Sunday, April 15, 2018

Miss Me?


Sorry about yesterday, but I was busy being MomMom.  Benjamin stayed with us Friday and last night.  As a good grandmother, I was subjected to several hours of mind-numbing movies - Boss Baby, or something like that.

While the three of us were watching a movie last night, Jeff popped popcorn for all of us.  It's a win-win situation, because the girls are the happy recipients of the popcorn as well!   Not exactly on their diet, but then again, it's not on ours either!

Jeff turned the a/c on yesterday, not so much for the temperature, as the high humidity level.  I HATE sticking to leather in the summer time.  Somehow, cold leather in the winter, doesn't pose that particular problem!  I know, I know.  I particularly, like middle of the road temperatures.

I have put away my good earrings. One of my diamond studs is missing (Jeff, I'm very sorry, but I'll keep looking).  The back came off, and I didn't notice. It's pretty hard to find an earring in the carpet.  Because, I do like earrings, I bought myself some "diamond" and "emerald" earrings.  And, because my track record of late, hasn't been too good, I bought clip on earrings.  I may be done with pierced earrings altogether, because the loss of an expensive earring, is devastating.

This morning, while I drank my coffee, I sort of watched Ghost Busters with Benjamin. I have a very large tolerance for the movies he watches.  I watch the movie a bit, read a bit, etc.  Even if Benjamin dances and sings, this is not a problem for me.  I had sons after all, and while they weren't big on dancing and singing, they still managed to make noise! Scott was/is a whistler, and luckily for us, he whistles on tune.

We're taking Benjamin home today, but not before we do our weekly shopping.  We're taking Bella with us, with her in training vest on.  Each time we take her out, to expose her to noise, smells and people, she has been excellent, flawless in fact.  Bella seems to know that when we put her vest on, that she is working. Daisy, will stay home today.  After shopping, going out to Andrew's house for a few hours.  Bella will be able to run and run, which will wear her out.  While Daisy loves to run, particularly when she manages to get out of her collar, she dashes all around the neighborhood.  I worry that she'll get hit by a car.  And, when she does come home, she literally won't come inside.  We have to put up a gate to keep Bella inside, leave the front door open and wait.  She eventually comes in, but boy oh boy is she stubborn.  Oh, by the way, it's Daisy's birthday today, she turns 3.  And, Jeff and I have noticed that some of the puppy madness is going away.  Thank goodness.  Bella will be 3 next month.  Bella is beginning to leave some things alone, she still loves paper plates and/or cups!  But, I haven't "lost" my slippers in sometime.  As we've told people from the beginning, when our world was full of chaos, the girls would eventually be dogs, not puppies. 

I think that's all the news, that is news from the Bassett household.  Have a good day.


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