Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Presidential Debate


Last night, as you already know, was round one of the Presidential debates. While everybody got to speak, some more than others, the exchanges between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, was lively.  

Jeff and I "watched" the debate. But, after 2 hours of watching, we were exhausted. We also knew that we had better find something light hearted to watch. The Late Show With Stephen Cobert was the solution.

Tonight, is round two of the debates. Jeff and I have picked out our favorite to go the distance. But, since I don't do "politics", that's all I say.

The one candidate that has a first name of "Bo", made me realize that there is probably a longer version of his name. I was right. As I suspected, it is a short version of several names: Beau, or Beaufort for example. If those were my given names, then I would probably also shorten my name to Bo.

I felt bad for the author, Marianne Williamson. She has written several books, most of which are spiritual. I, personally don't believe (no hate mail please) that she stands a chance at being the Democratic candidate for President. It is actually painful to see how little time she is given to speak, as opposed to other candidates.

While I could go write about recent tweets about Baltimore, I'm just not going to go there.

Take a nap this afternoon, if it's possible, so that you can "watch", not "sleep" during the debate.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019



My definition of pondering, means that I've really have nothing to write about. Shocking, but true.

It's Shark Week, and I have recorded and watched several episodes of all things shark. Remember watching the movie "Jaws"? The difference between that movie and real-time shows, is that it's well "real-time"!

Two men, who were either very brave, or completely insane stayed in the ocean, with sharks swimming all around them. And, when I say sharks, I mean lots of sharks! Big ones and little ones. The men stayed in the ocean, without water or food for 43 hours. They also had some flimsy sort of cage that they could use when they became tired. 

Unlike, sharks in aquariums, who are fed every day, and don't look at humans as an after diner treat, the ocean sharks, are looking for prey. And, anybody or anything are fair game as far as they are concerned.

Stands to reason, that people are both horrified and/or fascinated (or perhaps both), with these shark shows. Obviously, if you get in the way of a great white shark, he or perhaps she can, take you down to the ocean floor. Anyway, if a shark picks you out as looking tasty, you can basically kiss your ass good-bye. 

Years ago, we took a tour around a studio, and in one case, a "shark" jumped out of the water. Okay, we knew that this wasn't a real shark, but it scared us just the same.

You know me, I am generally fascinated with the shows that I watch. How much does this person make per episode? How much does a deckhand on a lobster boat make for the season? Stuff like that.

Here's what I have found out about the Great White Shark: these sharks can live up to 70 years and beyond. The shark that comes in first place for living is the Greenland Shark who can live up to 272 years! Golly, that's a long time. I would bet that if I were the shark, I would want to rest more and hunt less. 

Actually, the Great White Shark, weighing about 100 pounds, would need to eat only three pounds of fish daily. So, I actually don't know where humans are in the shark's food chain. But, I don't intend to find out!

I'll stay out of his way and hopefully, he'll stay out of mine!


 Image result for picture of great white shark

Monday, July 29, 2019

Lions and Tigers - Oh My!!


I touched on the subject of "wild" animals in the neighbored a few days ago. The neighbors are up in arms because they saw a coyote and a vulture! Shocker. Vultures generally, but not always, want pre-killed animals. So, as a homeowner of a smaller dog, I actually don't worry about Daisy being carried away. Some of our homes back up to woods. And, what happens in the woods, stays in the woods! Seriously, I can't believe why seeing these animals pass through the neighborhood, causes such concern.

These animals don't want to be with you, and vice versa. So, what's the problem? Remember, helicopter parenting? Some of the people who post probably don't have small children, so their focus is on the wild things. Good grief get a life. Jeff and I enjoy very much the sight of a deer close to our house. I know that they eat plants, but they are so beautiful.

I am in no way a genius, but people have posted about where to paint a car, refinish a deck and other minutia type listings. Is common sense gone? Recommendations are a good thing, and in the past, I've occasionally looked for recommendations also. But, there is this place called the internet where you can search for a person, a company or whatever. You can read the reviews of said company, and then make a personal decision on what you're going to do. This isn't rocket science people!

In this neighborhood, people fret if you leave your empty trash can in the driveway too long. Or, heaven forbid, you put it out the day before! 

