Saturday, May 12, 2018

Mother's Day


Jeff has subscribed to the theory, ever since we were married, that I'm not his mother.  And, that's a good thing.

They don't make "Happy Wives Day" cards, but perhaps they should.   Or even a "Happy Woman Day" card.  Most of the women I know like to be remembered on this made-up Hallmark holiday (Jeff's opinion).  

Last Mother's Day, Andrew and Scott came to the house to do some yard work.  The weather that day was horrible, so some of the tree trimming that I desired, wasn't done.  And, of course, this year our landscape people came and did a lot of work in the back yard, which was badly in need of help.

This brings us to this Mother's Day.  My thought has always been to keep my expectations low.  Happily, for this year, Scott and Wendy are coming over tomorrow for brunch.  Jeff will obviously cook eggs, because everybody loves his scrambled eggs!  

Jeff is going to the store today and will buy some kind of sweet treat to share with them tomorrow.  If it were up to me, and was okay with my scale, then I'd have dessert after every meal!!!  Just stating the facts.

My one week post-op visit is on Thursday, and I want the doctor to tell me that the air bubble, is properly positioned.  I've been absolutely good about no bending or lifting.  And, spend as much time as possible, laying on/in the recliner as far back as it will go.  Basically, my only real job right now, is to take care of the eye, so I've basically been told to be a couch potato.  Who wouldn't love instructions like that?

In the stores today, there will be a few frenzied shoppers, who are looking for the right card, the right gift, etc.  Florists have probably been, or still are, working overtime to get their orders out on time.  So, fellas, get out there and buy......



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