Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Rich, The Famous and the Stupid


I'm climbing up on my soap box today.  So, you know that I feel passionate about what I'm going to write today.

First, I want to say that, as a woman, I am genuinely disturbed by the number of women who have come forward to meet their predators.  I applaud them for putting themselves out there. I'm also really troubled when an actor, for instance, that I like, finds himself in the cross hairs of a case of he said/she said.  For the most part, I side with the women, who have said and/or done very little through the years, until the "me too" movement began. 

When I started my career, just a few years past the "stone age", that was the early 70's, women, and myself personally, were harassed continuously.  We had no voice. We sucked it up, because speaking up would likely as not, would have your employment terminated.

As a young woman, working for a large company, I literally had to ask my supervisor if I could go to the bathroom.  I know that sounds horrible reading about it today, but that's what the women in the office endured.

I worked for another company, and I was the only woman in the department.  The men, decided to give me a task.  I was supposed to divide some horrifically high number by two, until I came up with zero.  Trouble is, that number would never go to zero, but I didn't know that.  I worked and worked on this, until the men told me that it was a joke.  Was it?  Not in my book it wasn't, it was just mean spirited.

I've had a stapler thrown at me, endured rude remarks and questionable actions by men.  In one company, I took my shoes off while I worked.  Unbeknownst to me, until the end of the day, that the men had taken away one of my shoes.  Determined to not let my anger show, I drove home, with only one shoe.  The shoe was returned the next day, but in my book, it was a little to late.

Fast forward to the present.  Roseanne is just one of the rich (I assume she is), and famous (more or less) who wrote in a public forum, a vial and racist comment.  I admire the studio, cancelling her show on the spot.  Good for them.  For me, it would serve her right if she was shut off from all acting jobs in the future.  When you go public with your opinion, regardless of who you are, you'd better watch out for the backlash.  It's bad enough that Roseanne was fired, but by her actions, the rest of the cast are out of their jobs too.  Was it really worth it? Um, playing "Sunday quarterback", perhaps Roseanne is regretting her action, but apologies, at this point, are worthless, in my opinion.  

I'm sure before the week is out, give or take a week or two, some other powerful man will come under public scrutiny.  And, that's just sad.


 Image result for picture of a woman on a soap box


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

An Officer and a Gentleman


This week, Jeff and I watched a documentary on HBO about Senator John McCain.  Now, I don't normally watch documentaries, because well they are documentaries.  And, for me, sometimes just a snooze fest.  This documentary was the exception.

If you have HBO, this documentary is worth your time to watch, regardless of your political views. It was heart wrenching to see McCain, return to Vietnam.  While, he was there, he returned to the "Hanoi Hilton", which is what the prisoners called it.  McCain was there for 5 and 1/2 years. His wartime injuries have left him now with the inability to put his arms over his head.  And, yet, he survived.  There is no doubt in my mind, that McCain is an officer and a gentleman.  These two positive attributes, is pretty much all you need to know about him.

He has weathered all these years, through both good and bad times, and yet he always stands up straight, and never afraid to both battle a medical problem, or issues on the Senate floor.

As we go about our daily lives, whining about, in the big picture, mundane and small problems.  When I think about my own issues, medical and mental, I will always remember that McCain is a man, who is still standing tall.



Tuesday, May 29, 2018

What's In Your Closet?


Interesting article in the paper today.  It was about people writing in talking about older clothes that they still have.  A favorite sweater, a suit, varsity jacket and things like that.

This got me thinking about my own closet.  What's hanging in there.  An item(s) I will never wear again, so why keep it?  The answer is simple.  For me, it's a memory thing.  To be sure, I can no longer fit into any of these clothes, but that's not the point.  They give me a pleasant memory when I think about where I wore the dress, how old was I.  Mundane stuff like that.

Not hanging in my closet, but is inside my hope chest, is my wedding dress.  Why do I keep it around?  It's not like I have a daughter who might wear it.  I keep it, because my Mother made it for me, and it's simple but beautiful.  I also have Wendy's wedding dress, and can't see myself getting rid of it anytime soon.  These dresses don't take up a lot of room, and I know that perhaps someday the hope chest will be opened by our sons, and with few exceptions, things will be thrown out.  On some level, I'm okay with that.  The things inside the chest, are really only relevant to me and/or Jeff.

I have two "fake" but very well made fur coats.  They don't fit me now, but one of them, was worn by Wendy on her wedding day.  So to be on the safe side, I keep them both.

Over time, I have thinned out my closet(s), though I'm pretty sure Jeff wouldn't agree (insert smile here).  I always swear, as do most women, that I have absolutely NOTHING to wear.  Let's face it, women love getting new clothes and/or shoes.  Maybe it's in our DNA.  Who knows?

There are other clothes in my chest: the outfit Benjamin wore when we took him out of the hospital, the outfit he wore to Wendy's funeral, his firt pair of crocs (they are so tiny).  Who wouldn't want to keep those?

I'm probably too sentimental.  Pretty sure that's true, because any number of people tell me that I keep too much stuff.  I always date every picture, and/or every card I have received in "x" number of years. They don't take up too much space, and when I sit down and re-read them, with the exception of sympathy cards, enjoy the sentiments.

So think about what's in your closet, clothes that you hold onto,  because you can't give them away.  Too many memories.


Monday, May 28, 2018

Revision to Memory Lane Post


Jeff, brought to my attention that my math was off concerning how long we've lived in our two houses.  What I wrote, when you add the numbers they don't add up correctly.  I never said that I could do math!  Apologies.


