Monday, April 30, 2018

True Story


Today, instead of writing about the stuff and nonsense of the world, I'm going to write about something that happened to me in 1978.  Enjoy!

In 1978, our son, Scott was born.  That in itself, was a wonderful day.  Bringing home babies at that time, didn't require car seats that could keep a baby safe, even if flying to the moon.  You went home with the baby in your arms.  But that's not the story.

After Scott was born, and while I was nursing, I was suffering from cabin fever, and I left Scott with Jeff so that I could go to the library.  I had bought something called perhaps a breast shield.  This device would allow me to be out and about and my milk would be captured for later use.  That was the plan, but that's not how the plan worked.

I didn't notice that the shield (if that's what they were called), had a tiny hole.  Because of my lack of basic understand of many, okay all, things technical, I paid no attention to that little hole.  I put on these very hard shields, and went on my way.  Well, I wasn't in the library very long, before my shirt became very wet.  A quick trip to the bathroom, and I could see that I was leaking milk.  How, I thought, was that even possible?  My library visit was cut short, obviously.  Once I was home, and took off my shirt, I then saw, and a little bit too late, that I had put the "shields" on upside down!  The little hole was for the top, not the bottom of this shield!  After I figured this out, I had no more trouble when I wore them.  I doubt very much, that such a device is even made today.  When I look back on this, I remember how uncomfortable I was.  Who wouldn't be if you were wearing hard plastic "things" on your body?

Once I figured out that my "cup" runneth over, I didn't have any further mishaps, fortunately! When Andrew was born, I was experienced with "leakage". and had a found a better solution to that problem.  It's amazing how smart parents get with each child that's born.


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Soap Box Time!


My regular readers know, that I've been known from time to time, to get up on my soapbox and expound on a particular subject.

The subject of today's rant is the HUD proposal which calls for rent hikes for poor households.  Really?  There is now an executive order in place requiring federal agencies to expand work requirements, for low income people who receive Medicaid, food stamps, public housing benefits and welfare. 

There is a proposal that, if put in place, would require most recipients under the age of 60, to work part-time or enroll in a state-run training program.

Ben Carson's initiative would raise the rent for tenants in subsided housing to 35% of gross income.  About half of the 4.7 Million receiving housing benefits would be affected.

Cap on rent would for the poorest families would increase from $50.00 to about $150.00 a month.  This increase would affect approximately 712,000 households.  HUD also wants to scrap rules allowing deductions for medical and child care costs, which gives some tenants an unfair advantage. 

The list of rules and limitations just goes on and on.  I can speak from personal experience.  In my first life, a teen-age marriage, my husband and I couldn't have financially handled an increase in costs, whether it was the house, child care, etc.  We just didn't make enough.  At the time, my then husband was manager of a store similar to Woolworth's.  We lived on a very tight budget, and to help out, and yes it was wrong, he would, when the need arose, bring home baby clothes.  I'm certainly not trying to justify what he did, but poor people, and we were, will do just about anything for their families.  

Our checks bounced all over town, so we had to pay cash for groceries.  Doctors wouldn't see us, unless we brought cash.  One time, in particular, I became very sick, but couldn't afford to go to the doctor.  My coworkers, chipped in and gave me the money, so I could go.  Do you know what that feels like?  Or, when going out to lunch, which I did seldom, one of my older friends was polite and always said it was her time to pay - and it wasn't. 

I could go on and on about the life I led in my 5 years of marriage.  When my parents came to visit, they never came empty handed.  They brought food, which we always needed, and something for the baby as well.  Divorce ended the pitiful and poor life I had, but have never forgotten.

What can you say to people, including family, who give you a hand up?  Thank you seems like too little of a word to express your strongest emotions. 

Now, I checked, and Ben Carson earns $207,800 a year or $17,316 per month.  Do you suppose he stresses about the rising cost of groceries, utilities, child care or anything else for that matter.  Nope, he does not.  It is estimated that his net worth is around $26 Million.  That's a lot of money.  Which is the reason for today's rant.  Poor people, and there are a lot of them out there, really need someone to help them.

Okay, climbing off my soap box.  I just had to get that off my chest. 


Friday, April 27, 2018

Here I Am!


Hello readers. Yep, I'm back and hope you all missed me.  After staring up at a ceiling for hours on end, I'm really happy to be home.

Surgery really was a piece of cake.  While lightly sedated, and filled with numbing stuff, I absolutely didn't feel a thing.  However, the recovery period, argh, was awful.  I had two options for the many hours I was in recovery.  I could lay on my back and keep my eyes open - or sit up with my eyes closed.  I tried both positions several times, and hated them equally.  Who wants to stare, for hours on end, at a ceiling?  Nobody I can think of.  There was a nice picture above my head, but it would have been nice if the picture had been a revolving one.  My left eye was beneath a patch, obviously  But, my good eye, was ready to go home, pretty much at the beginning of recovery.  Can you say boring?  Oh you bet.

We arrived at 9:00 and didn't leave until after 5:00.  Those times are just approximations.  But, it was a really long day, and just sitting around is hard on a person - you simply get tired.  A drive through KFC, and dinner was cooked.  And, eating on a paper plate - means no dishes to wash.  Perfecto.

I had to go to sleep on my back, which I never do.  So, it was back to my trusty recliner, the tv remote, water and, of course, my little potty chair!  I guess it could be worse, and I would have had to use an outhouse!  I did actually fall asleep, watching some television show, which I can't remember.

This morning, another crack of dawn wake-up time, to go back to Hopkins, to have the doctor look at my left eye.  I think she said something about a bubble in my eye.  Um, I don't remember much else about the bubble, but I think it's a good thing.  The doctor took off yesterday's patch, and said that I had graduated to only needing a patch when I sleep - hip, hip, hooray.  It's the little things in life that make you happy.  The vision in my left eye is fussy, and the doctor assures me, and I believe her, that my vision will begin to improve.  I'm not looking at the world through rose colored glasses, as much as I'm looking through really smudgy eyes.

I had been given those so very attractive black plastic glasses yesterday before I went home.  I used them this morning during the trip to get rid of the glare, and they worked like a charm.  Bright lights, even today, are hard on my eyes.  I've had no pain, other than being a little woosy (not really a word, but you get the idea).  Think Saturday night drunk.  ๐Ÿ˜Ž  I have eye drops to put in my left eye throughout the day, and I'm becoming a master at doing this!

Because I'm a bit light-headed, I have chosen to remain downstairs at the moment.  I can, after I put on a night time patch, sleep in my own bed - heavenly!  You don't know you miss something, until it's taken away.