The adage about staying in your house and keeping your curtains closed, does not seem to relate to our neighborhood. Jeff and I try to be good neighbors. We don't let the "girls" bark incessantly. Our theory about the "girls" barking inside the house, means that there is something or someone they can see from the windows. The UPS man, and Ada (who comes every week) both get the "welcome?" greeting. Which can be annoying, I'll admit.

Fun fact:   Say cheese? Victorians said "prunes" instead. 


Friday, July 26, 2019

Day Two Of Healing


I'm feeling a "tad" bit better. My back feels like I've had a knife put into it (duh). I've only taken two pain pills, so I think that's a good thing. The rest of the time I'm doing the "white knuckling" thing as I go about my day. There is no way that I'm going to start depending on pain pills. I have them, and will use them when I think I need to.

I don't remember whether I said that Scott and Wendy are getting married on August 8th. This will be a small affair with only a few people. The big wedding will be sometime next spring. 

This month, Wendy is leaving her apartment, packing up her things and moving into Scott's house. I know that moving out and in to a new place, will take some time to sort things out. I will stay clear of the action, and it's not like I'm worth a hoot when it comes to anything work related at the moment.

No plans for the weekend. If memory serves me right (and it generally doesn't), I think that Jeff has to work sometime this weekend. But, I could be wrong, and usually I am. Short term memory loss is just a pain in the ***. Jeff and I will sit down to watch a television show, and he'll tell me that I've already watched it. I would swear that isn't the case, but I know I'm wrong.

There are two things that I'm having trouble getting my head around: (a) Benjamin is starting 6th grade; and (b) I'm on my way to my 70th birthday.

Have an excellent weekend, and if the temperatures are hot where you are, try and stay cool.



Thursday, July 25, 2019

I'm Here


This is going to be short. Something about pain that makes you only want to sit or lay down. 

Surgery was a success. The part of the pain simulator has now been taken out. This means that I will be able to have an MRI of the right leg and foot. And. I'm hoping that with that imaging, there might be an answer for me. Keeping my fingers crossed.

I'm up and dressed and the pain in my back, tells me to make this short. 

Hopefully, I will feel better tomorrow, and can blog a little longer.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Day Before


The day before relates to my having a small surgical procedure tomorrow. Can't eat after midnight, but up until then, I can eat anything and/or everything that I want. Fasting is a very good way of hopefully shedding another pound or two! Hope springs eternal. 

Bella will have to stay home tomorrow, but she's not going to understand why Jeff is putting his hat on, and she's not getting to go.

We're having spaghetti for dinner tonight. I found an instant pot recipe, and from start to finish takes about 8-10 minutes. No boiling pasta. You just put the pasta on top of the cooked beef (which can be browned in the instant pot also! Then add your sauce, turn up the heat, and sit back down while the pot does the work for you! This is very cool. Everyone that has posted about making spaghetti in the pot, says that the spaghetti is delicious. Time will tell. Jeff prefers to make spaghetti the regular way, so I guess we'll do that.

I'll keep this short. Feeling a little "ramped" up, so it's clearly time to go watch some kind of ridiculous television show!

I'll not blog tomorrow, since we have to get up early to get to the hospital. I should be in the chair on Thursday.



Monday, July 22, 2019

Clothes - What To Do?


More likely than not, fellows you probably won't be interested in this topic. But, the ladies will.

I've been dieting since November and have lost weight. somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 pounds, give or take. And, I'm super pleased with myself.

Here's my dilemma. What do you do with your "fat" clothes? I have gone through my clothes, and am almost embarrassed with the number of clothes I have.

I only have one or two what I would call business, or sort of dressed up clothes. And, I only have a few pieces.

But, my stay at home clothes has become overwhelming. Please don't tell Jeff this! I went through pretty much every piece of spring/summer clothing. In one pile, I put my "fat" clothes. To be sure, I could probably still wear some of them even now. But they'd be saggy and/or baggy. This is not a look I'm going for.

I now have filled a large plastic bag, with all things that are, at the moment, too big for me. Do I keep them, just in case of back sliding? Or, do I donate them, and make a personal resolution that I'm not going there in the future? 

I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I am to put on smaller size clothes. It's a reward for picking a "diet" that I can live with, and enjoying the results. In the beginning, not only did I drink (and still do) high protein flavored water, but also high protein bars. When we're going to be out for a long time, visiting Hopkins for instance, I do put a bar in my purse. And, sometimes - okay, most times - I forget it's there until I pull it out and it's smushed (new word). 

