Sunday, May 27, 2018

Loosing Track of Time


Today is Sunday.  However I had to verify this with Jeff, feels like a Monday to me.

Jeff and Bella went out to Andrew's house yesterday to get some mowing done.  They were gone a long time, which wasn't a problem for me, because I was engrossed in a really good book.

While out at Andrew's house, Bella had several hours to run and explore.  She must have been tired, because when Jeff put her in the car, she laid down immediately.  She never does that.  Depending on how long our road trip is, it will take her sometime before she gives up and lays down.  Daisy, on the other hand, once she's in the car, she immediately finds a corner in the backseat, curls up and there's not a peep out of her.

I have misplaced (lost actually) my pain stimulator. I haven't used it in a long time, and now can't remember where it is. I have looked in drawers, baskets, etc., and the stimulator is nowhere to be found.  I hate losing things, particularly when I have no clue where to look.  Of course, on the plus side, I found all kinds of treasures that have been locked away in containers.  I have rounded up a whole bunch of pens, and you can never have too many of those.  Puzzle books and books in general.  Why I would store away some of the things I did, is beyond me.

It's warming up to be hot today with humidity.  Basically, leather sticking to your body kind of day. In the winter, when you get into your car, the leather seats are cold, and thank heaven for heated seats!  Now, that it's summertime, the seats are hot and equally uncomfortable.  

I've programmed the weekly television shows, and as our favorite shows are winding down, that may mean that Jeff and I will have to talk to each other (horrors)!!

So once I get things tidied up a bit, I'll head for my chair and continuing reading.  Some people just have to leave the house, they hate being cooped up.  That's not the case for me.  Mentally healthy? Pretty sure not.  But, I like our house and am very comfortable being inside.  The house is cool (thank you Jeff) which is  just the way I like it.  We both prefer that when it's bedtime, that you absolutely have to pull up the covers.  We like the bedroom cold, and in case we get chilly, there are two dogs ready to get next to you!

Enjoy today, and for sure enjoy tomorrow.  Tomorrow, in my mind, marks the beginning of summer. But, the calendar says it starts next month. The kids will only be in school for a few more weeks. And, when Jeff and I were parents of school age children, summer time plans had to be made for the boys.  There were day camps as well as overnight camps.  And, then they were teenagers, and left at home.  I'm happy to report that Scott and Andy were pretty good on their own.  

Signing off now.  More tomorrow.




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