Wandering Through Memory Lane


This morning, after breakfast, Jeff and I and reminisced about our life together.  After 44 years together, we have built up a lifetime of memories.  Some funny, some pleasant and a few really bad memories tossed in there.

In California, where we lived until 1986, Jeff and I, experienced many things.  The birth of Scott and Andrew.  When I worked for a large corporation, I played Mrs. Claus while I was pregnant.

Dressing up as a clown, in a costume mother made for me.  I don't remember why everyone was in costumes, I just know it was a lot of fun.

The girls I worked with coming to our house, to make cookies to take to work the next day.  Halloween cookies comes to mind.

Watching Kenny play soccer on Saturdays, and he was good.  Then, watching Scott play soccer, for only one season.  Scott was more interested in looking for flowers and other things like that, then he was in actually playing!  It's how he was.

Taking shorthand and calligraphy classes with my sister.  Aerobics, ceramics, and playing racquet ball once a week.  Driving with my sister, in the pouring rain and at night, to pick up our Tupperware orders.  The distance in miles is somewhere around 47.  I have become less adventuresome, as I have grown older.  But, back then I was pretty "ballsy".  

Going into Los Angeles to see a play with our best friends, and stopping at midnight at a bagel store, to buy fresh bagels.

Thinking that our living room could use a window on the street side of the house, Judy, my best friend and I came back from shopping, to find a big hole in said wall!  That wasn't the last thing that Jeff and Skip (Judy's husband) did to our house.  They built a room, as well as a garage.  When it was time to put stucco on the garage walls, everyone showed up: Skip, my Dad, Jeff's grandfather, as well as other friends. My Dad, having the best intentions, never quite got the hang of putting the stucco (exterior cement plaster) on a wall.  He tried, but as soon as he would put the stucco on a tool of some kind to spread the stucco, the stucco would slid back down.  While my Dad wasn't particularly handy or in this case, helpful, he remained a constant cheerleader in our lives.  I miss him still.

Buying an unclaimed box at a storage auction, simply because it said electronics on the side.  Trust me, there were no electronics in that box.  On the other hand we were all sunburned when we got home.

Renting a house at Newport Beach, and taking the boys to the bay side, where there were no waves, and it was easier to watch Scott and Andy play in the water and sand.  Those were very good times in deed.

Having a yard sale in 1986, prior to our moving to Maryland.  Jeff was selling his cement mixer.  Negative Nancy (me), told him that nobody wanted a cement mixer.  Well, I was wrong, because it was one of the first things sold!

Building a time capsule and putting some treasures inside, and burying it in the yard. I suppose someday, someone will find the capsule, and might find it interesting to read about us as well as the things we also put in our capsule.

Watching United Van Lines, come into our house to pack us all up, load everything into the van, including our car, which was hanging atop the furniture.  Closing and locking the door to 3857 Mattie Place, the first house we bought. We lived in that house until we moved in 1986.  The only other house we lived/live in at the moment for 32 years.  Jeff and I don't move around very much!!

When you've been married as long as we have, you definitely build a lifetime of shared memories.  This September, Jeff and I will have been married for 44 years, and by today's standards, that's a long time.  I've told Jeff that to celebrate our 50th anniversary, we're going to go back to Maui.  It's not up for discussion.  While we celebrate in Hawaii, I'll be bringing a beautiful candle that we bought while on our honeymoon.  It seems only fitting, to light that candle, representing 50 years of marriage.

We, like all other couples, have memories.  And, sometimes, it's good to just sit and pull those memories out of our heads, and share them with each other.


Sunday, May 27, 2018

Loosing Track of Time


Today is Sunday.  However I had to verify this with Jeff, feels like a Monday to me.

Jeff and Bella went out to Andrew's house yesterday to get some mowing done.  They were gone a long time, which wasn't a problem for me, because I was engrossed in a really good book.

While out at Andrew's house, Bella had several hours to run and explore.  She must have been tired, because when Jeff put her in the car, she laid down immediately.  She never does that.  Depending on how long our road trip is, it will take her sometime before she gives up and lays down.  Daisy, on the other hand, once she's in the car, she immediately finds a corner in the backseat, curls up and there's not a peep out of her.

I have misplaced (lost actually) my pain stimulator. I haven't used it in a long time, and now can't remember where it is. I have looked in drawers, baskets, etc., and the stimulator is nowhere to be found.  I hate losing things, particularly when I have no clue where to look.  Of course, on the plus side, I found all kinds of treasures that have been locked away in containers.  I have rounded up a whole bunch of pens, and you can never have too many of those.  Puzzle books and books in general.  Why I would store away some of the things I did, is beyond me.

It's warming up to be hot today with humidity.  Basically, leather sticking to your body kind of day. In the winter, when you get into your car, the leather seats are cold, and thank heaven for heated seats!  Now, that it's summertime, the seats are hot and equally uncomfortable.  

I've programmed the weekly television shows, and as our favorite shows are winding down, that may mean that Jeff and I will have to talk to each other (horrors)!!

So once I get things tidied up a bit, I'll head for my chair and continuing reading.  Some people just have to leave the house, they hate being cooped up.  That's not the case for me.  Mentally healthy? Pretty sure not.  But, I like our house and am very comfortable being inside.  The house is cool (thank you Jeff) which is  just the way I like it.  We both prefer that when it's bedtime, that you absolutely have to pull up the covers.  We like the bedroom cold, and in case we get chilly, there are two dogs ready to get next to you!

Enjoy today, and for sure enjoy tomorrow.  Tomorrow, in my mind, marks the beginning of summer. But, the calendar says it starts next month. The kids will only be in school for a few more weeks. And, when Jeff and I were parents of school age children, summer time plans had to be made for the boys.  There were day camps as well as overnight camps.  And, then they were teenagers, and left at home.  I'm happy to report that Scott and Andy were pretty good on their own.  