Yesterday, we were away from the house for a very long time.  Jeff and I bit the bullet, and left both girls (yes, including Bella) loose in the house.  Actually, not completely loose.  All the doors were closed upstairs, a gate to prevent them from getting into the living room.  When we opened the door, warily I might add, very few things were amiss.  I had one slipper and one Birkenstock which had been taken, but not chewed on.  My "knitting" if you could call it that (i.e., yarn) had been dragged out onto the floor and one paper plate was also on the floor.  Really, really good news.  Definitely, my fault for leaving slippers and shoes out, I should have known that was a no-no!  But, perhaps I'm a slow learner.

I've had lunch - earth shattering news I know - and went back to the safety of my chair - and fell asleep, which I must have needed.  My activities are a bit limited - no bending (no emptying of the dishwasher, even though I don't do it now), lifting heavy things (again, Jeff brings the laundry up and down the stairs), and in general just bending down in general.

Here's what I know for sure - or at least what I think I know for sure - I have to come up with something that I can do while laying flat on my back for untold hours after my next surgery.  Have no idea what that will be.  It would be kinder and easier on my body, to gently put me to sleep, and awaken me when it was time to go home!  That's not likely to happen, but a girl can wish.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

No Blog Tomorrow


I know that the news of no blog tomorrow, will be a break in your morning routines.  First, you make coffee, food of choice (I like toast), paper of choice, and then probably get dressed.  My blog is like morning dessert - hot "off the presses" and filled with stuff and nonsense.  A perfect antidote for all the news, both real and "fake" that bombards us every day.

Oh, there was a time, long, long ago, when news was generally delivered once a day.  Living in California at the time, you could opt for delivery of the "LA Times", which was so heavy that you could develop a hernia over time!  I remember one time, when someone called me to see if I wanted to receive the "LA Times" on a daily basis.  My answer?  I told them nope.  When asked why, I simply replied that the paper was too heavy (true story)!  We had a local paper, that provided us with all the news that we needed/wanted at the time.

I think the first time I really paid attention to the news was when Kennedy was assassinated.  It was a shock, but because I was still in middle school (and that's not a good excuse I know), only wanted to sit through a news cycle once.  My parents, on the other hand, spent untold hours watching the news. And, at the time, television channels were limited - let's say, 4, 7, 9 for example.  CNN didn't come on the scene until 1980 (this is a fact - I checked!).

For you younger folks reading, there was no DVD, CD, Tivo, DVR, "fancy" (i.e., premium) channels.  There were three and you had to sit through ALL the commercials - no fast forwarding as we can do today.  I know, the horrors of being a child in the 60's.

I now as a "mature" adult, have reasoned that it's probably time, okay, well past my time to do so, watch the news.  I watch the local news, skipping past sports (who cares?), and only watching the weather forecast once.  Jeff and I enjoy the Steven Cobare (however you spell it) show, and his daily monologue, which is generally or actually always about Trump.  Since I don't "do" politics on my blog, that's all I'm saying.

While for years and years, watching "60 Minutes" was not even on our radar, it is now a weekly recorded show.  Do we watch all the stories they have?  Actually, no.  Thanks to Tivo recording, we can skip past stories that don't interest us much.  Though we did sit through the Stormy Daniels story, and who didn't?

Benjamin goes home tonight.  He's been here since Saturday.  I've made a deal with him every day.  He can watch any of his shows - Shrek, Sponge Bob, etc., and I will "watch" (while I'm reading) with him.  But, come the evening, even though he doesn't like it much, he knows that the evening shows are the ones that Jeff and I want to watch.  And, he's good with that.

Eyeball surgery tomorrow.  While I know I will be anxious, which is an under-statement, because I live anxious pretty much 24/7, I'm looking forward to improved vision.  

This next bit will make more sense to women than men.  Women, unlike men who grow beards, don't care AT ALL for unwanted facial hair.  Eyebrows are obviously okay.  Mustaches and ugly "old lady" chin hairs are definitely NOT okay.  Oh, if I were a blonde, facial hair wouldn't be so obvious.  But, alas, I have dark hair, which means, you guess it, darker facial hair.  Over the course of 30 plus years, I have plucked, waxed, threaded and any other kind of torture you can do to your face, to remove hair.  There was a time when you could either wax the hair off, or use a product at home.  I used to use - emphasis on the word "used", a white and very smelly product that you basically smeared across your upper lip and let it dry.  It did remove hair, but it wasn't ideal.

I own a small waxing machine, and today will tackle those chinny chin hairs.  We women, who at the heart of it all, are vain in one way or the other, don't want to be seen with curly chin hair!  I still remember on our honeymoon in 1974, we were on a bus, with an old lady who had a long curling hair coming out of her chin.  Gross.  First, I was never going to be that old - well that obviously has happened.  And, then I was never going to have curly facial hair.  Well, hello 2018, guess what?  Yup.  Curly chin hair that needs to come off today!  I don't want the surgeon tomorrow, and I know this isn't true, to become distracted by the hairs on my face.  This is sort of like when I was hugely pregnant, and I didn't want to go into labor with hair on my legs.  Jeff, was a good sport, who made sure I was always "ready to go"!  What a guy.  He does draw the line at spousal support, when it comes to painting toenails!  You have to have standards.

Okay, so long story short, there will likely be no blog tomorrow. But, you can check in, on the off chance that my surgery isn't until later in the day, which doesn't seem likely.

That's all for now.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Back To The Beginning


Some of you, lucky souls that you are, have been with me since the beginning.  My first blog was on June 2, 2012, and I've decided to re-post it, so that my new readers know why my blog is called Cuzilu Ramblings!  Enjoy.

 History of Cuzilu


Cuzilu Ramblings
In case you're wondering Cuzilu is not my real name - shocker I know.  It's really Patti and I'll give you the history of Cuzilu, whether you want or need it.  You may not be interested in this history so please feel free to fast forward to the end - which means you won't be reading anything - but such is life.
When my husband and I bought our first "nice" (read - more expensive than our first house) car the salesman asked me if I wanted personalized plates.  I pounced on the idea before husband could inject, object or reject the idea.

I had waited years for the opportunity to get the license plate I ALWAYS had wanted.  It was supposed to read as follows:  CUZ I LU -  (Because I love you).  Well, in my haste to scribble down my first choice of a personalized plate I ran the letters all together.  Yep and came up with Cuzilu.  I suspect that people who aren't savvy like you and me, might think that I'm cousin Lou or Lulu.  Nope, I was then as I still think today, that in my humble opinion, have the best license plate ever.

