Wednesday, April 11, 2018

News - Big and Small


Yesterday, I had another post-up visit with my surgeon, who says I'm doing great by the way.  Since I was pretty sure that it would be a short visit, and it was, that we decided (or maybe I decided, I don't remember), to leave Bella in the house while we were gone.  Oh, take about taking those first puppy steps!  We closed off all the doors on the first floor, gave the girls both a bone to gnaw on, and left.

On our way home, I in particular, was wondering why kind of mayhem would we find at home.  Torn up recliners? Things grabbed from the counter, even though we had moved pretty much everything out of her reach?  So this scenario played in a constant loop in my head.  We, so very much, wanted to trust her, but her reputation over the past two years hasn't been stellar.  

We entered the house, slightly afraid of what we might see.  And what did we see? Two dogs, standing at the laundry room door, tails wagging.  The only thing out of place, was a towel placed on the counter, that Bella had dragged down.  No damage to the towel, or anything else for that matter.  This is HUGE news.  Question is, could we leave her home for a long time, say half a day?  Again, we'll never know the answer until we try.

Turning now to what I really don't believe is news.  There's a picture of Meagan (however you spell it), showing her ONE gray hair.  Really?  How could this be news? Maybe, she's between visits to get her hair colored, if she does that.

And, then there's the cost of the wedding itself.  The cost of their wedding will be approximately $44 MILLION.  Do rich or royalty weddings, need to cost that much?  They would, although it would never happen, be just as married by a judge.  If you broke it down, and I can't, but that much money could do so much, for so many people.When I think to our wedding, so many years ago, we had punch, cake and some little candies.  That's all.  Cost to my parents, which I don't know, but I'm pretty sure didn't financially cost that much.  We were, after all, just as married as Prince Harry will be.

This morning, while having my coffee, watched a show about the auction house, Christie's.  Again, the amount of money that was spent on paintings, statues, and you name it, was staggering.  Now, I don't know beans about art, but some of the paintings they were selling, were just down right ugly (in my opinion only).  There was a special area, upstairs, where famous people could sit, without being seen.  I heard that Matt Damon was one of those people.  I watched the show, merely for entertainment.  Watching the rich and famous, is a favorite past time for mere mortals such as myself!

Yesterday morning, I looked in the bathroom mirror, and discovered that one of my diamond stud earrings, was not in my ear.  I immediately got a pain in my gut, not knowing where or when the earring came off.  I'm happy to report that Ada, who cleans the house, found the missing earring.  And, now all is right with the world.

Off to get my pre-op visit today.  I believe we could have this visit in the hallway, since my doctor just saw me a month ago for a physical.  But, before my eye surgery, I must be blessed by her.

Yesterday, the front lawn was mowed for the first time this season.  And, oh how much I love a freshly mowed lawn.  Our neighbor, across the street, has signed up for service with this company.  Now, if our next door neighbor signed up, then we wouldn't have non-matching lawns.  If, our guy mows on let's say, Monday and their guy mows on Wednesday, then there is a height difference between the two yards.

Time to run.  Until tomorrow.


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