Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Tuesday - Just Tuesday


That brief bit of sun that we had yesterday, has gone back into it's cocoon.  It's a rainy, bleak day outside.  Wow, weather update, it's no longer drizzling, now it's downright raining hard.  Glad we're home.

I had a doctor's appointment this morning, and we left the dogs in the house.  For the first time, we didn't "de-Bella" the house.  There were shoes out, pillows, books etc.  I know that eventually you have to rip "off the band aid", and take a large leap of fate.

So, with more than just a little trepidation, we came into the house. and the only things that seemed to have caught Bella's attention, but attention only, was a pillow and a pair of shoes.  That's it!  Could it be that our girl is growing up?  It gives me a good feeling that we can leave the girls in the house.  Provided that there are no paper products: cups, napkins and/or plates, she still loves those.

We have since we rescued the girls, always locked them in the basement, when we would leave the house.  Neither of us thought that it was a good solution to our problem. But. with the amount of trouble we have had in the past with Bella, we weren't sure that she would behave if left alone in the house.  Big baby steps here! 

Even though it's raining today, I'm having the up stairs cleaned.  Once the carpets are cleaned and dried, then I'm going to resort to putting up gates again.  I'm going to put up a gate in the hall that will allow the girls to stay up there with him, but no access to the rest of the hall.  I'm more than sure that all the "spots" on the carpets, is Daisy.  And, I have to shut down that s**t literally!

I hope it's sunny where you are, and that eventually Mr. Sun will make an appearance here.



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