The only way Cuzilu is going to go back in the selection pot of the MVA is when someone rips my license plate out of my cold dead hands and not a moment before.  Boys are you listening?

So that's my story - well not my complete story - because that would take pages and pages and days and days.   Why a blog?  And why now?

Here's the deal.  I want to see my name in print and not on the first page of some court document.  No, on the cover of a book, a real book like you find in book stores or libraries.  I have sent out a children's book story to oh I don't know half a dozen or so agents and publishers and the rejection notices are coming in faster than I can mark them down as "not interested" on my spreadsheet.  

Some books - the how to kinds - say that a following on the internet is a good place to start.  So that's where you guys come in.  You're my followers.  Great plan I think.  I'll do the heavy lifting (i.e., thinking up something smart to say) and all you have to do is read.  Of course, if you like what I write then you could tell somebody and so on.  See how easy this is going to be - at least until I run out of ideas!
So my friends and hopefully some new acquaintances, give me a chance.  I've got lots to say just haven't found the right way to peddle those thoughts.

Thanks guys.


Monday, April 23, 2018

My Annual Disparity in Wages


Lucky for me, that the Parade Magazine once a year shows the salaries of the uppermost uber rich, and then us regular folk.  It almost, and actually is, sad that some people have so much money, for what appears to me to be so little.

Chris Rock has an estimated income of $57 Million dollars. You know, as well as I do, that entertainers like him, HAVE people who do pretty much everything for him.  Do really rich people worry, or perhaps give a thought to who's going to mow their lawns?  Um, seems doubtable.

Then there's a firefighter who only earns $18,000.  A firefighter's work is dangerous, and you would think they would earn what I would consider a "working" wage.  I don't know many people who can live on $18,000.

A part-time federal prison transportation officer get $20,000. I know the prisons are detained in the back, but still, they are prisoners.

A pro hockey player has an estimated income of $16 Million.  While I know hockey is a dangerous sport, but he's literally being paid to skate.  (Please don't send me hate mail, because I do know that the sport is not just about being able to skate).

For heaven's sake, Albert Einstein estimated estate income is $10 Million, and he's dead!

Some of us remember, and not fondly, of how little we were paid when we were starting our careers.  I remember how happy Jeff and I were, when his take home pay had a comma in it!  Happy Days.

If you are ever wondering how far you've come, just look at your Social Security Statement, which shows your salaries from the beginning to the present.  When you aren't making a lot of money, you have to get creative about spending.  Do you turn the a/c on, and then get a higher electrical bill, OR can you just put a few fans in strategic places.  Once, it was ONE ice cream cone among three people (Jeff and I and our oldest son).   If, you've come up in the ranks, you do appreciate, everything that you have EARNED over the span of your career.  And, we are so very proud of Scott and Andrew's successful careers.  My long-time career as a legal secretary ended in 2013.  Jeff, is still working.  Working makes him happy (actually that's probably not an accurate word, but it'll do), and allows us to afford certain things - like one click shopping on Amazon๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

When I watch a show, like Judge Judy, and somebody is standing in front of her, and she asks what they make on either (a) disability and/or (b) social security.  The received income is generally very low, and I feel sorry for them.  It helped, when it was time, for me to start collecting Social Security, that I had worked 40 plus years.

Jeff and I are grateful for the life we have had, and the successes we have earned.  I believe that if you work for your money, rather than having it handed to you with a silver spoon, you are more appreciative.

Jeff and I are keeping Benjamin with us until Wednesday.  With him out of the house, Stacey et al, can continue to get their house ready to be put on the market later this week.

When Benjamin is here, he puts on some mind-numbing Netflix movie, and then sets up his racetrack, and plays with cars, and dances and sings.  All of this is fine with MomMom - I can, for the most part, tune him out.  Perhaps, this is a skill that mothers of sons obtain!  Multiple boys in the house means multiple amounts of noise.  Or, is it perhaps, that since I no longer have children in the house, I am more patient now? Could be.

Happy Monday everybody.


Sunday, April 22, 2018

Post Birthday Party


Here I am again.  Benjamin pointed out to me, that today's blog will be my hundredth one for this year.  I hadn't noticed.

Today, is Benjamin's 10th birthday.  Yesterday, the girls and I went out to Andrew's house in the morning, well in advance of the party.  The theme was Goose Bumps, which I know nothing about - other than somehow there is a green and black theme.

As usual, in my opinion, Stacey could give Martha Stewart a run for her money.  Stacey entertains very well, and I am in awe of this, because I don't.  When I arrived, Stacey was making a werewolf from krispie treats, and did an amazing job.

My job was to cut the tops off of strawberries and then make a half moon-like shape in the middle.  After that, Benjamin put Oreo cookie crumbs into the "mouth".  They came out beautifully!

We had pizza for lunch, which was the only salt consumed yesterday.  There were donuts, cupcakes, strawberry "men", I guess you could call them, "worms" in dirt, and not to mention a beautiful cake that Stacey made.  You can imagine by the end of the day, the children were very much on a sugar high!

Andrew had rented a moon bounce and it was a big hit with the children as well as some adults.  I refrained.  I have enough trouble standing upright, so there was no way I was going to go on something that bounced around.

The plan was that we were bringing Benjamin home with us, until Wednesday.  Andrew's house is going to be put on the market, and Thursday pictures of the house, yard, etc., will be taken.  They have put an offer on what looks like a beautiful home, but haven't received any word from the seller.

By the time we got home last night, there was a minimal amount of television watched (so that my pills could take effect), before everybody crashed in their beds!

Today, Jeff and Bella are headed back out to Andrew's house.  He will be doing the mowing, and/or any other similar jobs that needs to be done.  Benjamin, Daisy and I are content to stay at home.  When Bella leaves, Daisy doesn't appear to miss her "sister".  She's probably content to have the house and the beds to herself.

Benjamin received some very nice presents.  Jeff and I bought him a Lego kit called "The Chicken Coop", with chickens and eggs!  Seemed appropriate for him, since they have chickens and a rooster in the backyard.

We have been given a few of their eggs, and I told Jeff this morning, that we should have an "egg-off".  Cook a regular egg and eat it and then try Benjamin's eggs, to see if there is actually a difference in taste.  I'm betting that there will be a taste difference.  If nothing else, the eggs we get from Andrew, are lightly brown eggs.

