Monday, April 2, 2018

Our Luck


Jeff and I have long lamented that we don't ever see to win a Lottery.  Doesn't have to be mega millions, but that would be nice.  Nope, we can't even get enough numbers right to be able to pay for the stupid ticket.  I know, if you don't play, you can't win.  I get that.  But still, it would be ever so nice to win a wee bit, a hundred dollars would add some extra "coins" to the piggy bank!

Today, after having to cancel two times before, the landscaping people are supposed to be here at the house and start the transformation in the backyard.  Last time they were supposed to come, the forecast called for some snow.  The snow did come, but it were merely a dusting.

Looking out my window this morning, there is a very gray sky and it has apparently rained sometime during the night.  Will they call to reschedule?  I've got my fingers crossed that they'll come and, if nothing else, could pull up all the boxwood plants in front of the porch.  

My physical therapist is coming this morning at 9:00.  Ugh.  She's not going to be too happy when I tell her that I fell over the weekend.  Tripped on a dog bone and lost my balance.  The contents of my glass, thankfully just water, went everywhere.  Last time she was here, we took my rollator out and walked around the circle a couple of times.  Still can't make it around the circle without stopping to rest.  Clearly, not in the best of shape.  (Ya think?)

Stacey and Benjamin said that they are coming today, which is perfect, because I need Benjamin to try on the new clothes I've bought him.  If, they don't fit him, then a trip to Target will be in order to buy bigger or smaller clothes.  And there is some kind of pull once you're in the store, causing me to buy things.  Even things I might not need exactly, but it was cute, on sale, or whatever reason, so I buy it/them.  The only other store that could start me on a buying frenzy would be a book store.  I love to be surrounded by books, it's definitely a happy place for me, but a dangerous place as well!

Jeff went shopping yesterday armed with a new kind of grocery list.  One one side of the paper, were all the "no" things, meaning we didn't need those particular foods.  The other side was a small, for us, list of things we either wanted or needed.  Cookies?  They fall into a special category, I want and need them both at the same time, but I also know they aren't good for me.  It's no secret that I love sugar, but definitely feel that I should have something sweet after dinner. Jeff, not affected by the sugar bug, is okay with not eating anything much after dinner.  We're the original Jack Spratt family!

The clock is ticking toward 9:00, so I'm going to close now, so that I can get my clothes on before the therapist arrives.


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