For the moment, I think I'll just stash away my "fat" clothes. If, at the end of the year, I've not gained weight, perhaps then I'll feel competent enough to donate them. Keep your fingers crossed. 

You know the sayings: "I live to eat" and "I eat to live". I'm pretty much in that last category. We had pizza last night. I had one piece and I didn't even manage to eat all of it. Before barbaric surgery, Jeff and I attended classes about using little plates, little forks, etc. And, more importantly, to know when you're full and then stop eating. Stopping eating, when there's more on your plate, is a practice that has to be used ever time you eat. 

I am 22 pounds from my first goal. Since I really can't exercise, the pounds have to come off by limiting how much I eat. Wish me luck. I don't want my weight to define me.

Try and stay cool everybody.



Saturday, July 20, 2019



Yesterday, Stacey and Benjamin came to see me. This is always a treat, and one I look forward to always.

Our first stop was at the salon for face waxing. Yes, I can wax my face from home, but it's never as effective as when I have a professional do it. I remember on our honeymoon, we were riding a bus somewhere (which is not the point of this story). There was an old lady sitting near us, and she had this ugly mole on her face, with one long piece of hair sticking out from the mole. Being only 25, I was a bit (okay maybe a bit more) disgusted with this solo hair. In 1974, I wasn't showing the effects of aging - like facial hair for instance!

Okay, fast forward to today, and I now resemble more or less this old woman. I have dark hair, and consequently, any facial hair that I have is either gray (really?) or dark. Either way, I don't want, and I suspect that all of you women out there, want facial hair. The joke is that I could grow a better beard than Jeff! Here's the thing - I have been waxing my face since 1986, give or take a year, and still the hair growing on my face, continues to come back. Does my hair follicles not get the idea? Which idea? The one where you go back to where you came from, and stay underneath the surface! Alas, the message has not been received, unfortunately.

We were going to see the movie Aladdin. The theater has been renovated with new positional recliners. But, that's not the best part. Best part is that you go to the concession stand, and order your food. Once you've paid for your food, it is delivered to your seat, which has a little table you put in front of you. Neat, you bet. Expensive? Also you bet. You can order "real" food, like wraps, salads, burgers, etc. You can also order the regular movie food - popcorn and coke. Since I have this temporary crown in the front of my mouth, I believed, and still do, that chomping down on popcorn wasn't a good idea.  

Oh, where was I? At the theater. The price of the tickets is high and likely will only get higher. But, the price of food is off the chart. By the time the three of us ordered our food, the fee came to $60.00. (Jeff, please breath).

Jeff and I don't have what you would call an "entertainment" budget. We don't go to see plays, and on a yearly basis, might see one or two movies. And, only buy popcorn and coke. But, by going out yesterday, I literally blew any entertainment budget, out of the water. Apologies Jeff.

Benjamin is going to middle school in the fall. So, our getting together mid-week will no longer be a possibility. And, I will miss these getting together very much. As it is, Benjamin already has homework to do over the summer.

There are now two things that make me feel a bit sad. One is obviously, the loss of time that Jeff and I will be able to see Benjamin.  

The other thing that is making me a bit sad, which may not be the right word for what I'm feeling. I'm going to be 70 in December, and there is something about that number that causes me dread. When turning all the decades previously, have never bothered me. I didn't mind turning 40, 50 or 60 didn't even make much of a ripple in my life. So, what's up with turning 70. I guess, to me, that being 70 sounds so old. In the big picture, most people live many years after turning 70. Knowing this, brings me little comfort. Pretty much everywhere you go - doctors, hospitals, etc., want to know your age. I'm not vain, and we've already established that. But, for me, there is a difference in saying I'm 69 than saying I'm 70! 

Sometime ago, Jeff read, about a man who put "x" marbles in a jar. He put the number of marbles in the jar that he believed represented the years left in his life. The man removed a marble every week. Anyway, he eventually had no marbles left, and he was still standing. How many marbles would be in your jar? If I were to put marbles in my jar today, I would say 10 or perhaps 15. Either way, the numbers of either 10 or 15, puts me at 80+ years. Now, that really does sound old. And, thinking of the marbles is sobering.

