Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Aggravting Monday


Yesterday afternoon, I had an appointment with my psychiatrist.  It was my monthly visit to get and keep my head screwed on straight.  As the days grow shorter, my mood begins to darken as well.  She and I both know that the approaching winter months test me emotionally and mentally.  I hadn't been using, but am today, turning on my "SAD" light.  I want to keep my life in perspective and always trying to reach the top of the mountain, and can't because the top is always just a wee bit out of my reach.  Such is my life I guess.

Anyhoo (made up word), after my head was once again cleared and I had vented all my pent up emotions, I went into her little lobby (it's really small, but I guess it's still a lobby) and waited for Metro Access to pick me up.  My pick-up window time was from 3:30 to 4:00.  I had my grapes, puzzle book and water.  I think I'm a very patient person, so I sat down to wait.  And wait and wait some more.  At 4:15 I called Metro Access to check on my ride.  They didn't have a driver in my area and I wondered how could that be, I had arranged for a ride home.  They promised me that they would have someone come and get me in about an hour and a half!!!!!! 😞.  After finishing my call, I called Jeff's cellphone to see if he was home or anywhere near the doctor's office.  He wasn't in the immediate area, but when I explained that I had been "stood up", he drove up to get me.  I was so very thankful.  All I could think about was how does Metro Access get away with skipping my window for some reason, probably a stupid one at that, and then think that it's okay for me to wait for another hour and a half to "perhaps" be picked up.  I use the word perhaps, because by then I had lost confidence in their ability to actually come and take me home.  My business plan would be that if a driver is a no show, then I would think picking up the stranded customer as quickly as possible would be mission critical.  If, and that's a big if, I was able to drive, then I absolutely would do so.  But, since I have no feeling in my right foot, driving a car might, oh heck, probably would be iffy.

Okay, climbing off my soap box now.  Every now and then a person just has to let loose of her pent up angst.  The sun shining through the windows this morning is beautiful.  Fall weather and temperatures today.  Almost time to start thinking about when to turn the fireplace on! And go into the bedroom and wonder where in the heck did I put my sweatshirts.  The obvious answer would be a drawer, but in my case, that's not really an option.  I don't want to say I have too many clothes, but I do have more clothes than drawer space!  But, please don't tell Jeff this, because it will blow my cover about having nothing to wear!!!  😊

Today's mission is clear.  I'm going into the backyard and pick up with a broom and dustpan, all the shattered treasures that the girls have taken outside.  There's not too much stuff (ha), just slippers, DVD's, puzzle books and things like that.  But, when the girls are sleeping, I have a tendency to forget all about their destructive ways.

Have a great day.


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