Signing off now.  More tomorrow.




Saturday, May 26, 2018



It's Saturday, a good day to sleep in.  However, the girls decided that we needed to get up at 7:30 to feed them. Thankfully, Jeff takes over that chore.  I'm at a loss as to how much wet and dry food they get.

I'm in the middle of a good book, so during and after breakfast, I did some reading.  And, as soon as possible, I'll return to the book.  I mostly read books on Kindle now, where I can adjust the font to be super large and easy to see.

I've had a thing for unicorns and rainbows since last year.  Every time I see a doctor, those two things are what I'm expecting.  Sadly, with the exception of the back surgery earlier, no unicorns or rainbows have come my way.

But, and this is the interesting part, I see unicorns everywhere now.  You probably have noticed them too.  There are too many places where I've seen a unicorn, so I'll just say that, for some reason or other, unicorns seem to be everywhere.  I have noticed though that you only ever see one unicorn. Imagine if we're loading Noah's Ark, and putting on animals two by two, and then we come to a unicorn.  I know it wouldn't matter, because unicorns are mystical creatures, and really only exist in our imagination.  If a unicorn came walking across the lawn, I'd surely die from a heart attack!  But, we know that I'm safe, because there are no live unicorns!  But, I'll keep a look out for them, just in case.


Friday, May 25, 2018

Sunny, Friday and A Long Weekend!


Sorry I wasn't around earlier.  I had some things I had to take care of this morning.  It's a three day weekend for all of you, so get out those barbecues and cook something!

Jeff may take advantage of the good weather and go out to Andrew's house and mow the "back 40" (a term used by farmers).  When he goes, he takes Bella for some much needed exercise.

Sometimes, things work out wonderfully.  Bella's service dog vest had a slightly broken clip, where the leash connects.  I wrote the company who made the vest, explained by problem, and a brand new one arrived today.  How perfect is that?

I have two friends, one is waiting for the arrival of her granddaughter, and the other is having a birthday.  I've sent both ladies a small present to celebrate both of these special occasions.

For my birthday last year, Stacey and Wendy gave me a wonderful birthday, right down to the Unicorn cake!

This is short today, because my mind doesn't seem to be working on all cylinders.  Have a great weekend.



Thursday, May 24, 2018



Admittedly, there are all kinds of survivors. 

But, the survivor I want to talk about is the television show. Survivor, has been around since 2000, and I don't think I've missed an episode.  Stage?  Um, probably.  Enjoyable?  For me, the answer is yes.

In the initial show, things were very grim for the players  They were given very little food, and then expected to perform in challenges so that someone could/would win.

I also remember early on, that one player was burned I think while tending the fire.  One time, a player felt no need to wear clothes - gross.

There have been hook-ups, break-ups, stealthy and then not so stealthy moves, as each player tries to get to the top of the food chain, if you will.  

To make things interesting, some players have returned for a new season.  These returning players, have an advantage because they are familiar with the physical challenges, as well as those in their particular camp. In case you're wondering, and you probably aren't, the winner last night was the player we were rooting for.

It's no secret that I'm a television junky.  I don't mind that the reality shows are staged.  They offer me time that I don't spend feeling sorry for myself.

Survivor doesn't have the same interest level for Jeff; but, he's a good sport and watches with me anyway.  Have to love that. This is the same guy who watched the royal wedding - ALL of it!

Jeff made macaroni salad this week, and last night cooked some hamburger patties for dinner, as well as my lunch today. 

Duty calls.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Sun Is Out!


It's Wednesday - yipee.  I had the upstairs carpets cleaned yesterday.  I swear that if I keep having those carpets cleaned, it would be cheaper to just pull up the carpet, and have a wood floor.  Clean up of messes would be easier too!  Now that the carpets are cleaned, I have put up a gate that allows the girls to go into Jeff's office, but not anywhere else.

Today, Ada comes to clean the house. As usual, I'll do some cleaning before she comes.  Nothing huge, like vacuuming or dusting, but doing some "tidying" up.  Men don't understand this, but we women do.  It's just who we are.

The sun is out today - shocker.  I don't know what to do with all this sunshine.  Maybe, I could sit on the front porch swing and just enjoy myself.  Of course that would mean I would be relaxing, and that's something I don't really do well.

I've been on a mission to find new bedding.  When we lived in California, finding bedding for a California King bed, was no problem at all.  But, here on the east coast, it's a really big problem.  I have done my best to find new blankets and bedspread.  Really happy with the things I've bought so far.  The bedspread is a tan (think of dirt) brown, which should make for a cleaner looking bed. Okay, here's hoping that's what is going to happen.

Jeff made macaroni salad yesterday, and he did a good job, as always.  He also chopped up chicken so that we could make chicken salad as well.  There are times, and they're pretty frequent I'm sorry to say, that I've lost my zeal and/or capability to do much in the kitchen.  I still can manage laundry, and by using a chair in the kitchen, can empty (mostly) and load the dishwasher.  Baby steps for me!

It's time for me to start attending to what needs to be done.  See you tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Tuesday - Just Tuesday


That brief bit of sun that we had yesterday, has gone back into it's cocoon.  It's a rainy, bleak day outside.  Wow, weather update, it's no longer drizzling, now it's downright raining hard.  Glad we're home.

I had a doctor's appointment this morning, and we left the dogs in the house.  For the first time, we didn't "de-Bella" the house.  There were shoes out, pillows, books etc.  I know that eventually you have to rip "off the band aid", and take a large leap of fate.

