, but changed slightly for me.  I did the one leg bent at the knee and the other leg, stretched out behind me.  Bit challenging when I had to put most of my weight on my right leg, but at least I didn't fall over!

When therapy was done, I quickly (okay perhaps quickly isn't the right word) went downstairs to wait for my ride with Metro Access.  I was downstairs and outside at the appointed time.  Metro Acess gives you a window for pick-up and unfortunately that window is a bit long.  I sat on my rollator and did some puzzles, ate grapes, more puzzle pages, more glancing at my watch and still there I was perched like the Queen of England!  The window pick-up time came and went, but being the mother of patience (at least I think I am, others might disagree), I waited an additional 15 minutes, before I called asking about my ride.  My ride came at 1:15 and was waiting for me at the wrong entrance.  Lucky that I saw the van go by.  I started walking as fast as I could to get to the other side of the building to catch the van.  I was successful, but by the time I got home, I felt like I had been through the wringer.  If, and that's a big if, I could drive my car, then obviously that would be the preferred way to travel.  Come and go when I pleased, but that's not an option right now, unfortunately.

We're taking the girls to the vet this afternoon for their rabies shots.  That ought to make them happy campers on the way home.  As puppies they received a rabies shot good for one year.  Today, they'll be getting their big dog shots, good for three years.

The oak leaves were picked up this morning, so later I'll get out my broom and dustpan and sweep and pick up the newly fallen leaves.  I know using a broom and dustpan seems like an odd combination, but believe me it works.  Who needs a rake anyway?

Closing now.  Off to the shower and do some tidying, before the cleaning lady comes today!  I know, that I'm not alone in doing this.  I'm not talking about vacuuming and mopping, just some general straightening up here and there.

Have a good day.



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