Sunday, April 22, 2018

Post Birthday Party


Here I am again.  Benjamin pointed out to me, that today's blog will be my hundredth one for this year.  I hadn't noticed.

Today, is Benjamin's 10th birthday.  Yesterday, the girls and I went out to Andrew's house in the morning, well in advance of the party.  The theme was Goose Bumps, which I know nothing about - other than somehow there is a green and black theme.

As usual, in my opinion, Stacey could give Martha Stewart a run for her money.  Stacey entertains very well, and I am in awe of this, because I don't.  When I arrived, Stacey was making a werewolf from krispie treats, and did an amazing job.

My job was to cut the tops off of strawberries and then make a half moon-like shape in the middle.  After that, Benjamin put Oreo cookie crumbs into the "mouth".  They came out beautifully!

We had pizza for lunch, which was the only salt consumed yesterday.  There were donuts, cupcakes, strawberry "men", I guess you could call them, "worms" in dirt, and not to mention a beautiful cake that Stacey made.  You can imagine by the end of the day, the children were very much on a sugar high!

Andrew had rented a moon bounce and it was a big hit with the children as well as some adults.  I refrained.  I have enough trouble standing upright, so there was no way I was going to go on something that bounced around.

The plan was that we were bringing Benjamin home with us, until Wednesday.  Andrew's house is going to be put on the market, and Thursday pictures of the house, yard, etc., will be taken.  They have put an offer on what looks like a beautiful home, but haven't received any word from the seller.

By the time we got home last night, there was a minimal amount of television watched (so that my pills could take effect), before everybody crashed in their beds!

Today, Jeff and Bella are headed back out to Andrew's house.  He will be doing the mowing, and/or any other similar jobs that needs to be done.  Benjamin, Daisy and I are content to stay at home.  When Bella leaves, Daisy doesn't appear to miss her "sister".  She's probably content to have the house and the beds to herself.

Benjamin received some very nice presents.  Jeff and I bought him a Lego kit called "The Chicken Coop", with chickens and eggs!  Seemed appropriate for him, since they have chickens and a rooster in the backyard.

We have been given a few of their eggs, and I told Jeff this morning, that we should have an "egg-off".  Cook a regular egg and eat it and then try Benjamin's eggs, to see if there is actually a difference in taste.  I'm betting that there will be a taste difference.  If nothing else, the eggs we get from Andrew, are lightly brown eggs.

Since Jeff has now left, Benjamin is getting his fill in of television shows that could almost an adult lose their mind.  Just saying.  I pay no attention to his shows, I'm content to read.

My left hip or something in the vicinity, where I suffer from an "itis" (arthritis, etc.) is acting up at the moment.  I'm going to make one trip up the stairs to get dressed, and then I'll remain on the first floor until bedtime.  I sometimes feel as if I had everything below my waist chopped off (just kidding), I would feel so much better!

By the way, since I've given up on stud earrings, I have found several nice pairs of clip-on ones.  Jeff, was nice enough to buy me plastic sleeves that go on the back of these earrings.  I now own "diamonds", "pearls" and "sapphire and diamond" ones!  Be jealous people of all my "jewels"!!

There is a little boy that lives next door, who doesn't have anyone on the street to play with.  I'm looking out my window and Andy and Benjamin are playing with sticks in the circle.  This playtime is good for both boys.  The only rule I have, which is a biggie, is that he doesn't leave the circle.  I like to keep my eyes on him.  I'm not a helicopter parent, I'm a helicopter MomMom!

It's a pretty day outside, so once I'm dressed, I may go to the front porch and sit on my swing and read a book on my Kindle.

Happy Sunday.



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