Here's the story.  The writer of this story says: “You see, I sat down one day and did a little arithmetic. The average person lives about seventy-five years.I know, some live more and some live less, but on average, folks live about seventy-five years.” Now then, I multiplied 75 times 52 and I came up with 3900 which is the number of Saturdays that the average person has in their entire lifetime, and each Saturday I threw one marble in the trash. I found that by watching the marbles diminish, I focused more on the really important things in life. There is nothing like watching your time here on this earth run out to help get your priorities straight. Now let me tell you one last thing before I sign-off with you and take my lovely wife out for breakfast. This morning, I took the very last marble out of the container. I figure if I make it until next Saturday then God has blessed me with a little extra time to be with my loved ones."

Based on that story, and I believe it's an eye opener for sure. My jar would either contain 4,160 marbles (age 80) or 4,420 (age 85).


Friday, July 19, 2019

Movie Time!


Today, Stacey, Benjamin and myself are going to see the movie Aladdin. The theater we're going to has dine-in service. You go to your reserved seat, press a button and order your food. The food is then brought to your seat. How cool is that?  

Now, I'm not so naive that I believe the cost of actual "real" food, like pizza, wraps and burgers, will be expensive. But, the ability to go to the movies and spending just a few bucks is over! 

Today, will be a new adventure for me. Order from my seat? Have it delivered to me? Cool beans. Just the purchase of the tickets was somewhat of a sticker shock for me (and Jeff as well). I've printed out the menu, so that Stacey and Benjamin can decide in advance what they would like to eat. Since I'm operating with a temporary crown, I have to order soft things. Definitely no pretzels.

I'm looking forward to today, partly because Benjamin starts school in September. Between now and then, he already has homework to finish. Private schools apparently don't mess around. Unlike, when Benjamin was being home schooled, he and Stacey could visit me, and we'd go off and have an adventure. Like glass blowing one time - really cool.

Before the movie, Stacey and I are off to the "salon" for needed services - waxing and if there's time, pedicures. Women absolutely love pedicures, they are very relaxing and on top of that, your feet look good!

Stacey's here. Gotta close.


Thursday, July 18, 2019



I only had two appointments yesterday. And, today I have none!! Yippee.

Tomorrow, Stacey and Benjamin are coming to see me. Stacey and I will go to the "salon" to do womanly stuff - polish, etc. Benjamin will stay home. 

In the afternoon, we are going to see the movie Alladin. The renovated theater allows you to reserve your seats (I did), pay for the tickets in advance (I did), AND the theater now offers dine-in service. You order your food (real food, not just popcorn) and they will bring your food to you. This I can't imagine.

I remember when my friend Della and I would go to the movies on a Saturday. I don't remember how much money Dad gave me. I just looked up ticket prices from 1965 - $1.01. Tickets now cost a whole lot more, almost the price of a down payment on a car! (exaggeration obviously, but you get the idea).

Since I have a temporary crown on one of my front teeth, I'll not be ordering something crusty. But a milkshake will make me very happy. I don't actually know how much the food will cost, but I guess it is, what it is - and what it is, will be pricey no doubt. I go to the movies so seldom, that a once or twice year movie splurge is something I enjoy very much. Obviously, eating popcorn with this temporary "tooth" is out of the question. But, I can eat french fries and I love shakes.

Try and stay cool today. An excuse not to exercise, not that you need one, is it's just way too hot to be out running.


Image result for picture of movie theater popcorn and coke

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Getting Up Early


What is the sound that retired people hate to hear? The alarm clock! Once retired, with a few exceptions, we can go to bed when we want, and get up also when we want. Actually, that last part depends on whether Jeff moves around in bed at 7:30. Once he's awake, the girls are super eager to bolt downstairs for breakfast.

This morning, I had a 7:30 appointment for
pre surgery testing. Mind you, I had just had a physical and all the tests required by the surgeon's office, on Monday! But, the hospital was insisting that I have a blood draw at the hospital. I have no idea why this was necessary, but sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

Morning and evening traffic around here, is awful. We left the house at 6:50 to keep my 7:30 appointment. We made it on time. In fact, we were so on-time that there was no receptionist in the office. We rang basically a doorbell, to let them know somebody (me) was waiting.

