Saturday, October 7, 2017

Saturday Clean-Up


Jeff has left to go out to Andy's house to work on something.  I stayed home, which should be pretty obvious since you're reading my blog!

Not so long ago, Bella (always the ring leader) found my knitting books in a magazine rack.  She took all the books outside, rolled them around in the dirt, and hopefully nothing else, and proceeded to try and eat them.  I guess the books didn't meet her standards of appropriately tasting steals.  When Jeff rounded them all up for me, I was pretty angry at the time, and literally just dumped all of the books on a bookshelf in my office.  Time has gone by, but this morning I looked at all the knitting books stacked willy-nilly.  I took them down and dusted them off.  After doing that, I put them on a high shelf in my office.

Jeff is flying to Minnesota tomorrow to pick up our repaired plane, and will co-pilot it home with one of the plane's partner.  There is nothing like flying commercial, having your body scanned, squeezed into a seat, whose width hasn't changed in years, even though we Americans have!  A soft drink and peanuts.  What else could you ask for?  Oh, I forgot to mention very little leg space.

I'm trying to look at something every day and decide it's fate.  Shred? File? or simply toss because there is no identifying information on the paper.  Do you remember when things were different, and junk mail, including offers for credit cards, was just put in the trash?  I do, but realize that we're living in different times now, and identity theft is a real thing.

Jeff and I watched several episodes (all reruns) of Curb Your Enthusiasm with Larry David this morning.  Between the wonderful music that is played and the "innocent" things that Larry does, makes for a very enjoyable thirty minutes.  He takes on normal day-to-day issues: parking over the line, cutting in front of you in a line and letting people know what they do repeatedly that is annoying.  

It's a warm day here and I think we're going to get rain either Sunday or Monday.  



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