Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Back To The Beginning


Some of you, lucky souls that you are, have been with me since the beginning.  My first blog was on June 2, 2012, and I've decided to re-post it, so that my new readers know why my blog is called Cuzilu Ramblings!  Enjoy.

 History of Cuzilu


Cuzilu Ramblings
In case you're wondering Cuzilu is not my real name - shocker I know.  It's really Patti and I'll give you the history of Cuzilu, whether you want or need it.  You may not be interested in this history so please feel free to fast forward to the end - which means you won't be reading anything - but such is life.
When my husband and I bought our first "nice" (read - more expensive than our first house) car the salesman asked me if I wanted personalized plates.  I pounced on the idea before husband could inject, object or reject the idea.

I had waited years for the opportunity to get the license plate I ALWAYS had wanted.  It was supposed to read as follows:  CUZ I LU -  (Because I love you).  Well, in my haste to scribble down my first choice of a personalized plate I ran the letters all together.  Yep and came up with Cuzilu.  I suspect that people who aren't savvy like you and me, might think that I'm cousin Lou or Lulu.  Nope, I was then as I still think today, that in my humble opinion, have the best license plate ever.

The only way Cuzilu is going to go back in the selection pot of the MVA is when someone rips my license plate out of my cold dead hands and not a moment before.  Boys are you listening?

So that's my story - well not my complete story - because that would take pages and pages and days and days.   Why a blog?  And why now?

Here's the deal.  I want to see my name in print and not on the first page of some court document.  No, on the cover of a book, a real book like you find in book stores or libraries.  I have sent out a children's book story to oh I don't know half a dozen or so agents and publishers and the rejection notices are coming in faster than I can mark them down as "not interested" on my spreadsheet.  

Some books - the how to kinds - say that a following on the internet is a good place to start.  So that's where you guys come in.  You're my followers.  Great plan I think.  I'll do the heavy lifting (i.e., thinking up something smart to say) and all you have to do is read.  Of course, if you like what I write then you could tell somebody and so on.  See how easy this is going to be - at least until I run out of ideas!
So my friends and hopefully some new acquaintances, give me a chance.  I've got lots to say just haven't found the right way to peddle those thoughts.

Thanks guys.


1 comment:

  1. A very interesting story behind a very creative (and cute) name for your blog Patti! I told my wife about the meaning behind "Cuzilu" and she thought it was very sweet. Keep the blogs coming! You write very well and creatively.


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