Since Jeff has now left, Benjamin is getting his fill in of television shows that could almost an adult lose their mind.  Just saying.  I pay no attention to his shows, I'm content to read.

My left hip or something in the vicinity, where I suffer from an "itis" (arthritis, etc.) is acting up at the moment.  I'm going to make one trip up the stairs to get dressed, and then I'll remain on the first floor until bedtime.  I sometimes feel as if I had everything below my waist chopped off (just kidding), I would feel so much better!

By the way, since I've given up on stud earrings, I have found several nice pairs of clip-on ones.  Jeff, was nice enough to buy me plastic sleeves that go on the back of these earrings.  I now own "diamonds", "pearls" and "sapphire and diamond" ones!  Be jealous people of all my "jewels"!!

There is a little boy that lives next door, who doesn't have anyone on the street to play with.  I'm looking out my window and Andy and Benjamin are playing with sticks in the circle.  This playtime is good for both boys.  The only rule I have, which is a biggie, is that he doesn't leave the circle.  I like to keep my eyes on him.  I'm not a helicopter parent, I'm a helicopter MomMom!

It's a pretty day outside, so once I'm dressed, I may go to the front porch and sit on my swing and read a book on my Kindle.

Happy Sunday.



Saturday, April 21, 2018

Logistics - Birthday Party and Plane


I know you're scratching your head, wondering what Benjamin's birthday party has to do with the plane.  Simple really.  It all comes down to logistics, or maneuvering if you prefer.

The plane needs to go into the "shop" for a parachute repack.  When you own a plane like ours, you know in advance that in "x" years, you're going to cough up some dough for this.  The repack is a bit on the pricey side (go figure), but to not have a functional parachute in a time of crisis, would simply be dumb.  It's like having working brakes on your car - you wouldn't drive around if they were bad.  I'm assuming you're all shaking your heads in agreement!

Jeff has to drive to Pennsylvania to pick up one of his partners, who is flying the plane there.  Then, they'll drive back to Frederick, so that his partner can get in his car and go home.  Jeff, on the other hand, will continue driving, and come out to Andrew's house for Benjamin's birthday.

But, wait there's more.  Please add into the mix, how am I getting to Benjamin's party?  Andrew is coming this morning to pick up the girls and me.  The party's not until 3:00, so by the time the girls need to go into the basement with Andrew's dogs, they should be worn out.  Once the party starts, and the noise volume starts and continues to increase, I may just grab my Kindle and head for a quiet place.  Here's the thing, when your children have left home, and the house is relatively quiet, you (I) have trouble sometimes dealing with noise.  When the boys were young, and the noise level in the house was deafening, it was just the norm.  I know that all of you parents, remember this.

Once Andrew arrives, they have to get choke chain collars and leashes on both dogs.  Then, he'll have to hoist them into the car, because (1) it's an SUV, and (2) neither of the girls are very comfortable or actually willing to get in a car.  Once inside, they're fine, it's the getting in part that might prove to be challenging.

I have wrapped one of Benjamin's presents, but didn't cut enough paper for the second gift.  And, you all know how much I love wrapping!  I'll have to cut some more paper to cover the second gift. 

I'm going to "wrap" (see what I did there?) this up.  I need to be dressed and ready when Andrew arrives.



Friday, April 20, 2018

It's Friday


Yes people, we made it to Friday.  It's not a big deal for me, since I basically live a "Friday" day all week long!  Tomorrow, is Benjamin's birthday party, so I need to wrap up his present today.  And, those of you who know me well, also know that wrapping any present is a challenge for me.  This reminds me of people.  What you see on the outside, doesn't necessarily mean the same thing on the inside.  You know what I mean?

After a gloomy yesterday, today holds more promise.  After getting myself together, I'm going to grab my rollator and do some laps around the circle.  If I was more comfortable with my ability to remain upright, I would take Bella on these laps with me.  But, unfortunately, these days it doesn't take too much for me to be face up on the floor!

Correction to my blog yesterday, where I said the girls were going to be 3 years old.  Apparently, I'm just not too good with me.  Jeff, reminded me that they were born in 2016, which makes them 2 years old.  Apologies.

I'm going to enjoy the quiet of today, because next week, Jeff and I have several appointments.  Getting my head shrunk (a necessity), face waxing (also, a necessity), eyeball surgery and then I think an appointment the day after that, to see how I'm doing.  I may not have the next day after surgery appointment right, but at least I think that's what's happening.

Even though there is an plastic orange fence around the newly seeded part of the lawn, the girls have managed to find a way to get under that "fence" and play on the newly planted side of the yard.  I know it's early days, but when I go outside to look, I'm not seeing any baby grass.  Jeff, would tell you, and he'd be right, that I'm just impatient.  I'm a one woman cheering squad for the grass to grow!

The plane goes into the shop tomorrow for the parachute repacking.  Since we've owned the plane for nearly 11 years (and, it's possible Jeff that I've gotten that figure wrong), it's time for maintenance (whatever that entails) of the parachute.  The parachute is a key part of the plane.  Plane trouble that can't be corrected?  Pull the chute and basically glide down to earth.  So many lives have been saved using the parachute.

Gotta run.  Duty calls.


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Where Have My Puppies Gone?


As the girls are both turning 3 in a month, I've noticed things slowing down. Now, I don't want to jinx myself, but, shoes and/or slippers remain untouched while they are on the floor!  This is huge.  In the past three years, countless pairs of slippers and the occasional shoe have gone to their premature deaths.

Is there some kind of personal clock inside a dog, that tells them they are big girls now, and they need to behave?  Perhaps.  At this point, all the gates are down, except for one gate blocking the formal dining room, which is anything but formal.  The dining room is where Benjamin stashes his toys, books to be read are on a curio cabinet, and stuff like that.

Now, I suppose that Bella would still enjoy taking outside, paper towels, paper plates and/or paper cups.  Because I'm not sure about paper products, used plates and/or cups, are still put out of her reach!

There is only one more problem to solve, and that is, not going out the doggy door.  Why do we always seem to get a dog that prefers concrete (basement floor), over going outside to do their business?  I could understand this behavior, if it had snowed so much that the doggy door was blocked, but that hasn't happened this winter.  In our bedroom, each night I put down a folded up towel, actually a towel sheet, on the floor.  One or both of the girls use that towel during the night, and I'm okay with that.  It's super easy for me to pick up the towel in the morning, and put down a new one at night.  So, I know they are trainable in this area.

