Thursday, April 12, 2018

For Sale


Catching title isn't it?  A hundred years ago, when Jeff and I were young, and not as smart as we are, we went to an unclaimed storage auction.  You know what they say about you can't judge a book by it's cover.  Also, true is that you can't judge a box by it's description!  We did win an auction and while the boxes said electronics bright orange curtains was what was inside!  Lesson learned. 

It's no wonder that I really enjoy watching Storage Wars on television.  I see the storage units, which the buyers can look into, but not touch, sometimes go for a particularly ridiculous price.  To be fair, occasionally a buyer will strike "gold" with something unseen in the unit.  But, those kind of wins are few and far apart.

I started watching auctions by Christie's.  Their auctions are a whole different ballgame, one in which only the uber rich can play.  There's a catalog and a listed price to give the buyers an idea of how much money the art, sculpture, etc., should go far.  So, I've watched two episodes and the amount of money people spend on the items up for sale, is HUGE.  Now, Jeff and I are merely ordinary people, so obviously were never going to drop MILLIONS on a piece of art.  The name and location of the buyers is very much a secret.  In addition to buyers on the floor, there are auctioneers on the phone with their clients, giving them an up to the minute price, to see if they want to bid and how much money they are willing to spend.

In these dignified auctions, champagne is served, people barely speak above a whisper, and all items for sale are handled by white gloved employees.  The auctioneer doesn't use the usual auction lingo.  The auctioneer is in a suit, paddles are raised, and/or sometimes a hand.  It's really a beautiful thing to watch.  

For me, if I spent millions of dollars on a painting, where, or if, I would even hang it. Heaven forbid if it fell off the wall!  But, since Jeff and I are regular folk, I don't have to worry my pretty head, about making such big decisions.  That, in itself, is a stress reducer!
Here's what I know for sure.  Nobody would break into our house and take art off the wall. Mind you, I think our pictures and wall hangings my mother made, are priceless, to me and perhaps only to me!


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