Wednesday, July 10, 2019



Happy "hump" day. When I was working, I sort of liked Wednesdays, because then I knew I only had two days before the weekend. I never counted, and never have, counted the day when I started my countdown! Sounds crazy, but actually sounds just like me.

Amazon, oh I love this site has two things happening this month. First, the 15th and 16th are "Prime sale days" for Amazon. Not sure, oh scratch that, don't need anything, but if something catches me eye - well, you know the end of this story.

Second, and I consider it the best thing happening, you can now return your Amazon purchases to select Kohls. The stores will box and ship your items back to Amazon for free! Hurray. Over the time that I've been a Prime member, I've returned a lot of things. Mostly clothing, but other things as well. I suffer from "buyer mania", and I think there are others out there who suffer from the same disease! You see something on Amazon, and you know without a doubt, that you just have to buy it. I'm trying very hard to keep my purchases under control.

But to be fair, I might be browsing for "x", see "y" and know that I need this - actually, I seldom do, but you know how it is. Men, at least Jeff, is a buyer. He goes into a store, knows what he wants, buys it and leaves. Women, on the other hand, are browsers, we love moving through the store, going to most departments. Even though I have to ride in the stupid cart, I still like to do this kind of shopping. Generally, I have nothing actually in mind, until I spot something that I can't live without. Emphasis on think!

Training tonight and therapy tomorrow. My calendar is full, but most entries are taken up with doctor visits. Bummer. 

Sunshine today. Would do a few laps w/rollator, except it's pretty warm outside today. I know, I know - always looking for a reason to not walk outside.

Today, for example, you can buy Apple Cider gummies! Why would you want to buy that product?  Instead of buying gummies, you could just drink liquid cider instead. But, yours truly is so not ever going to do that. I avoid almost all of the time, drinking liquid medicines. I always assume that there is a pill for whatever ails me!

Off to do more organizing in the bedrooms. I am making good progress, and don't want to lose my "mo jo"! People say that there is a proper place for everything. Um, haven't been doing such a great job about putting things away. If your mess is behind closed doors, then, for me, it's out of sight, out of mind.

I have clothes to sort thru and donate. Now this becomes very tricky. Do you keep your fat clothes in case you gain weight. Do you keep clothes that you don't fit into at the moment, but will once you've lost enough weight. These are weighty decisions for a woman - perhaps not so much for a man. I have a bag of clothes to go through. The bag will contain either: (a) clothes that I don't want to wear; (b) clothes that are too big; and (c) last but not least, clothes that I can wear when I lose "x" number of pounds! That sounds optimistic to me. When considering donating your "fat" clothes, should you keep them just in case? Perhaps, it would be better to get rid of these clothes, to help you (me) keep the extra weight off. I've lost about 30 pounds since November, and intend to work as hard as I can, to lose more. 

Have a great day.



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