While everyone thought Jeff and I were out of our minds, when we rescued the girls, we continued to believe, and we were right, that eventually they would outgrow being a puppy.  To be fair, it was difficult at times, to think that the girls would live long enough to become dogs!  And, yet they have. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Saturday, is Benjamin's 10th birthday, and he's having a birthday party.  Under normal circumstances, we would take the girls out there to run and run in his backyard.  But, one of the children that's coming to the party is super allergic to dogs, so if we took Bella out, she would have to stay in a bedroom.  I don't want to do that to her.  I guess, we can leave the girls the partial run of the house, some doors would be shut and some gates would go up. I guess we could take our chances of coming home hours later to the inside of the house still "standing"!!  Of course, if we never try to leave Bella alone in the house, we'll never know if she can or will be good alone.  You have to start somewhere.

Yesterday, I went out with my rollator and walked around the circle in front of our house eight times.  I know that doesn't sound impressive, but for me, that was huge. I'll walk again today, and try to do nine times around the circle.  Baby steps.

Also, yesterday, I started cleaning up one of the spare bedrooms.  Tiring work, but it needs to be done.

It's a gray day here, but the forecast indicates some warmer weather is headed our way.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Reading Above All Else


For all of my life, at least the parts I remember, I have loved books.  Dad would read me stories from the Little Golden Books (The Pokey Little Puppy) each night before bed.  I will forever be grateful to him, for nurturing my love for books.

Growing up, I read the obvious books - Nancy Drew, Bobbsey Twins, for example. When Mom and Dad would go out to the base and shop at the exchange (store), I would do just about anything to get a new book.  And, my downfall then, was that I couldn't or wouldn't hear my Mother calling me to do the dishes, or some other mundane chore.  I don't think I ever saw my Mother read a book.  Magazines of course, but never a novel.  She missed out on so much.

Now, I'm an adult, obviously, and my love for reading is still on top of my list of things to do.  Correction - things I want to do.  In the past week or so, I have read three books.  All three of these books, were page turners for me.  I know that the kitchen needs cleaning, and there are dirty clothes in the hamper.  But, for me, those things will still be there when I'm finished my book.

The trouble is, besides getting behind in things that need doing, is my inability to recall most of the story.  Oh, I remember most of the big stuff, for instance, what the book was about.  After that, things tend to get fuzzy.  With my short term memory being shot, recalling things like character names, is gone as soon as I finish the book.  For me, this is depressing.  The book club meets once a month.  I dutifully read the book, set it down, and when we meet, I have nothing to add to the discussion.  I recall whether I liked the book, or not, and that's pretty much all I contribute.  But, the snacks are good, and there is always wine.

I have given up wearing my glasses around the house.  I can't really see much better than I do without the glasses.  So, what's the point.  Obviously, if I'm driving, I will wear glasses.  I am anxiously waiting for next week's surgery on my left eye.  I'm expecting, after healing, to be able to see much better.  Fingers crossed!

While eating my breakfast, I was in my chair, with the bright light from the lamp, and my huge lighted magnifying glass, reading from my current book.  Would I prefer not to have to use a magnifying glass?  Of course.  But, my love for reading trumps having to use a magnifying glass.

I did some filing in Jeff's office yesterday.  For the longest time, and still do, have folders marked "utilities", "insurance", etc., and I would put the appropriate bills in the appropriate folders.  And now I don't.  I finally came to my senses.  When was the last time you reached for a paid utility bill?  Hmmmm, like never.  I have to question myself as to why I feel keeping months of paid bills necessary.  Frankly, it's a huge waste of time.  Time, that I could be reading - just saying!

Starting out 40 plus years ago, I opted to be the keeper of paper - bills, birth certificates, etc.  Back then, we had very little paper to file.  Filing back then was sort of cute, probably because the filing was quick.  Now, fast forward to today, and we somehow have heaps of paper.  We have bills for the airplane.  Bills for the boys' computer company, and then our own bills.  It's a lot of paper.  And, when I decide to purge out a folder, then those papers have to be shredded.  Our name, address, and other pertinent information on a document can't just be tossed in the trash.  The filing is like laundry - there is always something that needs to be done!

I'm going to hurry to start a load of laundry, tidy up the kitchen, and make the bed quickly, so that I can return to my book!  As I say in the title, "reading above all else".  Ada comes today, so all that's necessary for me to do, is a general pick-up of shoes, dog bones, etc.

This is it for today.  Time to get a move on.  Happy Wednesday.


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Getting Motivated


It's dark and gloomy outside today.  This kind of weather does absolutely nothing for my mood.  Actually, it does do something - makes me feel depressed.  And, yes if you're wondering, I have my "SAD" light on!  Heaven knows I need all the help I can get.

For the first time in my adult life, I've stopped wearing my glasses.  Since I can't really see with them on, I've decided to just go solo around the house.  If, I were driving, I would then put on my prescription glasses, for which other people out and about would certainly appreciate.

Today, is get your taxes in the mail day.  Jeff has finished ours, and will be heading off to the post office to get them in the mail.  The only good thing about finishing taxes, is that you don't have to do them again for a whole year!  Each year, I start a tax folder in my office, where I put anything relevant to taxes inside.  It's just too difficult to start trying to pull all the documents you need, if you (meaning me), have them in multiple places.

Benjamin's 10th birthday party is on Saturday.  He's having a Goose Bump theme party.  I went shopping with Stacey for party supplies.  So, the only thing I know about Goose Bumps is that it's a green and black party, as far as decorations are concerned.  It is likely that Jeff will be driving to Lancaster to pick-up one of our partners, who is taking the plane in for service.

Jeff and I will miss most of the party, but hopefully there will still be cake to eat! Oh, how I love my sugar - which isn't good for me.  To make things easier on Jeff, I'm going to suggest that he drop me off at the Frederick Library.  I will take water, my Kindle, and some crackers.  From their website, they have an outside patio area, where I can sit and eat.  I'll also bring a crossword puzzle book, the title of which should read "Easy Crossword Puzzles For the Old as Well as the Memory Challenged".  

I've decided that today I am going to tackle on the spare rooms.  Once the doors are closed, I don't really care about what's inside.  But, I know, that every now and then, I should go and straighten up the room (i.e., put away some of my spare clothes)!  I always like to buy new clothes - which woman doesn't, but I know that I already own a LOT of clothes (but, don't tell Jeff that), but that doesn't stop me from wanting and/or buying more.  A gal just has to have variety, but men don't understand this!  It's a "Mars and Venus" kind of thing.

