Thursday, May 3, 2018

Rich Folks - Not So Rich Folks


I was reading an article about Princess Kate and how well and fast she recovered from her latest pregnancy.  Even though she's royal, she still has to give birth like all the rest of us common folk do.

Because of her status, I am confident that she is sequestrated in not only a private room, but likely in a private ward as well.

Most of us, no scratch that, all of us regular women didn't have somebody around to help "do" our hair, make-up, etc.  Nor, did we come" home to a "prepped" home, and people who can and do to some instinct take care of you and your baby.

I can't speak for all women, but after having a baby, I generally went home in a bathrobe.  A nice bathrobe to be sure, but still a bathrobe, with my hair combed or more likely patted down in place.  And, our babies were born before car seats were required.  Back in the day (my days actually), I went home holding our new baby.   And, that seemed to work well for a long period of time.

I did some research (of course I did) and by 1985 there was a law requiring babies/children to be in an infant carrier.  But, even in 1987, only 80% of people used a car seat.

I remember bringing Scott home in 1978.  Me in my newly purchased bathrobe, and Scott in an outfit, picked before hand (generic color of course).  Jeff brought the car up in front of the hospital, I was wheeled (yes, they did that back then), and I walked to the car, with Scott in my arms.  Though considered unsafe by today's standards, that was the norm.

Unlike the Duchess, I didn't have a team waiting at home to do my bidding.  Nope, it was just Jeff and I.  For a period of time, before I went back to work, I obviously did all of the nigh time feedings. Since the public wasn't watching me, my go to clothing, was shorts and a t-shirt. I grabbed a shower when Scott was sleeping, and with the help from Jeff, we got through the necessary household chores.  It's amazing what you'll let go, if you just can't get everything done.  Dust will still be there when you get around to it!  Actually, that little fact is true even today. 

Looking back, I'm amazed, not only by myself, but all of my peers who birthed children, stayed at home exactly six weeks, and from that point on, juggled work, baby and house.

Having said all of that, I'm glad that Jeff and I had our boys when we did.  Now in 2018, Scott and Andrew are men and caring for Benjamin as a grandmother, is a complete joy.
Speaking of Scott, we're going to his 40th birthday on Saturday.


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