Friday, October 20, 2017

A Bunch of Things


What does a bunch of things mean?  It simply means that I don't have a "central" idea to write about, hence (how I love that word), I'll wander around in my brain to write about multiple things.

Yesterday, I was trying to find the manual and/or warranty document for one of our kitchen devices.  A vacuum sealer to be exact.  For years, I have tossed all manuals regarding things we buy into a drawer below the oven.  So, by now, it's pretty mis-motched (new word) in there.  I actually found a sheet of instructions to something, written in Spanish.  Why I saved it, I have no idea, but instead of putting it back in the drawer, I actually tossed it out.  I was so proud of me.

I found manuals for appliances I'm not sure we own now.  But, to be on the safe side, I kept them, minus the Spanish one.  I haven't quite mastered the art of tossing things out, and consequences be damned.  As sure as the sun sets today, I will suddenly really need something I've just deemed worthless.

During the night, while in my bathroom (I know TMI), I lost my balance and fell down, on my right knee no less.  If you're keeping track, that is now the third time this year that I've fallen on my right knee!  Luckily for me, the glass shower doors were open, so at least I didn't fall into a wall of glass.  I called, okay I yelled, for Jeff to come and help me.  Problem is, I didn't exactly know what kind of help I really needed, beyond the obvious that I needed to get out of the shower and back up on my feet.  I now longer weigh 90 pounds (it's okay people to laugh at that), and when I'm in pain, I can be a bit (actually a lot) difficult about how to best get me upright.  I obviously managed with Jeff's help to get back up on my feet.  Otherwise, there would be no blog today.

I'm spending some time with Stacey and Benjamin today.  Other than the possibility of looking for a Halloween costume for Benjamin, all other plans are fluid - loosey goosey.  I'm confident that we'll find something to do, we always do.

Okay, on to plastic containers.  In the past few months, I bought some Tupperware bowls on Amazon.  One of those bowls is bright pink and I wanted to use it yesterday.  And, the lid was "MIA".  Now how in the world could I misplace such a colorful lid?  I have no idea, but like missing socks, most of the time I can either find the lid or the bowl, but generally not both at the same time.  Perhaps when I find the lid, I should probably duct tape them together!  In my search for the missing lid, I quickly realized that I have plastic containers and/or lids in several different places in the kitchen.  I need to round everything up, put them all on the kitchen table and do a major sorting.  If I have a lid but no bottom, out it goes.  Same for bottoms with no lids. Nothing is more aggravating than to put food in a bowl, only to discover that the corresponding lid is nowhere to be found.  I've also discovered that I don't get tas worked up about missing socks, as I do missing plastic containers. 

If I was a diligent housewife (and I've never claimed to be that), I would also bring down all the orphan socks I can find and if there's no match, out to the trash they go.  Hoping that you're going to eventually find the missing sock, is futile.  The chances of me getting all the socks in pairs, is equal to that of Jeff and I winning the lottery, particularly since we seldom buy any tickets!

Well, that's my Friday confessions.  Have a good day and enjoy your weekend.


Image result for picture of missing socks


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