Friday, April 27, 2018

Here I Am!


Hello readers. Yep, I'm back and hope you all missed me.  After staring up at a ceiling for hours on end, I'm really happy to be home.

Surgery really was a piece of cake.  While lightly sedated, and filled with numbing stuff, I absolutely didn't feel a thing.  However, the recovery period, argh, was awful.  I had two options for the many hours I was in recovery.  I could lay on my back and keep my eyes open - or sit up with my eyes closed.  I tried both positions several times, and hated them equally.  Who wants to stare, for hours on end, at a ceiling?  Nobody I can think of.  There was a nice picture above my head, but it would have been nice if the picture had been a revolving one.  My left eye was beneath a patch, obviously  But, my good eye, was ready to go home, pretty much at the beginning of recovery.  Can you say boring?  Oh you bet.

We arrived at 9:00 and didn't leave until after 5:00.  Those times are just approximations.  But, it was a really long day, and just sitting around is hard on a person - you simply get tired.  A drive through KFC, and dinner was cooked.  And, eating on a paper plate - means no dishes to wash.  Perfecto.

I had to go to sleep on my back, which I never do.  So, it was back to my trusty recliner, the tv remote, water and, of course, my little potty chair!  I guess it could be worse, and I would have had to use an outhouse!  I did actually fall asleep, watching some television show, which I can't remember.

This morning, another crack of dawn wake-up time, to go back to Hopkins, to have the doctor look at my left eye.  I think she said something about a bubble in my eye.  Um, I don't remember much else about the bubble, but I think it's a good thing.  The doctor took off yesterday's patch, and said that I had graduated to only needing a patch when I sleep - hip, hip, hooray.  It's the little things in life that make you happy.  The vision in my left eye is fussy, and the doctor assures me, and I believe her, that my vision will begin to improve.  I'm not looking at the world through rose colored glasses, as much as I'm looking through really smudgy eyes.

I had been given those so very attractive black plastic glasses yesterday before I went home.  I used them this morning during the trip to get rid of the glare, and they worked like a charm.  Bright lights, even today, are hard on my eyes.  I've had no pain, other than being a little woosy (not really a word, but you get the idea).  Think Saturday night drunk.  😎  I have eye drops to put in my left eye throughout the day, and I'm becoming a master at doing this!

Because I'm a bit light-headed, I have chosen to remain downstairs at the moment.  I can, after I put on a night time patch, sleep in my own bed - heavenly!  You don't know you miss something, until it's taken away.

Yesterday, we were away from the house for a very long time.  Jeff and I bit the bullet, and left both girls (yes, including Bella) loose in the house.  Actually, not completely loose.  All the doors were closed upstairs, a gate to prevent them from getting into the living room.  When we opened the door, warily I might add, very few things were amiss.  I had one slipper and one Birkenstock which had been taken, but not chewed on.  My "knitting" if you could call it that (i.e., yarn) had been dragged out onto the floor and one paper plate was also on the floor.  Really, really good news.  Definitely, my fault for leaving slippers and shoes out, I should have known that was a no-no!  But, perhaps I'm a slow learner.

I've had lunch - earth shattering news I know - and went back to the safety of my chair - and fell asleep, which I must have needed.  My activities are a bit limited - no bending (no emptying of the dishwasher, even though I don't do it now), lifting heavy things (again, Jeff brings the laundry up and down the stairs), and in general just bending down in general.

Here's what I know for sure - or at least what I think I know for sure - I have to come up with something that I can do while laying flat on my back for untold hours after my next surgery.  Have no idea what that will be.  It would be kinder and easier on my body, to gently put me to sleep, and awaken me when it was time to go home!  That's not likely to happen, but a girl can wish.


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