Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Reading Above All Else


For all of my life, at least the parts I remember, I have loved books.  Dad would read me stories from the Little Golden Books (The Pokey Little Puppy) each night before bed.  I will forever be grateful to him, for nurturing my love for books.

Growing up, I read the obvious books - Nancy Drew, Bobbsey Twins, for example. When Mom and Dad would go out to the base and shop at the exchange (store), I would do just about anything to get a new book.  And, my downfall then, was that I couldn't or wouldn't hear my Mother calling me to do the dishes, or some other mundane chore.  I don't think I ever saw my Mother read a book.  Magazines of course, but never a novel.  She missed out on so much.

Now, I'm an adult, obviously, and my love for reading is still on top of my list of things to do.  Correction - things I want to do.  In the past week or so, I have read three books.  All three of these books, were page turners for me.  I know that the kitchen needs cleaning, and there are dirty clothes in the hamper.  But, for me, those things will still be there when I'm finished my book.

The trouble is, besides getting behind in things that need doing, is my inability to recall most of the story.  Oh, I remember most of the big stuff, for instance, what the book was about.  After that, things tend to get fuzzy.  With my short term memory being shot, recalling things like character names, is gone as soon as I finish the book.  For me, this is depressing.  The book club meets once a month.  I dutifully read the book, set it down, and when we meet, I have nothing to add to the discussion.  I recall whether I liked the book, or not, and that's pretty much all I contribute.  But, the snacks are good, and there is always wine.

I have given up wearing my glasses around the house.  I can't really see much better than I do without the glasses.  So, what's the point.  Obviously, if I'm driving, I will wear glasses.  I am anxiously waiting for next week's surgery on my left eye.  I'm expecting, after healing, to be able to see much better.  Fingers crossed!

While eating my breakfast, I was in my chair, with the bright light from the lamp, and my huge lighted magnifying glass, reading from my current book.  Would I prefer not to have to use a magnifying glass?  Of course.  But, my love for reading trumps having to use a magnifying glass.

I did some filing in Jeff's office yesterday.  For the longest time, and still do, have folders marked "utilities", "insurance", etc., and I would put the appropriate bills in the appropriate folders.  And now I don't.  I finally came to my senses.  When was the last time you reached for a paid utility bill?  Hmmmm, like never.  I have to question myself as to why I feel keeping months of paid bills necessary.  Frankly, it's a huge waste of time.  Time, that I could be reading - just saying!

Starting out 40 plus years ago, I opted to be the keeper of paper - bills, birth certificates, etc.  Back then, we had very little paper to file.  Filing back then was sort of cute, probably because the filing was quick.  Now, fast forward to today, and we somehow have heaps of paper.  We have bills for the airplane.  Bills for the boys' computer company, and then our own bills.  It's a lot of paper.  And, when I decide to purge out a folder, then those papers have to be shredded.  Our name, address, and other pertinent information on a document can't just be tossed in the trash.  The filing is like laundry - there is always something that needs to be done!

I'm going to hurry to start a load of laundry, tidy up the kitchen, and make the bed quickly, so that I can return to my book!  As I say in the title, "reading above all else".  Ada comes today, so all that's necessary for me to do, is a general pick-up of shoes, dog bones, etc.

This is it for today.  Time to get a move on.  Happy Wednesday.


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