Friday, July 12, 2019

Things (which means I don't really know what to blog about)!!


We had a lot of rain and thunder last night. Today, is bright and sunny. Apparently, Mother Nature can't make up her mind. Just like a female! At least, that's what men would say.

Other than a dental appointment today (chipped tooth, in the front of my mouth, of course), the rest of the day is appointment free. Woo Hoo.

This morning, like most morning, I eat my bagel and/or toast and have coffee. When I was working, I pretty much drank coffee all day. In 2013, coffee was served at meals, and at no other time. So my taste for multiple cups of coffee has dwindled done to just one cup. I now consider myself to be a lightweight, when it comes to coffee. When Jeff and I were dating, he told me that when we went to somebody's house, they always asked if we'd like coffee. This is true. Nobody ever asked us if we'd like a cup of tea. He also told me that I should drink the coffee black - no sugar - no milk. After all these years, this is still the way I take my coffee. If my coffee has gone cold, no problem. I'll drink it cold. What I won't do is have drink flavored coffee. I am not the customer that Starbucks is looking to recruit. I tried flavored coffee once (notice the word once), and it was so terrible, that I only took a few sips and threw the rest away. With today's pod coffee makers, you no longer get the smell of brewing coffee. As convenient as these pods are, I do miss sensing brewing coffee. There was even a time when coffee pots actually went onto the stove! Older readers will remember this.

Trying to accomplish something today, I think I'll start a pile of clothing to donate. It is so satisfying when you put on a piece of clothing, and you're "drowning" in it. But, I have a hard time tossing out all my bigger clothes. I've been on my diet since November, and I've lost more than a few pounds. Initially, I drank high protein water and high protein bars, cookies, etc. I'm still drinking the water, because I've come to actually like certain flavors. Coconut water is not one of those. I'm now going with the slogan "I eat to live" not "I live to eat". Big difference there. 

I was given some used clothes from a friend of Stacey and Andrew. Some of the items are very nice and definitely wearable. Others, not so much, and they're going in the donate pile now. I maybe pushing 70, but I don't have to actually dress like an old lady. Although, I do love the comfort of elastic waist clothing. 

Signing off for today. Have a great weekend.




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