So, with more than just a little trepidation, we came into the house. and the only things that seemed to have caught Bella's attention, but attention only, was a pillow and a pair of shoes.  That's it!  Could it be that our girl is growing up?  It gives me a good feeling that we can leave the girls in the house.  Provided that there are no paper products: cups, napkins and/or plates, she still loves those.

We have since we rescued the girls, always locked them in the basement, when we would leave the house.  Neither of us thought that it was a good solution to our problem. But. with the amount of trouble we have had in the past with Bella, we weren't sure that she would behave if left alone in the house.  Big baby steps here! 

Even though it's raining today, I'm having the up stairs cleaned.  Once the carpets are cleaned and dried, then I'm going to resort to putting up gates again.  I'm going to put up a gate in the hall that will allow the girls to stay up there with him, but no access to the rest of the hall.  I'm more than sure that all the "spots" on the carpets, is Daisy.  And, I have to shut down that s**t literally!

I hope it's sunny where you are, and that eventually Mr. Sun will make an appearance here.



Monday, May 21, 2018

Brown Bag


Some of you, and perhaps most of you, remember the brown grocery store bag.  Along with the brown bag, the cashier emptied your cart.  Alas, those days are gone, and they're not coming back.

When Jeff ordered our dinner from Outback, it came in a brown, handled bag.  Just seeing the brown paper bag, brought back a lot of memories.

When I was in school, and that was a looooong time ago, one of the first things you had to do at the start of the school year, was to cover your books, you guessed it, brown paper.

The best part of having a covered book, was that you could doddle on that book, to your heart's content.  When the book cover was worn, or their was no place left to write on, you simply replaced it. It was as easy as that.

Need to wrap a present, but don't have any wrapping paper around, you could for some events, not a wedding of course, use brown paper. If you were feeling artsy/fartsy (however you spell it), you could add stickers or use rubber stamps for decoration.

We are in a protect the environment stage, and there's nothing wrong with that, but your groceries, or anything else, comes in a plastic bag.  What happens to those bags?  After you have built up a stock pile of plastic bags, they get tossed out in the garbage.

You can obviously, bring your own canvas, plastic or whatever bag to use for your purchases.  But, I often leave the house, get to the store and then remember I left my bag(s) at home!

So there you have it.  The older Jeff and I get, the more changes to our life.  Things that we grew up with, for example, records are pretty much a thing of the past.  And, obviously the world wide web hadn't yet become a "thing".  However did we get needed information, before search engines (Google)?  Oh, I remember we used encyclopedias, or went to the library (remember those?) and checked out relevant books.

Getting my head shrunk today, so I have to close so that I can get myself ready.

After days and days of rain, I'm happy to see sunshine.  It's a top down in Jeff's car.



Sunday, May 20, 2018



Yesterday, while drinking from a china cup (actually a ceramic mug), and keeping my right pinkie in the air (just kidding), I was well and truly exhausted.

I didn't want to miss a minute of the day's event, and thanks to Tivo recorded everything.  The neat thing about the Tivo is, I could stop watching the event, anytime I wanted to and/or needed to.

What do you suppose a newly appointed Duchess do on the day after her wedding?  I'm supposing that the Duchess will no longer need to make her bed, do dishes and only cook when she wants to.  I could be wrong of course, but I actually don't think so.  I know if I was a Duchess (fat chance), I think I'd actually enjoy giving up some household chores - laundry and dishes come to mind!

Jeff very nicely asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner, to have steak.  I suggested ordering a meal from Outback Steakhouse, and picking it up and eating at home.  The wait for our dinner was longer than it was supposed to be.  But, once home, the steak, at least mine, was cooked perfectly.  I enjoyed every bite.  I even have some leftover for my lunch today.

Looking out my window today, I see a rarely seen "thing" in the past week.  After days and days of dreary and rainy weather, the sun is out today.  I think rain is forecasted for the upcoming week.  I might even go out and sit on the front porch for a bit.

Jeff will probably go do the weekly shopping with the top down.  It's a glorious day to do so.  I'll likely stay home and try not to irritate my hip anymore than I have to.  Sounds silly I know, but I'm actually looking forward to a hip replacement.  If Prince Phillip at 96 can handle a hip replacement, then I know I can too!

With most of our tv shows showing the season finales, I guess Jeff might actually have to start talking to each other!  (Kidding, of course).

Time to stop.  My world continues.... laundry and dishes.



Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Royal Wedding


Today, was the Royal Wedding.  A wedding that most people, were waiting for.  Some of the British folks staked out their spot along the route several days ago.  I didn't spot any porta-potties, so I don't how they handled that particular issue.

After breakfast and getting dressed, I took my coffee and headed to the recliner.  I have always had a real obsession with anything "royal".  You know what made my watching the wedding even better?  My best friend, Jeff, watched it with me, from start to finish.  He even cooked us a pizza when we got hungry. Or, more correctly,when I got hungry. 

The wedding was beautiful.  Megan made a beautiful bride and her dress was simple and classy.  By her addition into the royal family, I believe she will mix things up a bit.  And, that's a good thing.

We watched the people who had been invited to the wedding, and were truly shocked with some outfits.  Spaghetti straps - really? I even think sleeveless dresses was probably not the dress code of the day.  The hats, were for the most part, were spectacular.  There was a hat made up entirely of peacock feathers (I'm sure that was expensive), lots of flowers, wide brims, small fascinators (however you spell it), and so many beautiful colors. The Queen wore yellow with purple flowers on her hat - classy as always.

