Friday, October 6, 2017

Nothing, Absolutely Nothing


Happy Friday!  And better yet, happy long weekend.  What to do with all that free time?  Oh I remember, I'm retired, so basically I always have free time.  

After yesterday's fiasco with the dress, you would assume (but you'd be wrong) that I wouldn't try to hem anything again, but I am.  One piece of clothing that I was given is a lovely pastel multi-colored dress/robe.  I like it a lot, but it must have been worn by a woman at least six feet tall. Since there was stripes it was actually easy to cut a mostly straight line.  After the cutting, I grabbed my needle and thread to go to work.  The easiest thread to find is navy blue, but since I'm never going to wear it out of the house, I don't mind the dark stitches.  Not too picky about the color I use for hemming.  The very difficult part is getting the thread into the needle.  And, because my eyesight isn't very good, I'm using the biggest needle I can find, and still having trouble.  After I finish my blog, I will go back and try to finish the hemming.

I have had my ears pierced for probably next to 45 years.  Jeff has over time bought me diamond studs and emerald studs, and they are beautiful.  The right ear is causing me problems right now, and am only able to wear one of those beautiful studs in my left ear.  In my "professional" opinion, there is a very tiny something (think tiny pea), which makes it nearly impossible to push a stud through.  I've done some research, thank you Google, and found a local tattoo parlor that has very good reviews.  I would like to have my right ear pierced again, but perhaps a little bit higher.  But, I am by no means interested in getting a tattoo!  Or piercing in other areas of my body.

Jeff and one of the plane's co-partner are planning on flying on Sunday to the mid-west (I can't remember which city) and picking up our plane and flying home on Monday. weather permitting.  You really can't get a good grip on Mother Nature.  She does as she damn well pleases, and I'm pretty sure she's not concerned about the devastation she leaves behind.

I don't want to jinx anything, but the girls seem to be quieter and better behaved.  As cute as a young puppy is, it's a whole lot easier on your nerves as well as the floors, when they start exhibiting better behavior.  That said, I wouldn't let Bella loose in the kitchen.  Pretty sure she would still do a stretch and grab to get something from off the counter.

Nice chatting with all of you, but I'm determined to finish the hemming on the dress.  Wish me luck.


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