Wednesday, April 25, 2018

No Blog Tomorrow


I know that the news of no blog tomorrow, will be a break in your morning routines.  First, you make coffee, food of choice (I like toast), paper of choice, and then probably get dressed.  My blog is like morning dessert - hot "off the presses" and filled with stuff and nonsense.  A perfect antidote for all the news, both real and "fake" that bombards us every day.

Oh, there was a time, long, long ago, when news was generally delivered once a day.  Living in California at the time, you could opt for delivery of the "LA Times", which was so heavy that you could develop a hernia over time!  I remember one time, when someone called me to see if I wanted to receive the "LA Times" on a daily basis.  My answer?  I told them nope.  When asked why, I simply replied that the paper was too heavy (true story)!  We had a local paper, that provided us with all the news that we needed/wanted at the time.

I think the first time I really paid attention to the news was when Kennedy was assassinated.  It was a shock, but because I was still in middle school (and that's not a good excuse I know), only wanted to sit through a news cycle once.  My parents, on the other hand, spent untold hours watching the news. And, at the time, television channels were limited - let's say, 4, 7, 9 for example.  CNN didn't come on the scene until 1980 (this is a fact - I checked!).

For you younger folks reading, there was no DVD, CD, Tivo, DVR, "fancy" (i.e., premium) channels.  There were three and you had to sit through ALL the commercials - no fast forwarding as we can do today.  I know, the horrors of being a child in the 60's.

I now as a "mature" adult, have reasoned that it's probably time, okay, well past my time to do so, watch the news.  I watch the local news, skipping past sports (who cares?), and only watching the weather forecast once.  Jeff and I enjoy the Steven Cobare (however you spell it) show, and his daily monologue, which is generally or actually always about Trump.  Since I don't "do" politics on my blog, that's all I'm saying.

While for years and years, watching "60 Minutes" was not even on our radar, it is now a weekly recorded show.  Do we watch all the stories they have?  Actually, no.  Thanks to Tivo recording, we can skip past stories that don't interest us much.  Though we did sit through the Stormy Daniels story, and who didn't?

Benjamin goes home tonight.  He's been here since Saturday.  I've made a deal with him every day.  He can watch any of his shows - Shrek, Sponge Bob, etc., and I will "watch" (while I'm reading) with him.  But, come the evening, even though he doesn't like it much, he knows that the evening shows are the ones that Jeff and I want to watch.  And, he's good with that.

Eyeball surgery tomorrow.  While I know I will be anxious, which is an under-statement, because I live anxious pretty much 24/7, I'm looking forward to improved vision.  

This next bit will make more sense to women than men.  Women, unlike men who grow beards, don't care AT ALL for unwanted facial hair.  Eyebrows are obviously okay.  Mustaches and ugly "old lady" chin hairs are definitely NOT okay.  Oh, if I were a blonde, facial hair wouldn't be so obvious.  But, alas, I have dark hair, which means, you guess it, darker facial hair.  Over the course of 30 plus years, I have plucked, waxed, threaded and any other kind of torture you can do to your face, to remove hair.  There was a time when you could either wax the hair off, or use a product at home.  I used to use - emphasis on the word "used", a white and very smelly product that you basically smeared across your upper lip and let it dry.  It did remove hair, but it wasn't ideal.

I own a small waxing machine, and today will tackle those chinny chin hairs.  We women, who at the heart of it all, are vain in one way or the other, don't want to be seen with curly chin hair!  I still remember on our honeymoon in 1974, we were on a bus, with an old lady who had a long curling hair coming out of her chin.  Gross.  First, I was never going to be that old - well that obviously has happened.  And, then I was never going to have curly facial hair.  Well, hello 2018, guess what?  Yup.  Curly chin hair that needs to come off today!  I don't want the surgeon tomorrow, and I know this isn't true, to become distracted by the hairs on my face.  This is sort of like when I was hugely pregnant, and I didn't want to go into labor with hair on my legs.  Jeff, was a good sport, who made sure I was always "ready to go"!  What a guy.  He does draw the line at spousal support, when it comes to painting toenails!  You have to have standards.

Okay, so long story short, there will likely be no blog tomorrow. But, you can check in, on the off chance that my surgery isn't until later in the day, which doesn't seem likely.

That's all for now.



  1. Prayers Patti on a successful operation today and a speedy recovery! Looking forward to hearing about your improved eyesight!

  2. Paul, thank you so much for reading my blog. While I wasn't sure yesterday, today I'm on the mend.


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Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...