There was some famous people in attendance.  George Clooney, the Beckhams (who seem to be invited to all royal invites, but I don't know why), several cast members from the show Suits and Oprah just to name a few.  Obviously, there were other "important" people, but I didn't know their names.

It's raining outside, which is far better than it raining inside!  It is/was a good day to put your feet up, grab a blanket and/or dog, and relax.  I can handle the sitting in my recliner, but I find relaxing kind of hard to do.  My mind whirls around all the time, and I'm always stressing about anything, even if there's no need to worry!  I'm working on that, but it's a slow process. 

This is the hat Serena Williams wore:

And, here's the Queen, looking very regal as always.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Yeah, It's Friday!


We made it folks.  The weather here is bleak and rainy.  We've had enough rain, and I think more is projected, that Jeff and I literally have a swamp in our backyard!  And, because one or both of the girls is a primma (sp) donna, they feel there is no need to go outside to potty.

Yesterday, was my one week check-up on my eye.  And, I have been "blessed" by the doctor.  I now have no restrictions.  I have another appointment on the 7th for another recheck, and then hopefully by then, I'll be able to schedule surgery for the right eye.  I almost never wear my glasses now.  My vision has improved drastically in my left eye, but still a bit blurry.  Having my right eye able to do the heavy "lifting", if you will, allows me to see pretty well.

Okay, my appointment was 2:45, and Jeff, Bella and myself were still waiting to see the doctor at 4:00.  I don't know what is so exhausting about sitting around, but by the time we go home, all I wanted to do is hit the recliner. Bella's behavior was spot on.  We're so proud of her - no barking, lunging, or acting up in anyway.

Tomorrow is the big day.  It's the wedding, and while I'm recording the event, I'll still probably sit a bit and watch the wedding, while the Tivo is still recording.  The shows on tv, for the past few days, are all about the romance, engagement and wedding of Prince Harry.  Bets on the wedding dress are happening in London, and maybe other cities as well.  I'm thinking Meagan will wear something very modern and perhaps a dress that will show off her body.  I have no idea what she's doing today, but if it were me, I'd be a bundle of nerves.

I'm in the process of getting my clothes sorted out.  This is a task I don't particularly want to do, hence my delay!  I found a unicorn t-shirt on Amazon and I couldn't resist buying it.  It's not an over the top unicorn, just a minimal interpretation.  Since I've been wishing for unicorns and rainbows since 2017, I now see unicorns everywhere!  I have no idea how the unicorn has become so popular, but this makes me very happy.


 Image result for picture of a unicorn

Thursday, May 17, 2018



What can you say about Thursday?  Not much actually.  It's not Wednesday, which starts the downhill trek toward Friday.  Nope, it's just there, in the middle between Wednesday and Friday. 

Today, I'm having my one week check-up on my left eye.  For the past week, I've done everything the doctor told me to do.  No bending (okay, a little bending), lifting (no problem there) and use my eye drops.  I've gotten so good with the drops, perhaps I should consider contacts when both eyes are healed!

It has rained so much that our backyard is literally a swamp.  Lots of puddles, lots of mud.  I was contemplating having the upstairs hall and our bedroom shampooed, but think I'll wait a few days, until I'm sure that the rain has subsided, at least for a few days.

I have, for a very long time, been fascinated with the royal family.  Why?  Couldn't really say.  The wedding on Saturday should be wonderful.  A fairy tale wedding if there ever was.  This week I've recorded any shows that are related to the upcoming event.  For someone who is not into the royal family, these particular shows can be a snooze fest.  I'm giving Jeff kuddos (however you spell it), because of his patience with my obsession.  Come Saturday, I'll be glued to my chair to watch everything.  Probably a good day to have pizza, which only requires turning the oven on and setting the timer.

Earlier this week, I started to undertake the "cleansing" of my closet(s).  In doing so, I found clothes that I actually forgot that I owned.  How sad is that?  But, don't tell Jeff that.

I have filled a large plastic trash bag, with my winter clothes.  That bag, will be taken into one of the spare rooms, where it will stay until - well winter.  All that's left to do, is to organize one way or the other, my spring/summer clothes.  Turns out, I have more than a few of these clothes.

Closing for now.  I need to get my bag ready with snacks and something to read before we leave for my appointment.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Love My Tivo!


I'm sure that most, if not all of you know what a Tivo is.  Tivo is the modern equivalent of a DVR.  I make no bones about how much I love television.  I remember, sort of, when we bought our first Tivo - easy to use - and allowed us to record shows in real time, for Jeff and I to see later.

Since that initial Tivo, we've bought a few upgraded Tivos.  How many?  I have no idea, but the one we currently have is the best so far.  We can skip through commercials (yeah) and for some shows there is a skip button.  That button is wonderful.  When your show is heading toward a commercial, you hit the skip button, and you are back to your show!  Who wouldn't like that?

This Saturday is the big royal wedding.  I love all things royal, and don't want to have to get up at 4:00 in the morning to start watching.  Our Tivo, however, will begin recording, and I/we can watch the wedding, later in the day. If Jeff would like to have a "play" day, then Saturday would definitely be the day to do that. 

Jeff knows about my fascination with the royal family, and has already sat through a few television specials with me.  His ability to sit through this shows, reminds me of my Dad, who would sit and watch Elvis movies with me!

Unlike the bride, I don't have to dress up to watch the wedding.  Nope, I could, if I wanted to, sit around in sweat pants.  I won't, but I could.

I'm getting a late start to my day, because while eating my breakfast, I started watching television specials.  Time for me to get my rear in gear, and accomplish something, anything!

Talk to you tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Too Many Clothes?


The short answer is no.  If you were to take a poll of women asking about too many clothes, 99.9% would say that there is no such things as too many clothes.