Well, my readers, much as I'd like to stay and "chat", I must put my body in a forward motion!  Enjoy your day.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Just Random Thoughts About Nothing!


The tax man cometh (sp?), and the tax man taketh (sp) away.  Just a fact in most people's lives, but there is a sigh of relief once this annual chore is finished.  You may not be happy with the outcome, but as they say, it is what it is.

We took Bella, who behaved beautifully in the stores and Benjamin to Costco and WalMart.  While Bella behaved, we found that some people just can't resist coming over to hopefully pet her, which is not allowed, when she's wearing her vest.  As happens, when you're shopping with a grandchild, it's hard to say no to getting them something.  Benjamin picked out a very nice history book.  It has questions for you to answer, and then on another page, the correct answers.

After shopping, we went out to Andrew's house, where picking up and packing items was in full swing.  They are planning, I think, to put their house on the market later this month. I sat down and cleaned/dusted several items, while Stacey's Mother did the wrapping.  Bella, went outside to play and was worn out by the time we left!  Unfortunately, Daisy couldn't come with us, so she missed out running in their very large yard.  The good news is, that if you leave Daisy alone in the house, nothing is destroyed, which is a bonus.

On our way home, it was sprinkling.  Our newly seeded backyard needs rain, but I think Mother Nature didn't understand my request.  I asked for some rain, but instead we got a lot of rain, which turns the backyard into a mud bog.  So, if the girls come in without muddy feet, then that means, they weren't outside!

I didn't sleep well last night, so this morning after my toast and coffee, I turned on one of my favorite shows, and within minutes I was down for the count.  While I was sleeping, I did feel Daisy jumping up on my lap, but I still slept on.  I just want to acknowledge how lucky Jeff and I are, to have a dog that absolutely loves laps.  

Today, I will put away all the non-perishable items we bought yesterday.  When you come home late, it's only essentially to put away frozen or refrigerator items.  The rest of the food is on the dining room table.

Okay, still in my pj's, so it's time for me to get upstairs to get dressed for the day.  My standard is to be dressed before noon, but I didn't make that today. 

More tomorrow.


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Miss Me?


Sorry about yesterday, but I was busy being MomMom.  Benjamin stayed with us Friday and last night.  As a good grandmother, I was subjected to several hours of mind-numbing movies - Boss Baby, or something like that.

While the three of us were watching a movie last night, Jeff popped popcorn for all of us.  It's a win-win situation, because the girls are the happy recipients of the popcorn as well!   Not exactly on their diet, but then again, it's not on ours either!

Jeff turned the a/c on yesterday, not so much for the temperature, as the high humidity level.  I HATE sticking to leather in the summer time.  Somehow, cold leather in the winter, doesn't pose that particular problem!  I know, I know.  I particularly, like middle of the road temperatures.

I have put away my good earrings. One of my diamond studs is missing (Jeff, I'm very sorry, but I'll keep looking).  The back came off, and I didn't notice. It's pretty hard to find an earring in the carpet.  Because, I do like earrings, I bought myself some "diamond" and "emerald" earrings.  And, because my track record of late, hasn't been too good, I bought clip on earrings.  I may be done with pierced earrings altogether, because the loss of an expensive earring, is devastating.

This morning, while I drank my coffee, I sort of watched Ghost Busters with Benjamin. I have a very large tolerance for the movies he watches.  I watch the movie a bit, read a bit, etc.  Even if Benjamin dances and sings, this is not a problem for me.  I had sons after all, and while they weren't big on dancing and singing, they still managed to make noise! Scott was/is a whistler, and luckily for us, he whistles on tune.

We're taking Benjamin home today, but not before we do our weekly shopping.  We're taking Bella with us, with her in training vest on.  Each time we take her out, to expose her to noise, smells and people, she has been excellent, flawless in fact.  Bella seems to know that when we put her vest on, that she is working. Daisy, will stay home today.  After shopping, going out to Andrew's house for a few hours.  Bella will be able to run and run, which will wear her out.  While Daisy loves to run, particularly when she manages to get out of her collar, she dashes all around the neighborhood.  I worry that she'll get hit by a car.  And, when she does come home, she literally won't come inside.  We have to put up a gate to keep Bella inside, leave the front door open and wait.  She eventually comes in, but boy oh boy is she stubborn.  Oh, by the way, it's Daisy's birthday today, she turns 3.  And, Jeff and I have noticed that some of the puppy madness is going away.  Thank goodness.  Bella will be 3 next month.  Bella is beginning to leave some things alone, she still loves paper plates and/or cups!  But, I haven't "lost" my slippers in sometime.  As we've told people from the beginning, when our world was full of chaos, the girls would eventually be dogs, not puppies. 

I think that's all the news, that is news from the Bassett household.  Have a good day.


Friday, April 13, 2018

Treasure and Memories


The area in which Stacey lives, has an on-line bulletin board of sorts, where you can list items you want to sell.  Some of the items listed, are very reasonably priced, and other things the seller wants just a "tad" too much.  

Stacey has started to sell off some of Benjamin's things.  Things that he played with when he was a small boy.  She was selling a small bookcase of his, and I told her that I would like it, and would exchange it with something of my own that would likely sell.

Now, here's the problem.  Actually, it's not really a problem, it's more of a personal heart ache for me.  No question, that Benjamin has outgrown these items, but somehow, and in no way rationale, the selling of these things is hard for me.  Why?  Because I still remember the little boy he once was.  I know that everyone grows up and gets older, but I am still longing for little Benjamin.  You're probably thinking that I have a screw loose, and that may be true.  But it is, what it is.

I need to accept the fact, and actually I do, at least as far as my mind is concerned, that Benjamin's not a little boy anymore.  But, oh how I do miss the little fellow that would fit in my lap, rocked to sleep, and slept in our bed for several years.  Precious memories to be sure.  Time has a way of stealing some of your memories, I know mine has.  Perhaps, I'm just wanting to be Peter Pan, and never grow up.

Unlike, some of my friends, I keep a lot of things that are very personal to me.  My hope chest, where I store my memories, is almost full.  I could, I suppose, go through the chest and start throwing things away, but I can't, and I won't.  When I open the chest, I see Benjamin's artwork, sympathy cards from when my Dad passed away (and I know you're thinking good grief, she's a pack rat), my wedding dress (why exactly?), the frog outfit that we put on Benjamin, when it was time for him to leave the hospital.  The list, just goes on and on.  I don't open the chest often, because looking at some things brings back memories that weren't especially pleasant ones.  Be, that as it may, I'm holding on to them.  I know in the future, the boys perhaps will be the ones that will have to sort through the chest, and I'm pretty sure I'm save in saying that everything will end up in the trash.  And, that's okay, because most of the memories inside the chest, are my memories, and not necessarily theirs.

