Thursday, October 26, 2017

A New Day


I'll catch you guys up.  Yesterday, I was supposed to go to an appointment, can't remember which doctor, but I needed to be picked up.  Unfortunately, in trying to get my rollator and me out thru the garage, I lost my balance, knocked over the recycling bin and me, the rollator and the contents of my purse and the bin went face first onto the floor.  Luckily, the Metro Access driver was there and helped get me up and all the plastic products back in the bin.  I broke, or a defective part broke the rollator.  Because we seldom have good luck, the one year warranty ended on October 5, 2017 (of course)! Jeff is going to call the company to see if we can buy the part that broke.  Otherwise, well you know what will happen - we'll have to buy a new rollator!  I credit good bones because I have now fallen on the right knee four times, and could have broken the knee after one of the falls.  See people, eating ice cream gives you good bones!

Today is long pants and long sleeve shirt day.  It's kind of a Winnie the Poo day - blustery.  I guess I should turn off the a/c, even though they aren't going to run when the temperature is low.  Jeff and I keep our bedroom window open year round, with the exception of a snow storm.  I think we sleep better in a cool room, and besides we have two dogs to keep us warm all night long. 

Several ideas for Christmas gifts for the family came to mind today, and I have added them all to my Amazon wish list.  If you know me well, then you know that I like to have my Christmas shopping over by Thanksgiving.  I know, I know, rushing the season.  But, if you know what you are going to buy, then just buy it.  After I buy things, then I must face the "dreaded" task - wrapping.  I generally just tape those famous shirt boxes shut for the boys.  I do make an attempt to wrap presents for Stacey and Benjamin, but the finished present is not pretty!  I consider myself a good "gifter", but I absolutely have no desire to wrap and/or put a bow on anything.  My mother-in-law used to save all the ribbons and bows for use next year.  I can't be bothered with all of that, just give me a black trash bag and I'm good to go.  That may make me sound a little "scroogy" (not a word, just one of my words), but I really do enjoy watching the family open their presents.

I noticed this morning that the tennis balls on my walker are worn out on the bottom.  Gads, can I have anything to use that's not broken!  I don't think that's asking too much.  I'm not asking to win the lottery, although that would be very nice, I just want the devices that help keep me mobile, to not break or wear out!

Okay, I'm climbing off my "pity party" soap box now.  I hope you're enjoying your day.



  1. Hi, just a little suggestion that worked for Glenn. When we were at a pharmacy when he was using the walker with tennis balls, a lady next to us told us about "skis" you can put on the walker instead of the balls. The are made of a very durable sort of Teflon or plastic? They seemed to work better than the tennis balls. They were a little hard to put on the legs of the walker, but we really liked them much better, because they sort of let you glide easier. Might be worth checking them out.
    Take care, Ruthie


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