Some men, probably only have one closet in the house, and don't give a hoot about fashion trends.  It's up to us women to buy clothes that look good (mostly) and fit well.

Okay, back to the original question.  Speaking just for myself, I LOVE new clothes.  Confession: it doesn't matter that I have multiple closets, and drawers full of casual clothes, I always want something new (sorry Jeff)!  It's just as simple as that. I don't know about you personally, but I have clothes that fit right now, clothes that I MIGHT someday be able to wear, and then the most dreaded category: FAT clothes.  Argh.  Women hate that last category the most - who wouldn't?  Short answer here is that our men depend on us to throw out (secretly) worn out clothes, and purge their closets of too small clothes.  That doesn't mean getting rid of them, just removing them from the closet.

I have also loved shoes, again another category that is a MUST for most of us women.  When I was working, I had shoes for work and then casual shoes, and finally sandals.  Oh, and I also have ONE pair of dressy shoes.  Some of my shoes are a problem for me.  Since my right foot is still numb, putting on a regular shoe is painful.  Trust me, I've tried. So, it's back to clogs and the occasional wearing of tennis shoes.  I also bought a pair of slip on shoes, in a size too big, and two sizes to wide - and they fit.

Because in an irrational fear, that I'll have nothing to wear, each time a new season comes around, I'm compelled by some inner demon, that I JUST have to buy a few new clothes (sorry Jeff).  So there you have the long and short of women's clothes.  Note - that's not actually my closet, but it could be.

Image result for picture of a woman's closet


Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day


Yesterday, the weather was down right crummy.  It rained, and the sky was gray.  These kind of weather conditions is not particularly healthy for me.  I need sunshine.

Scott and Wendy came over for lunch/brunch.  Jeff made scrambled eggs, which is a favorite of everyone.  He also made sawmill gravy to go on top of the sausages - this was delicious.  Jeff had bought two kinds of pastries - cheese and apple.  The apple ones have not been opened, but the cheese ones was everyone's favorite.

Scott and Wendy also brought me a gift in a UNICORN bag.  Inside, was a lovely tunic, for me to wear over my leggings.  And, yes I have a pair - black ones.  Nobody, including myself, wants to see me in printed leggings!  

After they left, Jeff and the girls went upstairs and didn't come back down for a long time.  I knew that Jeff was likely taking a much needed nap.  Turns out, I was right.

While I was in the den, I watched some television, but then turned my attention to the latest book I'm reading, the LARGE PRINT edition.  When I like or love a book, I can and do immerse myself into the story.  Breakfast dishes be damned - actually in the afternoon, I did go and tidy up the kitchen.

We had soup for dinner.  I think the days of us fixing and eating a regular meal are headed downhill.  We both seem to get by with a smaller dinner, and truth be told, neither of us would starve to death if we didn't even eat dinner!

Looking out my window, the weather isn't much better than yesterday.  It has rained, but now has stopped, but the sky is still gloomy.

To sum it all up, I had a lovely Mother's Day, and felt celebrated.  Many thanks to Scott and Wendy.



Saturday, May 12, 2018

Mother's Day


Jeff has subscribed to the theory, ever since we were married, that I'm not his mother.  And, that's a good thing.

They don't make "Happy Wives Day" cards, but perhaps they should.   Or even a "Happy Woman Day" card.  Most of the women I know like to be remembered on this made-up Hallmark holiday (Jeff's opinion).  

Last Mother's Day, Andrew and Scott came to the house to do some yard work.  The weather that day was horrible, so some of the tree trimming that I desired, wasn't done.  And, of course, this year our landscape people came and did a lot of work in the back yard, which was badly in need of help.

This brings us to this Mother's Day.  My thought has always been to keep my expectations low.  Happily, for this year, Scott and Wendy are coming over tomorrow for brunch.  Jeff will obviously cook eggs, because everybody loves his scrambled eggs!  

Jeff is going to the store today and will buy some kind of sweet treat to share with them tomorrow.  If it were up to me, and was okay with my scale, then I'd have dessert after every meal!!!  Just stating the facts.

My one week post-op visit is on Thursday, and I want the doctor to tell me that the air bubble, is properly positioned.  I've been absolutely good about no bending or lifting.  And, spend as much time as possible, laying on/in the recliner as far back as it will go.  Basically, my only real job right now, is to take care of the eye, so I've basically been told to be a couch potato.  Who wouldn't love instructions like that?

In the stores today, there will be a few frenzied shoppers, who are looking for the right card, the right gift, etc.  Florists have probably been, or still are, working overtime to get their orders out on time.  So, fellas, get out there and buy......



Friday, May 11, 2018

What's In A Name?


I'm going to shock you with this news - ready?  I have a name, and so do you and you.  But, emphasis on "but", all or most of us are not famous and so we haven't reached that part of fame, that leaves people calling you by your first name.

Need an example?  Okay, I can think of a few.  Elvis, for instance.  Nobody that I know ever called him Elvis Presley.  He was just Elvis.

Oprah is known around the world simply as Oprah.  Her last name doesn't matter, and it hasn't for a very long time.

Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Barrack Obama and Trump are past and present presidents where we only talk about them using their last names.  

I know that Cher has a last name, but it beats the heck out of me, what it is.   

I know there is a very long list of people known simply by either their first or last names. My friends, as well as yours, are called by their first names.  Why?  Because they're friends.

I've reached a certain age where I'm sometimes called "ma'am" by people in stores.  And, I'm no longer asked if I need a senior ticket at the movies.  I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. 

One thing is for certain.  Nobody is ever going to call me Cuzilu.  That name is on my license plate, and on this blog.

