Monday, April 9, 2018

American Idol


While eating my breakfast (an important fact I'm sure you didn't need to know), I watched last night's American Idol show.  

Here's what I know for sure:

  1. Some of the contestants are very young, some are still in high school
  2. At the moment, there are 24 contestants all trying to be the next American Idol
  3. While watching the performances last night, I came to the realization that I actually don't know "jack" about the songs they sang
  4. Why is Katie Perry's dress so short?  In a dress that short, you would have to be conscious constantly about how you were sitting.  Maybe, I'm just old fashioned.  Correct that - I am old fashioned. 
  5. While I don't have a favorite yet, I will feel the individual's pain of being rejected.  These young people, are all hoping for the "golden ring", and only one person will reach that goal.
  6. And these contestants are comfortable (or appear to be) singing in front of an audience. 
  7. And, last but not least, that the last person standing, will likely go on to have a wonderful career, doing what they love - singing.
Completely different thoughts.  Last night, Jeff and I had our first taste of the Unicorn ice cream.  I don't know how Jeff felt about it, his body can't really process surgery very well; but, I LOVED it!

I am a fretter (not a word, but you know what I mean).  I fret even when I have nothing to fret about!  I've tried sitting in my chair, and willing my brain to go into empty mode.  This doesn't work, because I begin to wonder what, if anything, I'm supposed to be doing. Unfortunately, because of whom I've become, I worry Jeff nearly to death about stuff that really doesn't concern me.  Even though I've apologized for this behavior, I know in my heart, that this pattern of mine, will likely continue.  It's just the way it is.  Since my short term memory is now pretty much gone, I seem unable to retain what I'm told.  Yes, I sometimes write it down, but then I can't remember where the note pad is!  

All of the toys that I bought from Toys R Us have arrived.  While the initial price is more on the high side, I rationalize this, by remembering that these are birthday and Christmas presents.  

The landscaper put up the orange construction net to keep the girls from going into the newly planted grass, etc.  But, I looked out my window and saw Bella going under the plastic barrier!  Jeff and I really want the majority of the backyard to recover from the last two years of destruction from the girls, and have grass again.  

Our neighbor, who unfortunately for him, is on higher ground, and he can see the torn socks, paper plates, napkins or cups, etc. from his deck.  The girls were on a barking frenzy, so I had to go out into the backyard to corral them back into the house.  He and I had a small conversation about his planting something that would act as a barrier from his deck to our yard.  I'm okay with that, and likely we will also be planting something on our side of the fence.  Then he mentioned, that he would like to replace our mutual fence, which is old, with a newer and slightly higher fence.  I told him to talk to Jeff, and I know it's not likely for the HOA to grant us permission to put up a 5 or 6 foot fence.  But we'll see.

Love the chat, but laundry awaits.  Please don't be envious!


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