They always say, that if your house was on fire, what thing(s), would you take out with you.  Important papers, of course, and after that I'd have to give pause to think about what else to take.  I have so many needlepoints that my Mother made for me, and it would be impossible to decide, at a moment's notice, which ones are uber (made up word I think) important.  There is one, however, that I know I would take.  Mom made me a personalized picture, I guess you could call it that, of the important buttons of my life.  Buttons, from when I was a little girl, up until my wedding in 1974.  That particular piece could never again be recreated.

Just writing about these things, causes me to reminisce about my life.  About where I am now, and where I'll end up in the future. This is not my hope chest, but you get the general idea.

 Image result for picture of filled hope chest

Thursday, April 12, 2018

For Sale


Catching title isn't it?  A hundred years ago, when Jeff and I were young, and not as smart as we are, we went to an unclaimed storage auction.  You know what they say about you can't judge a book by it's cover.  Also, true is that you can't judge a box by it's description!  We did win an auction and while the boxes said electronics bright orange curtains was what was inside!  Lesson learned. 

It's no wonder that I really enjoy watching Storage Wars on television.  I see the storage units, which the buyers can look into, but not touch, sometimes go for a particularly ridiculous price.  To be fair, occasionally a buyer will strike "gold" with something unseen in the unit.  But, those kind of wins are few and far apart.

I started watching auctions by Christie's.  Their auctions are a whole different ballgame, one in which only the uber rich can play.  There's a catalog and a listed price to give the buyers an idea of how much money the art, sculpture, etc., should go far.  So, I've watched two episodes and the amount of money people spend on the items up for sale, is HUGE.  Now, Jeff and I are merely ordinary people, so obviously were never going to drop MILLIONS on a piece of art.  The name and location of the buyers is very much a secret.  In addition to buyers on the floor, there are auctioneers on the phone with their clients, giving them an up to the minute price, to see if they want to bid and how much money they are willing to spend.

In these dignified auctions, champagne is served, people barely speak above a whisper, and all items for sale are handled by white gloved employees.  The auctioneer doesn't use the usual auction lingo.  The auctioneer is in a suit, paddles are raised, and/or sometimes a hand.  It's really a beautiful thing to watch.  

For me, if I spent millions of dollars on a painting, where, or if, I would even hang it. Heaven forbid if it fell off the wall!  But, since Jeff and I are regular folk, I don't have to worry my pretty head, about making such big decisions.  That, in itself, is a stress reducer!
Here's what I know for sure.  Nobody would break into our house and take art off the wall. Mind you, I think our pictures and wall hangings my mother made, are priceless, to me and perhaps only to me!


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

News - Big and Small


Yesterday, I had another post-up visit with my surgeon, who says I'm doing great by the way.  Since I was pretty sure that it would be a short visit, and it was, that we decided (or maybe I decided, I don't remember), to leave Bella in the house while we were gone.  Oh, take about taking those first puppy steps!  We closed off all the doors on the first floor, gave the girls both a bone to gnaw on, and left.

On our way home, I in particular, was wondering why kind of mayhem would we find at home.  Torn up recliners? Things grabbed from the counter, even though we had moved pretty much everything out of her reach?  So this scenario played in a constant loop in my head.  We, so very much, wanted to trust her, but her reputation over the past two years hasn't been stellar.  

We entered the house, slightly afraid of what we might see.  And what did we see? Two dogs, standing at the laundry room door, tails wagging.  The only thing out of place, was a towel placed on the counter, that Bella had dragged down.  No damage to the towel, or anything else for that matter.  This is HUGE news.  Question is, could we leave her home for a long time, say half a day?  Again, we'll never know the answer until we try.

Turning now to what I really don't believe is news.  There's a picture of Meagan (however you spell it), showing her ONE gray hair.  Really?  How could this be news? Maybe, she's between visits to get her hair colored, if she does that.

And, then there's the cost of the wedding itself.  The cost of their wedding will be approximately $44 MILLION.  Do rich or royalty weddings, need to cost that much?  They would, although it would never happen, be just as married by a judge.  If you broke it down, and I can't, but that much money could do so much, for so many people.When I think to our wedding, so many years ago, we had punch, cake and some little candies.  That's all.  Cost to my parents, which I don't know, but I'm pretty sure didn't financially cost that much.  We were, after all, just as married as Prince Harry will be.

This morning, while having my coffee, watched a show about the auction house, Christie's.  Again, the amount of money that was spent on paintings, statues, and you name it, was staggering.  Now, I don't know beans about art, but some of the paintings they were selling, were just down right ugly (in my opinion only).  There was a special area, upstairs, where famous people could sit, without being seen.  I heard that Matt Damon was one of those people.  I watched the show, merely for entertainment.  Watching the rich and famous, is a favorite past time for mere mortals such as myself!

Yesterday morning, I looked in the bathroom mirror, and discovered that one of my diamond stud earrings, was not in my ear.  I immediately got a pain in my gut, not knowing where or when the earring came off.  I'm happy to report that Ada, who cleans the house, found the missing earring.  And, now all is right with the world.

Off to get my pre-op visit today.  I believe we could have this visit in the hallway, since my doctor just saw me a month ago for a physical.  But, before my eye surgery, I must be blessed by her.

Yesterday, the front lawn was mowed for the first time this season.  And, oh how much I love a freshly mowed lawn.  Our neighbor, across the street, has signed up for service with this company.  Now, if our next door neighbor signed up, then we wouldn't have non-matching lawns.  If, our guy mows on let's say, Monday and their guy mows on Wednesday, then there is a height difference between the two yards.

Time to run.  Until tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Like Writing A Novel


Some days when I sit in front of my computer, I know exactly what I'm going to blog about.  And, then there are days, like today for instance, where I suffer from the dreaded "blog fog"!

Writing isn't for everyone.  Some of us enjoy it more than others.  When you have a blank screen, or perhaps a blank piece of paper, the possibilities are endless.  Why, then is it so difficult to get started?  Firstly, and most important is you have to know what you want to write about.

Today, as I sit here, racking my brain for an idea, any idea, to come to me.  And, yet all the little "critters" that live inside my brain, are very quiet today.  I've written about the girls ad nauseam over the past two years.  They remain a work in progress.

