Thursday, October 5, 2017

My New Favorite Day of the Week!


Most people would say that Friday is their favorite day.  Makes sense given that it's the threshold for the weekend.  And, when I was working, that was definitely my favorite day.  But, now Wednesday has become my favorite day.  Why?  Simple really.  I have a lovely woman who comes in to clean the house.  She does such an amazing job, I feel like I should just sit and touch nothing!

I still find it awkward, but I'm working on it, to sit in my recliner and watch people scrub away on the house.  After the cleaning, I find myself looking at dresser tops and kitchen counters in a new light.  Do I really need that stack of books on my dresser?  Since they've been sitting there since the beginning of time, probably not.  Update: they have now been removed to a spare room, that I don't have cleaned.  Actually, you enter the two spare bedrooms at your own risk.  They make a most excellent dumping ground for everything and anything that you don't want to deal with at the moment, or ever!

We took the girls in yesterday for their rabies and distemper shots.  Bella weighs 63 pounds and the vet thinks she could afford to lose a little weight.  She doesn't look overweight to me, but scales don't lie, but I wish they did.

We stopped at WalMart on the way home so that Jeff could run in and get a few things.  When we got home, I started emptying a bag and found a pool of pink dish soap at the bottom.  Somebody at the factory, apparently didn't put the top on the bottle tightly, and during the trip home became loose.  There was very little soap in the bottle, but a huge amount in the bag and a trail of pink soap from the garage into the kitchen.  In trying to clean the floor, here's what I found - it's super difficult to wipe soap off the floor, because when you use a wet rag, it becomes soapy!  After checking on line, where you can get info on just about anything, and found that using vinegar will help get the soap off the floor.  Just happen to have a bottle of vinegar sitting around, so perhaps I'll try that today.

It's a pretty nice day outside, so I'll put on my Birkenstocks, which currently the only pair of shoes I can put on, take my rollator out to the street, and start sweeping the leaves into a pile.  The leaves are in the street, so a broom and dustpan, while very unique, absolutely do an excellent job.

When I was in high school, I won the "Betty Crocker Award" for beating out my fellow classmates on a written test.  These other girls really concentrated on selecting the right answer.  I only took the required homemaking class, so I was clueless for most of the questions.  Knowing this, I just started circling answers in a random fashion.  And in doing that, I won.  Now while I may have won that award, it is no secret that when it comes to sewing anything more than a button on, I'm clueless.  Case in point, I was given a patchwork and beaded dress from a friend, and I like the dress very much.  Trouble is it was too long and must have been worn by a woman six feet tall.  But getting the length under control was no problem for me.  I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut off about four inches.  And then it was time to sew my newly cut hem, which is where I ran into trouble.  I sat down with needle and thread and since I had (notice the word had) no intention of wearing the dress out in public, I didn't much care if the hem was a bit off here and there.  When I was finished, I was really proud of myself, until I noticed that what I had finally created was a patchwork pillowcase!  Apparently, while trying to sew the hem, I didn't notice that I was actually sewing both sides of the dress together.  I know this doesn't happen to many people, but screwing up a sewing project is old news for me.  Today, I have two options: (a) throw the dress away; or (b) tear out my raggedy stitches and try again.  I haven't decided which option I'll choose, but since I really do like the dress, might be bold enough to try again!  I'll let you know.

Time to check on the girls, they've been too quiet for too long and that generally is not a good thing!


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