Signing off for the day.  Here, I'm known for my initial rather than my name, when I close up a blog!

P (see what I mean?)

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Back From Being AWOL!!


On Monday, Jeff took me back to Hopkins to see the ophthalmologist, because after a week or so, my vision in my left eye was no better than it was before.  I spent untold amounts of hours, covering up my right eye, to see if my vision was improving.  Here's a clue: looking out through my left eye was akin to smearing Vaseline on my glasses!  I was so very disappointed.

Before the doctor comes in, the tech gives you a minor "how well can you see" test.  Through my left eye, I wasn't even able to see how many fingers he was holding up.  Clearly, I needed help.

Once I saw the doctor, he said that the air bubble, is inserted into the front of the eye to hold the donor tissue in position. The air bubble is supposed to be naturally adsorbed the eye within 24-48 hours.  Upon inspection, my air bubble had slipped out of place.  Solution: move the bubble back in place.  He numbed my eye, and then put a needle in my eye, which I could see, and moved the bubble up.  

Since Monday, my vision has really improved in the left eye.  Not a hundred percent yet, but well on it's way.  I have a one week check-up next week, and I want to hear the doctor tell me that everything is looking good.

To be on the safe side, and so afraid of dislodging the bubble, I spent the last three nights and nearly all of the day on the recliner.

This morning, I'm going to take a shower, which will make me feel good I know.  I don't know how it is for you men, but for women, a shower and a shampoo does wonders for their well-being.

I wish I had something else to chat about, but for the last few days, I've been consumed with everything having to do with my eye!  Wish me luck for next week's appointment, and hope that the bubble didn't move out of place, because if it did, it would really suck.  Just saying.

And, for all of you out there, who have a mother, and that should be ALL of you, Sunday is Mother's Day.  So don't forget her.


Monday, May 7, 2018

Intentionally Left Blank!


As much as I would love to stay and visit with all of you, Jeff has to take me to Baltimore for a doctor's appointment.  My left eye has rejected (not sure if that's the right term), the cornea transplant.  So, long story short, I have to go up again today, and likely will have to start the procedure all over again.  Drats!

So for now, this is all the news, or at least the news fit to print!

See you guys tomorrow.


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Birthday Party


Yesterday, Jeff and I went to Scott's house to celebrate his 40th birthday.  I have no idea how he got so old, and we're still so young (just kidding, of course)!!

Scott and Wendy are a gracious host and hostess, and you are guaranteed to have a good time and plenty of wonderful food.  Yesterday, was no exception.

Scott had asked me to make potato salad and my pistachio dessert.  There was some potato salad leftover, but the dessert dish was empty with a capital E.  We ate hamburgers (delicious I might add), hot dogs, salads, baked beans and other good food as well.  

While there was plenty of food, Jeff and I have learned that less is more when it comes to eating.  The stomach says "lets have more food", but the brain sends a different message, "you've had enough, so stop already"!!  Wendy served cookies, birthday cake (super yummy),and my dessert.  There was virtually something for everybody.  

Jeff's body doesn't process sugar well, so I spooned out a small amount of my dessert for him.  Unfortunately, my body can process sugar; and, I absolutely love sugar, especially chocolate.  Of course, calorie wise, sugar is not my friend - but oh how I want it to be!

When I pass away, I don't want to be buried or cremated.  I know, you're already thinking if those two options aren't what I want, what's left?  Ah, to be put in a vat of chocolate first, and then do with me what you will!  

Another reason to celebrate yesterday because it was the 44th anniversary of our first date!  Jeff and I met in May and were married in September of the same year.  If it's right, it's right, that's what my grandmother told me.  She said a long engagement doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a long marriage.  Pretty sound advice, and one that Jeff and I took to heart.  And, this many years later, we're still holding firm.

I came from a generation, and maybe you did too, that when you go to a party, a dinner, or receive some other nice gesture, a "bread and butter" note must be sent.  My note has already been written and will be put in the mail tomorrow.  When the boys were growing up, and they received a present for their birthdays, or upon graduation, I made them send thank you notes.  

So after a day and most of the evening, partying, it's back to normal today for this Cinderella!

When Jeff and I were married, after our honeymoon, I quickly got started on my thank you notes.  When I write a note of thanks, I don't just say thank you.  Nope, I, of course did thank the giver, but I always mentioned the actual gift as well.  

Friday, May 4, 2018



What can I say about Bella?  Come to think of it, I could actually say a lot about her.  I picked her out from the litter being rescued.  And, I don't remember why I picked her, over another puppy in the litter.  Maybe, it was her beautiful honey colored fur, and black whiskers.  By the way, that's a winning combination.

For the very longest time, two years give or take, Bella would take and destroy EVERYTHING.  She knew no boundaries.  You can't really discipline a dog after the fact.  So, there was no use chasing her around the back yard trying to retrieve an absolutely chewed up a  a slipper or shoe.  I think I would be less mad, if she would take both of the slippers and/or shoes.  I mean what am I going to do with one shoe?  Nothing.  Oh, but Amazon loved sending me more slippers!

Bella is food driven.  She's not particular, she'll chow down on people food as much as dog food.  We do try and keep her away from people food, as much as possible.  Trouble is, Bella is faster than we are, and just this week, after we went to bed, Bella stayed downstairs.  She woofed down the pork chops that Jeff had cooked for dinner.  The plate was just a "tad" to close to the counter's edge!  Leftovers the next morning, not so much.

Jeff left early today.  He and another partner are going to Pennsylvania to bring the plane home.  Planes are required to have routine maintenance, and our plane is no different.  I'm not going to bother you with the details, but when you own a plane or a boat, even regular maintenance can be costly.