Let me get back on the original thought. When you're working, you obviously have to set the alarm. Everything by the clock: lunch, as well as end of day. Once retired, you very seldom have to set an alarm for getting up. It is one of the perks, and heaven knows we need all the ones we can get, of being retired. 

My friends who I worked with for years at Marriott, are still relatively young, can't come out to play during the week. Bummer.

When I got home this morning, I finished my breakfast - bagel, and then Daisy and I had a short nap. And, we might have another one this afternoon! 

Stacey and Benjamin might come to visit on Friday. If so, then she and I are off to the salon for pedicures and, for me, face waxing. Gads, it's hard to be a girl. If I had blonde hair, then hair on the face wouldn't be so obvious. But, alas, I have dark brown hair, and facial hair is noticeable, at least to me. And, that's all that counts.

As I do every Wednesday, I "tidy up" the house before Ada comes. And, this isn't just a me thing, it's a "woman" thing. I have the upstairs under control, so I'll head to the kitchen to take care of the dirty dishes, etc.

It's very hot outside, so stay inside as much as possible. We didn't even go to the hospital with the top down. While we can and do, we keep the top down. But, I think, that it's harder on Bella.


Tuesday, July 16, 2019



Yesterday, Jeff and our sidekick Bella went to Hopkins for a pre-op physical. The appointment was at 3:00 and we didn't leave for home until after 5:00. When you go to Hopkins, you really do need to pack a lunch!

That visit reminded me of an old television show, Gilligan's Island (some of you "older" folk will remember this show). Anyway, on this show, the people on a boat were going for a 3 hour boat ride. The boat became shipwrecked, and everybody on board found themselves on an island. What I'm going for here is that, a "short" visit, can quickly turn into hours! Though our day at Hopkins was long, Bella remained a trooper. It's really a pleasure to take her with us. The only downside, if there is any, is that she's so pretty, that lots of people want to pet her. We politely tell them that since she's working, please don't pet her.

Once home, of course, as soon as you take her vest off, she becomes, simply put - a dog. Daisy is always so excited when her friend comes home.

On a completely different note, I have just bought my first Christmas present. Sometimes, an item comes up for sale, you know it's perfect for someone, and you buy it. Simple as that!

I'm going to check out the Prime items for sale today. Yesterday, I didn't find, and Jeff is thankful for this, anything to buy. Perhaps today I might be luckier, who knows.

Very warm today. A good day to stay inside.


Monday, July 15, 2019

Community Bulletin Board


We have an electronic neighborhood bulletin board. People can post questions about just about everything and/or seek advice about which type of contractor to call.

Sometimes, in my opinion (no hate mail please), I think some of the postings are silly. A man was scratched by a fox. Now there's concern that the fox might be rapid. I've checked out the symptoms of a rapid fox, and don't believe that the fox in question was rapid. The Humane Society says this:  Foxes are not dangerous to humans, except when they are rabid(which is very rare) or when they are captured and handled. Even then, a fox’s natural tendency is to flee rather than fight. Knowing this, it seems unlikely that the fox scratch would probably (just my thought) not warrant a series of rabid shots. (again, no hate mail on this - just doing my research).

Pin hole leaks in pipes. Who to call? Ghostbusters come to mind! Let's see - um, we're talking about pipes here, so I'm thinking a plumber. 

The list goes on and on. What do I do about this? You can't figure this out on your own? Seriously? Your a/c is broke, then call an a/c company. That's simple enough.

Needs cardboard for garden. I don't know about this person, but thanks to my love for Amazon, I am surrounded by boxes all the time. I recycle some, and keep others. One other solution is to buy boxes!

If you're looking at your calendar, then you should remember that Amazon Prime sale starts today until tomorrow. I'm going to check it out, to see if there any deals that I either want and/or need!


Saturday, July 13, 2019

A New Me?


What is a new me you ask? Well, since I'm pushing 70 later this year, I decided it was time to mix things up a bit.

With that in mind, I decided to semi-permanently dye my hair - gray and lavender. I actually want to see what I'd look like with gray hair. If, I like the results, I may then go to a salon to have my hair colored professionally. But, for the time being, I'm going to give this "semi" permanent hair dye. Luckily, no matter how bad it looks (fingers crossed that it doesn't), with frequent shampooing, the dye fades. Doing my hair this way, means I'm not dying my hair on a permanent basis.