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was only 21 years ago.  Getting married young and having a baby was actually quite a thing in the late 60's.  Oh, getting back to the story.  I had never been able to swallow a pill.  My pill of choice, was Bayer Aspirin, because I could chew those pills, and they didn't taste all that bad.  Then, my mother told me, that once I went into the hospital, I would more than likely be given medication in pill form.  Horrors!  But, I had a solution, but not one that my doctor liked very much.  I practiced swallowing M&M's - peanut and regular.  While I was able to swallow them, it really was a waste of good candy.  So, in 1971, I was finally able to swallow a pill, some more difficult than others, depending on their size.

Fast forward to this year.  In preparation for my eye surgeries this month and again in May, I have to put drops in both eyes.  Again, as I was in 1971, struck with oh my gosh how am I going to do this?  I bought two plastic gizmos, designed to assist in getting the drops in your eye, and not all over your face.  And, here's the update.  I gave up on my little helpers and have finally managed eye drops.  This is huge for me.  I don't like anything close to my eye, which is probably why I don't wear contacts.๐Ÿ˜ค (Face with the look of triumph).  It's the little things in life that we conquer, and the things that worry us the most, are overcome, with a sigh of relief.

Today, is my second post-op appointment and I don't know whether the doctor will be happy with my progress.  Jeff would tell you, and he'd be right, that I don't make the best patient.  Part of that is due to my being inpatient!  Basically, I've had the surgery, so l want to move onto the next big or little thing in my life!

Again, Jeff would be right, that I worry when I don't have anything to worry about.  When that happens, I pick on the smallest niggle, in my life, (like a thread that's coming loose) and fret and worry like crazy.  Part of that is because, in my humble opinion, I want to be mentally stronger, like the people in my life.  And, through my own actions, I am stuck with probably a short term memory loss.  If my memory hasn't improved much since 2013, I'm pretty sure it's not coming back now.  Sad state of affairs, but it is what it is.

It's beautiful outside, but on the cool side.  Later this week, we're supposed to have temperatures in the 80's.  Apparently, Mother Nature can't decide if we're still going to have more winter-like temperatures or not.  She's fickle, that's for sure.



Monday, April 9, 2018

American Idol


While eating my breakfast (an important fact I'm sure you didn't need to know), I watched last night's American Idol show.  

Here's what I know for sure:

  1. Some of the contestants are very young, some are still in high school
  2. At the moment, there are 24 contestants all trying to be the next American Idol
  3. While watching the performances last night, I came to the realization that I actually don't know "jack" about the songs they sang
  4. Why is Katie Perry's dress so short?  In a dress that short, you would have to be conscious constantly about how you were sitting.  Maybe, I'm just old fashioned.  Correct that - I am old fashioned. 
  5. While I don't have a favorite yet, I will feel the individual's pain of being rejected.  These young people, are all hoping for the "golden ring", and only one person will reach that goal.
  6. And these contestants are comfortable (or appear to be) singing in front of an audience. 
  7. And, last but not least, that the last person standing, will likely go on to have a wonderful career, doing what they love - singing.
Completely different thoughts.  Last night, Jeff and I had our first taste of the Unicorn ice cream.  I don't know how Jeff felt about it, his body can't really process surgery very well; but, I LOVED it!

I am a fretter (not a word, but you know what I mean).  I fret even when I have nothing to fret about!  I've tried sitting in my chair, and willing my brain to go into empty mode.  This doesn't work, because I begin to wonder what, if anything, I'm supposed to be doing. Unfortunately, because of whom I've become, I worry Jeff nearly to death about stuff that really doesn't concern me.  Even though I've apologized for this behavior, I know in my heart, that this pattern of mine, will likely continue.  It's just the way it is.  Since my short term memory is now pretty much gone, I seem unable to retain what I'm told.  Yes, I sometimes write it down, but then I can't remember where the note pad is!  

All of the toys that I bought from Toys R Us have arrived.  While the initial price is more on the high side, I rationalize this, by remembering that these are birthday and Christmas presents.  

The landscaper put up the orange construction net to keep the girls from going into the newly planted grass, etc.  But, I looked out my window and saw Bella going under the plastic barrier!  Jeff and I really want the majority of the backyard to recover from the last two years of destruction from the girls, and have grass again.  

Our neighbor, who unfortunately for him, is on higher ground, and he can see the torn socks, paper plates, napkins or cups, etc. from his deck.  The girls were on a barking frenzy, so I had to go out into the backyard to corral them back into the house.  He and I had a small conversation about his planting something that would act as a barrier from his deck to our yard.  I'm okay with that, and likely we will also be planting something on our side of the fence.  Then he mentioned, that he would like to replace our mutual fence, which is old, with a newer and slightly higher fence.  I told him to talk to Jeff, and I know it's not likely for the HOA to grant us permission to put up a 5 or 6 foot fence.  But we'll see.

Love the chat, but laundry awaits.  Please don't be envious!


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Steak Dinner and Unicorn Ice Cream!


Well my friends, I'm a happy camper today!  The sun is out which is good for my mood, and the sky is a brilliant blue.  Practically, a perfect day.

Yesterday in the early evening, Jeff and I went to a steak house, so that we could satisfy our carnivorous need.  Nothing like a good steak, and since I didn't finish mine, it's going to make a good lunch!!.  I ordered dessert to go - strawberry shortcake.  When we got home and put the shortcake on plates, it was long on cake, and short on berries!  Oh well, it tasted just fine.

Unless, you are "dining", as in tablecloths, wait staff in uniforms, candles on the table, then you are just eating.  The restaurant was so loud, and we almost had to scream to be heard.  We pretty much opted for silence.  It would have been better I suppose, to take the entire meal to go!

Jeff drove to a Target store nearby, and they had unicorn ice cream!  We'll try the ice cream out tonight.  I know it's essentially vanilla ice cream, but I absolutely felt that I had to at last try unicorn ice cream. If I don't try it, then I'll never know what I have missed.

For the first time in my life, I now have to put eye drops in my eye several times a day.  I did buy a gadget that helps you get the drops in your eye, but it didn't work as advertised.  I am getting better about putting the drops in my eye, without assistance.  Since eye drops will be a fixture for me probably until June, then I decided that I needed to master the drops. Here's what I hope will happen after both surgeries: that if I still need glasses, the lenses won't look like coke bottle bottoms!  Everyone who has had cataract surgery, say they are amazed at the difference in their vision.  Fingers crossed that I will have the same outcome.

Even though it's Sunday, there is still work to be done.

Enjoy your day.



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...