Friday, April 20, 2018

It's Friday


Yes people, we made it to Friday.  It's not a big deal for me, since I basically live a "Friday" day all week long!  Tomorrow, is Benjamin's birthday party, so I need to wrap up his present today.  And, those of you who know me well, also know that wrapping any present is a challenge for me.  This reminds me of people.  What you see on the outside, doesn't necessarily mean the same thing on the inside.  You know what I mean?

After a gloomy yesterday, today holds more promise.  After getting myself together, I'm going to grab my rollator and do some laps around the circle.  If I was more comfortable with my ability to remain upright, I would take Bella on these laps with me.  But, unfortunately, these days it doesn't take too much for me to be face up on the floor!

Correction to my blog yesterday, where I said the girls were going to be 3 years old.  Apparently, I'm just not too good with me.  Jeff, reminded me that they were born in 2016, which makes them 2 years old.  Apologies.

I'm going to enjoy the quiet of today, because next week, Jeff and I have several appointments.  Getting my head shrunk (a necessity), face waxing (also, a necessity), eyeball surgery and then I think an appointment the day after that, to see how I'm doing.  I may not have the next day after surgery appointment right, but at least I think that's what's happening.

Even though there is an plastic orange fence around the newly seeded part of the lawn, the girls have managed to find a way to get under that "fence" and play on the newly planted side of the yard.  I know it's early days, but when I go outside to look, I'm not seeing any baby grass.  Jeff, would tell you, and he'd be right, that I'm just impatient.  I'm a one woman cheering squad for the grass to grow!

The plane goes into the shop tomorrow for the parachute repacking.  Since we've owned the plane for nearly 11 years (and, it's possible Jeff that I've gotten that figure wrong), it's time for maintenance (whatever that entails) of the parachute.  The parachute is a key part of the plane.  Plane trouble that can't be corrected?  Pull the chute and basically glide down to earth.  So many lives have been saved using the parachute.

Gotta run.  Duty calls.


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