I'm finished brushing the dye in my hair. Then I wait for 30 minutes, rinse and dry my hair. After doing all of this, I hope I have gotten the desired color. If not, I will just need to shampoo my hair more frequently, which will cause the color to gradually fade. 

I have no idea where this gutsy gal came from, but she's here to stay. For me, now is the time to take risks, and go into un-mapped (sp) territory. 

This is the same woman who now watches baseball and football. So getting older, doesn't mean that you have to stay in a rut. At this time in my life, I feel I can and should mix things up a bit!

Keeping my fingers crossed, that I don't look too bad after rinsing out my hair. So wish me luck. My theory is this, if this woman can rock blue hair, then I certainly should be able to dye my hair.

Image result for stock photo of old women with dyed hair
Enjoy your weekend.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Things (which means I don't really know what to blog about)!!


We had a lot of rain and thunder last night. Today, is bright and sunny. Apparently, Mother Nature can't make up her mind. Just like a female! At least, that's what men would say.

Other than a dental appointment today (chipped tooth, in the front of my mouth, of course), the rest of the day is appointment free. Woo Hoo.

This morning, like most morning, I eat my bagel and/or toast and have coffee. When I was working, I pretty much drank coffee all day. In 2013, coffee was served at meals, and at no other time. So my taste for multiple cups of coffee has dwindled done to just one cup. I now consider myself to be a lightweight, when it comes to coffee. When Jeff and I were dating, he told me that when we went to somebody's house, they always asked if we'd like coffee. This is true. Nobody ever asked us if we'd like a cup of tea. He also told me that I should drink the coffee black - no sugar - no milk. After all these years, this is still the way I take my coffee. If my coffee has gone cold, no problem. I'll drink it cold. What I won't do is have drink flavored coffee. I am not the customer that Starbucks is looking to recruit. I tried flavored coffee once (notice the word once), and it was so terrible, that I only took a few sips and threw the rest away. With today's pod coffee makers, you no longer get the smell of brewing coffee. As convenient as these pods are, I do miss sensing brewing coffee. There was even a time when coffee pots actually went onto the stove! Older readers will remember this.

Trying to accomplish something today, I think I'll start a pile of clothing to donate. It is so satisfying when you put on a piece of clothing, and you're "drowning" in it. But, I have a hard time tossing out all my bigger clothes. I've been on my diet since November, and I've lost more than a few pounds. Initially, I drank high protein water and high protein bars, cookies, etc. I'm still drinking the water, because I've come to actually like certain flavors. Coconut water is not one of those. I'm now going with the slogan "I eat to live" not "I live to eat". Big difference there. 

I was given some used clothes from a friend of Stacey and Andrew. Some of the items are very nice and definitely wearable. Others, not so much, and they're going in the donate pile now. I maybe pushing 70, but I don't have to actually dress like an old lady. Although, I do love the comfort of elastic waist clothing. 

Signing off for today. Have a great weekend.




Thursday, July 11, 2019

TV Shows


I don't want you guys to think that the only kind of "reality" shows I watch are lame, and sometimes downright stupid. Take the show "Alone". The participants are put in various places along an island, with very few possessions. Each person can bring 10 items with them from these categories: food, shelter, bedding, hygiene and hunting gear. First of all, there's no way that I'm going to freeze my butt off to be alone in the winter. Even with the cash prize if you're the last person, wouldn't even begin to entice me. 

Lately, I've begun to have an interest in shows that are centered mostly in Egypt. Tombs, pyramids, mummies, pictures on walls depicting the Egyptians way of life. For some reason, these shows fascinate me. 

My in-laws, many years ago, went to Egypt. They rode camels, saw pyramids, museums, the Sphinx and while I can't remember, perhaps a boat ride on the Nile. But, the world was different many years ago.  While Jeff and I would like to go to Egypt, and probably won't because of the "politics" of the Middle East. If you were on a group tour, you'd probably be safe, but still not a chance that we're going to take. Besides, there are many different countries we could visit. Italy comes to mind.

The show I've been watching is "Secrets of the Lost", and I find it very interesting and informative. Pompeii, Atlantis are two natural occurrences that fell on these two cities.