Jeff was very helpful, as he always is, and left the two bowls of dog food on the counter.  After I woke up, I would feed the dogs.  Bella, had another plan in mind.  When I go to the kitchen, I found Daisy's bowl untouched.  Bella's dish, on the other hand, was tipped over on it's side, and that was strong evidence of her trying to get to her food.  Jeff always adds a little milk to their food, so the milk had slipped out onto the counter.  But, as they say, there's no reason to cry over spilled milk!  

Before you make a rash and harsh judgement of Bella, I want to tell you about her good side.  We have a harness for her that says she is a dog in training, and she seems to know the difference between just a leash and her harness.  She just behaves differently.

Most of the when we go somewhere, we take her along.  We are trying to get her used to smells, people and noise.  Our biggest problem is that everybody wants to pet her - even though she has a patch on one side of her harness, that says "don't pet".  

While we were at my doctor appointment yesterday, Bella laid down on the floor, and didn't even flinge (sp) when people walked by us.  Her performance was fantastic and flawless.  Jeff and I are so proud of her when we take her out.

Long story short.  The good part of Bella, certainly outweighs anything that of her negative behavior.  I will tell you this though.  Somewhere between Bella being a year old and today, she "gets" it.  No slipper or pillow destruction, and provided that Bella can't reach any food, paper plate, napkin, or paper cup, there is no problem!

So there you have it.  Bella, a wonderful dog.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Rich Folks - Not So Rich Folks


I was reading an article about Princess Kate and how well and fast she recovered from her latest pregnancy.  Even though she's royal, she still has to give birth like all the rest of us common folk do.

Because of her status, I am confident that she is sequestrated in not only a private room, but likely in a private ward as well.

Most of us, no scratch that, all of us regular women didn't have somebody around to help "do" our hair, make-up, etc.  Nor, did we come" home to a "prepped" home, and people who can and do to some instinct take care of you and your baby.

I can't speak for all women, but after having a baby, I generally went home in a bathrobe.  A nice bathrobe to be sure, but still a bathrobe, with my hair combed or more likely patted down in place.  And, our babies were born before car seats were required.  Back in the day (my days actually), I went home holding our new baby.   And, that seemed to work well for a long period of time.

I did some research (of course I did) and by 1985 there was a law requiring babies/children to be in an infant carrier.  But, even in 1987, only 80% of people used a car seat.

I remember bringing Scott home in 1978.  Me in my newly purchased bathrobe, and Scott in an outfit, picked before hand (generic color of course).  Jeff brought the car up in front of the hospital, I was wheeled (yes, they did that back then), and I walked to the car, with Scott in my arms.  Though considered unsafe by today's standards, that was the norm.

Unlike the Duchess, I didn't have a team waiting at home to do my bidding.  Nope, it was just Jeff and I.  For a period of time, before I went back to work, I obviously did all of the nigh time feedings. Since the public wasn't watching me, my go to clothing, was shorts and a t-shirt. I grabbed a shower when Scott was sleeping, and with the help from Jeff, we got through the necessary household chores.  It's amazing what you'll let go, if you just can't get everything done.  Dust will still be there when you get around to it!  Actually, that little fact is true even today. 

Looking back, I'm amazed, not only by myself, but all of my peers who birthed children, stayed at home exactly six weeks, and from that point on, juggled work, baby and house.

Having said all of that, I'm glad that Jeff and I had our boys when we did.  Now in 2018, Scott and Andrew are men and caring for Benjamin as a grandmother, is a complete joy.
Speaking of Scott, we're going to his 40th birthday on Saturday.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

And I Missed A Day


Sorry about yesterday.  I had a doctor's appointment in the morning, and because I was using Metro Access to get me there, I was picked up waaaaaaaaaaaaaay before my appointment time.  It's a very convenient way to get around, as long as you don't mind waiting.  I always come prepared - book, water, etc.

I saw a new ortho doctor, probably the only one I haven't seen in recent years (kidding), and liked him very much.  I had x-rays taken and then he showed me that I have bone spurs on the left hip. The only fix apparently is to replace the hip, which was the last thing I expected him to tell me.  It was a lot to take in, but the doctor assures me that once I have a new hip (Bionic Woman?) in place, the pain I've suffered with for years, will be gone.  Just hearing that, made my heart flutter, since I have suffered for several years with everybody told me was some kind of "itis" (arthritis, etc.), and nothing could be done. I'm going to make an appointment with the doctor, so that Jeff can go with me and listen and/or ask questions.

Yesterday was Scott's 40th birthday.  I don't know how that's possible since I'm only "x" years young!  Scott is in a very good place now.  He has a beautiful home, with a manicured to perfection yard, and some sloppery dogs that love him.  The really good news, is that Scott has met a beautiful, wonderful woman.  Wendy brings out a side of Scott, that Jeff and I haven't seen in a very long time, and it's a very good thing.

Wendy is throwing a birthday party for Scott on Saturday.  I have been asked to bring potato salad and my pistachio dessert (which, truth be told, is yummy).  It will be pretty much an all day affair, so we're going to take the girls with us, so they don't have to spend the day alone.  We took them out at Christmas, and Scott's dogs are absolutely huge compared to Bella and Daisy.  There was some initial growling and attitude, but by days end, everybody was fine.

I have always said that there are only five (could be a few more) days a year, where the temperature and humidity are nearly perfect.  Two days ago, the furnace was running.  Yesterday, Jeff turned the a/c on, and it might just stay on, until the end of summer. I really hate having my body stick to leather furniture.  I know such a diva!

I hope it's sunny where you are.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...