Saturday, April 21, 2018

Logistics - Birthday Party and Plane


I know you're scratching your head, wondering what Benjamin's birthday party has to do with the plane.  Simple really.  It all comes down to logistics, or maneuvering if you prefer.

The plane needs to go into the "shop" for a parachute repack.  When you own a plane like ours, you know in advance that in "x" years, you're going to cough up some dough for this.  The repack is a bit on the pricey side (go figure), but to not have a functional parachute in a time of crisis, would simply be dumb.  It's like having working brakes on your car - you wouldn't drive around if they were bad.  I'm assuming you're all shaking your heads in agreement!

Jeff has to drive to Pennsylvania to pick up one of his partners, who is flying the plane there.  Then, they'll drive back to Frederick, so that his partner can get in his car and go home.  Jeff, on the other hand, will continue driving, and come out to Andrew's house for Benjamin's birthday.

But, wait there's more.  Please add into the mix, how am I getting to Benjamin's party?  Andrew is coming this morning to pick up the girls and me.  The party's not until 3:00, so by the time the girls need to go into the basement with Andrew's dogs, they should be worn out.  Once the party starts, and the noise volume starts and continues to increase, I may just grab my Kindle and head for a quiet place.  Here's the thing, when your children have left home, and the house is relatively quiet, you (I) have trouble sometimes dealing with noise.  When the boys were young, and the noise level in the house was deafening, it was just the norm.  I know that all of you parents, remember this.

Once Andrew arrives, they have to get choke chain collars and leashes on both dogs.  Then, he'll have to hoist them into the car, because (1) it's an SUV, and (2) neither of the girls are very comfortable or actually willing to get in a car.  Once inside, they're fine, it's the getting in part that might prove to be challenging.

I have wrapped one of Benjamin's presents, but didn't cut enough paper for the second gift.  And, you all know how much I love wrapping!  I'll have to cut some more paper to cover the second gift. 

I'm going to "wrap" (see what I did there?) this up.  I need to be dressed and ready when Andrew arrives.




  1. Hello Patti! - it’s your trusty airplane club partner here. Jeff told me about your blog site, and I checked it out. I was intrigued to see your narrative about today’s logistics of the birthday party and plane. I just wanted to say that the logistics regarding the plane have nicely fallen into place – it’s all set now at the shop for the work to be done on the parachute and the avionics. And Jeff provided the ground transport from the shop back to Frederick – we had a nice chat on the 2-hour drive, while my son Mark attended to his homework in the back seat. So here’s hoping that the birthday party logistics work out well and that Benjamin enjoys all the festivities, and PRESENTS!

  2. Thank you for reading my blog. The birthday party for Benjamin was a success and much sugar was consumed!


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