Because it's the 50th anniversary of space flight, Jeff and I (but mostly Jeff), are watching all the shows that are available. And, there is a lot of them!



Wednesday, July 10, 2019



Happy "hump" day. When I was working, I sort of liked Wednesdays, because then I knew I only had two days before the weekend. I never counted, and never have, counted the day when I started my countdown! Sounds crazy, but actually sounds just like me.

Amazon, oh I love this site has two things happening this month. First, the 15th and 16th are "Prime sale days" for Amazon. Not sure, oh scratch that, don't need anything, but if something catches me eye - well, you know the end of this story.

Second, and I consider it the best thing happening, you can now return your Amazon purchases to select Kohls. The stores will box and ship your items back to Amazon for free! Hurray. Over the time that I've been a Prime member, I've returned a lot of things. Mostly clothing, but other things as well. I suffer from "buyer mania", and I think there are others out there who suffer from the same disease! You see something on Amazon, and you know without a doubt, that you just have to buy it. I'm trying very hard to keep my purchases under control.

But to be fair, I might be browsing for "x", see "y" and know that I need this - actually, I seldom do, but you know how it is. Men, at least Jeff, is a buyer. He goes into a store, knows what he wants, buys it and leaves. Women, on the other hand, are browsers, we love moving through the store, going to most departments. Even though I have to ride in the stupid cart, I still like to do this kind of shopping. Generally, I have nothing actually in mind, until I spot something that I can't live without. Emphasis on think!

Training tonight and therapy tomorrow. My calendar is full, but most entries are taken up with doctor visits. Bummer. 

Sunshine today. Would do a few laps w/rollator, except it's pretty warm outside today. I know, I know - always looking for a reason to not walk outside.

Today, for example, you can buy Apple Cider gummies! Why would you want to buy that product?  Instead of buying gummies, you could just drink liquid cider instead. But, yours truly is so not ever going to do that. I avoid almost all of the time, drinking liquid medicines. I always assume that there is a pill for whatever ails me!

Off to do more organizing in the bedrooms. I am making good progress, and don't want to lose my "mo jo"! People say that there is a proper place for everything. Um, haven't been doing such a great job about putting things away. If your mess is behind closed doors, then, for me, it's out of sight, out of mind.

I have clothes to sort thru and donate. Now this becomes very tricky. Do you keep your fat clothes in case you gain weight. Do you keep clothes that you don't fit into at the moment, but will once you've lost enough weight. These are weighty decisions for a woman - perhaps not so much for a man. I have a bag of clothes to go through. The bag will contain either: (a) clothes that I don't want to wear; (b) clothes that are too big; and (c) last but not least, clothes that I can wear when I lose "x" number of pounds! That sounds optimistic to me. When considering donating your "fat" clothes, should you keep them just in case? Perhaps, it would be better to get rid of these clothes, to help you (me) keep the extra weight off. I've lost about 30 pounds since November, and intend to work as hard as I can, to lose more. 

Have a great day.



Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Sunshine, Sunshine


After all of Mother Nature's nonsense yesterday, with flash floods, cars being swept away, and trees falling down, today she wants to play nice. It is absolutely beautiful outside. I have a doctor's appointment, so it will definitely be a top down drive! Bella likes these rides the best. And, frankly so do I.

Hair update. On the cusp of turning 70 this year, I've decided to futz with my hair. I have dark brown hair with some gray mixed in slightly. If memory serves me correct, my Mother had to color her hair gray. And, right now there is a lot of very young people who are sporting white and/or gray hair. Yesterday, I used a gray rinse on my hair (it washes out with shampoo). I was disappointed because the gray didn't really stand out too much with my dark hair. But, I worked at it, and eventually was sporting "some" gray hair, but not enough to really (emphasis on the word some) make my hair gray. I, was in a word, disappointed. But, I continued to rub in the gray rinse, and then on top of that, added my lavender "mascara" if you will into my hair. When I was done fooling around, I brushed my hair to one side, and then I could really see the gray mingled with the lavender. I thought, and still do, that my hair looked great. Everything I've used so far, goes away with one shampoo, so no major commitment on my part. I could have my hair colored permanently, but that's a big step - what if I don't really look good with gray hair - then I'm stuck with it. I'm just not that gutsy.

