Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Like Writing A Novel


Some days when I sit in front of my computer, I know exactly what I'm going to blog about.  And, then there are days, like today for instance, where I suffer from the dreaded "blog fog"!

Writing isn't for everyone.  Some of us enjoy it more than others.  When you have a blank screen, or perhaps a blank piece of paper, the possibilities are endless.  Why, then is it so difficult to get started?  Firstly, and most important is you have to know what you want to write about.

Today, as I sit here, racking my brain for an idea, any idea, to come to me.  And, yet all the little "critters" that live inside my brain, are very quiet today.  I've written about the girls ad nauseam over the past two years.  They remain a work in progress.

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was only 21 years ago.  Getting married young and having a baby was actually quite a thing in the late 60's.  Oh, getting back to the story.  I had never been able to swallow a pill.  My pill of choice, was Bayer Aspirin, because I could chew those pills, and they didn't taste all that bad.  Then, my mother told me, that once I went into the hospital, I would more than likely be given medication in pill form.  Horrors!  But, I had a solution, but not one that my doctor liked very much.  I practiced swallowing M&M's - peanut and regular.  While I was able to swallow them, it really was a waste of good candy.  So, in 1971, I was finally able to swallow a pill, some more difficult than others, depending on their size.

Fast forward to this year.  In preparation for my eye surgeries this month and again in May, I have to put drops in both eyes.  Again, as I was in 1971, struck with oh my gosh how am I going to do this?  I bought two plastic gizmos, designed to assist in getting the drops in your eye, and not all over your face.  And, here's the update.  I gave up on my little helpers and have finally managed eye drops.  This is huge for me.  I don't like anything close to my eye, which is probably why I don't wear contacts.😤 (Face with the look of triumph).  It's the little things in life that we conquer, and the things that worry us the most, are overcome, with a sigh of relief.

Today, is my second post-op appointment and I don't know whether the doctor will be happy with my progress.  Jeff would tell you, and he'd be right, that I don't make the best patient.  Part of that is due to my being inpatient!  Basically, I've had the surgery, so l want to move onto the next big or little thing in my life!

Again, Jeff would be right, that I worry when I don't have anything to worry about.  When that happens, I pick on the smallest niggle, in my life, (like a thread that's coming loose) and fret and worry like crazy.  Part of that is because, in my humble opinion, I want to be mentally stronger, like the people in my life.  And, through my own actions, I am stuck with probably a short term memory loss.  If my memory hasn't improved much since 2013, I'm pretty sure it's not coming back now.  Sad state of affairs, but it is what it is.

It's beautiful outside, but on the cool side.  Later this week, we're supposed to have temperatures in the 80's.  Apparently, Mother Nature can't decide if we're still going to have more winter-like temperatures or not.  She's fickle, that's for sure.



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