Last night, the girls and I were fighting for space in the bed. Sadly, I lost the battle and fell out of bed. In falling, I must have (but don't remember), hitting my mouth on the nightstand. Today, while showering, I kept grinding on something hard. After the shower, I looked in the mirror, and a piece of one of my front teeth has chipped away. Curses. I don't have the best teeth anyway, and to damage a front tooth, is a blow to my vanity! Yes, I still want to look my best, but if I hole in the front of the mouth, that will so not be a good look for me!

Some of you may have heard about, or read about Marie Kondo. She has a method of putting your clothes away. Yesterday, with a burst of energy, I took all the day clothes I wear, put them in the spare room, and got to work. 

First, I tossed in a corner any piece of clothing that was just way too big. By the way, that's a really good feeling. Then rolling up my pants and blouses, using the Kondo method, and putting them in a drawer, fold side down. Today, when I went to get some clothes for today, I looked in the pants drawer, and easily found pants that I wanted to wear today. I did the same for finding a shirt. It was so easy, that it was actually a bit scary. I never thought that this way of rolling clothes, allowing me to see what my choices are was feasible. I'm hear to tell you, that with a bit of effort, it is doable and makes picking out clothes really easy. Wish I had done this before. Marie, also folds up nicely underwear and pajamas, etc. Um, not sure that I want to go to that extreme, but who knows what I will do in the future. Try it. I think you'll like it.

Closing now. Appointment coming up at noon, and I don't want to be late. 

Talk to you later.



Monday, July 8, 2019

A Bit Of This And A Bit Of That


Just on the title alone, you know that I don't have anything particular to blog about, merely odds and ends. 

From time to time, I check out the available dogs at the humane shelters. Not too surprising, almost all of the dogs available for adoption, are pit bulls, staffordshire terriers, or a combination of both. I know that with the right owner and training, these kinds of dogs can make great pets. Um, even knowing this, I will never own one. I would never feel safe around this kind of dog. It's a pity really, that these kind of dogs have such a bad reputation. And, because they do, most, if not all, of them will never be rescued. Let's here it for spaying or neutering dogs. There are too many dogs that need to be rescued, and some of them will never know what a good life they could have in somebody's house. 

Statistically, pit bulls have a record (not a particularly good one), of having bitten 284 people over a 13 year period. On average, there are 18 fatal dog bites. Kind of makes you wonder,what kind of training, or not, dogs have had. Jeff and I have never wanted or felt the need to own a dog breed that is considered dangerous. Of course, we all know that even the gentlest dog can be provoked and/or teased enough for them to defend themselves. 

Bella produces a very loud bark, but that's all she's got. Daisy, on the other hand, seems to only bark when she's outside! A behavior not well received by the neighbors or us.

Yesterday, in a burst of energy, that I didn't know I had, I went about taking clothes from our bedroom, and sorted through each piece. Those clothes that fit right now, or clothes that will fit with just a few less pounds, were given high priority to get into a dresser. I tried to use the folding method that I learned from watching Marie Kondo shows. She blesses all her clothes, particularly those that are going to be leaving the house. Um, pretty sure that I don't feel I have to bless clothing. I "rescued" them from a store - they should be thanking me!

I started my high protein diet in November last year. After all these months, it's become more of a way to eat (less is more), than a diet. But, having said that, I do appreciate that by starting this diet, it has given me a kick start to losing pounds. I am following the old "tried and true". Eat when you're hungry, and stop when you're not! That sounds easy, but for most of us, don't follow that rule. I know I didn't!

My personal training is going quite well. I like having somebody in my corner, cheering me on, whether I'm struggling or having more success. Jeff paid for 10 sessions, and I want to have 10 more. Not really an excuse, but when most of your lower body hurts, it's hard to work up enthusiasm for exercising.

When I go upstairs (blogging takes precedence), I will go back into that bedroom, and continue what I started yesterday. Baby steps.

It has poured here, our backyard is flooded. And, I guess there is more rain on the way. Glad we live at the top of the hill. Does your bedroom look like this? Mind does, but I'm working on it. Rome wasn't built in a day, so it stands to reason that organizing your clothes, will take more than a day or perhaps even two!

 Image result for picture of cleaning out old clothes

Signing off. 



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...